Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2015-12-04 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: Post 1005 - A Friday Frolic in the Big Smoke!

It's Friday, the 4th of December, 2015, and your girl Emma is back with another London adventure, all in the name of pink tutus and good old fashioned fun!

I've been saving up for this trip for months. My recent performances of "Swan Lake" and "The Nutcracker" have been going down a storm in Derbyshire, and I've managed to earn enough for a trip to London. London is my favourite city. There's so much to see, and it's such a brilliant place for getting your pink tutu fix. It feels like the world’s a stage here! Just imagine: tutus, ballet, beautiful architecture, yummy tea shops, and even the odd impromptu street performance... all that in the most vibrant, bustling city imaginable! What more could a tutu-wearing girl ask for?

Taking the Train in Style

After an early start this morning, I boarded the train at my local station, my trusty pink backpack packed to the brim with goodies. I’ve been known to squeeze an awful lot into my little bag! This week it includes a book on the history of tutus, a few new ballerina practice skirts (one in hot pink, obviously), some glitter for my toes, and an entire stash of sweets, just because it wouldn’t be a Pink Tutu adventure without a treat or two!

Now, my fellow tutus, let's be honest – the real beauty of the journey isn't just the destination, it's the getting there. I am an avid train enthusiast, and for me, the train ride to London is like a journey back in time. There's something incredibly charming and timeless about a railway carriage that transports you from the comfort of your little village to the heart of a cosmopolitan city in a matter of hours. I always take the time to look out the window and appreciate the landscapes and the towns that flash by in a blur of colours, and there's no better scenery than the English countryside rolling by.

Speaking of time travelling...

London's Theatres: Where History and Fantasy Meet

You’re going to laugh, but today’s agenda has a bit of a time travel theme! As it’s December, it seemed a perfect day to see what the festive season has in store. My first stop was to visit one of my favourite places, the historic Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. It's one of the oldest working theatres in London, with an impressive history that dates back centuries! I simply love being surrounded by such history and to imagine all the famous people who have graced those hallowed stages throughout the years.

It also feels wonderfully nostalgic and, I don’t know, magical somehow to see a modern play like "Miss Saigon" being performed in a theatre with so much historical weight. I can’t help but imagine ballerinas like Anna Pavlova or Isadora Duncan performing for London’s audiences, and suddenly it’s not just the play, but the building that steals the show!

A Pink Tutu at The National Gallery

With my theatre-inspired day almost complete, it was time for a bit of cultural exploration. No visit to London is complete without venturing into some of the city's fantastic museums. Today, it was the National Gallery, which was just around the corner.

Did you know they've got an amazing collection of Renaissance art? And, to be honest, even the building itself is a piece of art! You can see why the city has inspired so many artists through the years. It’s such a wonderful, beautiful space and full of gorgeous works from Van Gogh, Monet and, yes, the ever-so-fabulous Turner, my favourite artist because of the way he uses colour.

I, of course, had to slip into one of my favourite Pink Tutus. This one had a delicate lilac and silver trim and matched my pink scarf perfectly, while a big hot pink hat (the more colourful, the better!), and my big boots (for comfort – there is a lot of walking when you're in London) added a little extra sparkle to my ensemble.

I was lucky to stumble upon an exhibition about the development of fashion in art, which included sketches and portraits of dresses and costumes throughout the ages, with special focus on tutus! As a tutu lover, you can imagine I was a little over-the-moon about that one. They even had a section devoted to ballet costumes. I spent ages examining the different designs and trying to understand the historical significance of each. I learned a few things! I found it fascinating to see how styles have changed, how costumes have transformed to tell stories, and how fashion trends have affected what dancers wore through the years.

A Little Afternoon Tea and a Pinch of London Life

Feeling inspired by all that beauty and culture, I made my way towards Kensington Gardens for a bit of London greenery. With the weather still feeling chilly but the skies thankfully bright, I needed a cuppa! And what’s more London than enjoying a spot of afternoon tea in Hyde Park?

Kensington Gardens is full of life and excitement - a total contrast from my little town, where life flows at a somewhat calmer pace.

I stopped off at a cute little café for some afternoon tea - all of which felt very 'Downton Abbey’ and extremely classy! A delightful slice of cake (pink and purple - of course!), a teapot filled with freshly brewed black tea and an elegant sandwich later, I decided it was time for a bit of ballet class! I am, after all, on holiday, so a break is what my aching muscles needed! I grabbed my trusty ballet bag and my favourite Pink Tutu. A quick walk to a studio on a side street not too far from Hyde Park and I was good to go!

The dance studio was full of women in various stages of life, all here for their dance fix, but more than that it was a very friendly space. I knew then that I needed to join in. This was going to be one for the scrapbook! I'm actually not too bad. I think I got some serious dancing genes in my family – just wait until you see the ballet family album! You’d never guess from our attire though, because if it wasn't for my pink tutu (well, in this case, a soft lavender one, as that felt more suitable for the class) you'd be fooled to thinking it was just a gathering of local residents. We had young, old, slender, big, all shapes, sizes and backgrounds – a lovely cross-section of women united by their passion for dance!

Fashion Finds at Selfridges & A Ballet Performance that's 'Fit for a Queen'

I’m such a big believer in giving yourself time and a moment of relaxation when in London, which brings me to this beautiful shopping experience. As I walked from the dance studio back toward the centre of the city, I saw it: Selfridges - my haven of London luxury! That shop is my version of 'Narnia’ and, no doubt, everyone who has walked through the doors would agree!

How lucky is that?! A walk to find a cute pink tote bag for my tutu gear (a girl always needs an elegant way to carry those pink tutus around) and, before you know it, it's time for dinner, a good night's sleep and to recharge for tomorrow’s ballet extravaganza.

As luck would have it, tomorrow is Saturday. My London adventure was taking place on a magical Friday night! I’d have just enough time to change out of my Tutu (you just can’t bring one into the opera) and make my way to the Royal Opera House, another fantastic, majestic and beautiful place! I am, as you can see, completely in my element here, as London seems designed to fulfil the needs of a Tutu loving dancer.

Tonight, the Royal Opera House was presenting "The Nutcracker".

How can one get tired of such a classic?

Oh! I just had the best idea. This evening's post will feature some of the "The Nutcracker" photos, taken by my phone. So look out for a few sneak peeks into my adventure on my Pink Tutu site tomorrow!

This Friday trip is a perfect blend of culture, shopping, ballet, a healthy dose of London life and, of course, a lot of pink! It’s just my style.

I am happy to bring a piece of London and the colour pink to Derbyshire. But that's a story for another Friday. I need to find a new pink tutu, because as my Nana says, 'you can never have too many tutus!’. I'll leave you with a quick thought – maybe a nice hot pink tutu is perfect for Christmas! Just a thought, ladies, but it wouldn't hurt!

So, what did you get up to this weekend? Leave your comments below.

Happy dancing everyone!

Lots of love, Emma xx

[Post 1005 – - Pink Tutu Blog London, Friday 2015-12-04]

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2015-12-04 Exploring London