Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2016-07-22 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London #1038 - Friday 2016-07-22 - London Calling!

Hello my darlings! It's Friday, which means it's time for another fabulous Pink Tutu Blog London post!

This week I’ve hopped on the train from my little corner of Derbyshire, suitcase stuffed with tutus (one for every occasion, obviously!), and I'm ready to explore the magic that is London. You all know how much I love a good train journey, the rhythm of the wheels on the track, the gentle rocking of the carriage, the anticipation building with each passing station - it’s just so romantic, wouldn't you agree?

Anyway, enough about my journey, let's talk London! This Friday, the city is buzzing with summer energy. The streets are full of sunshine, everyone's looking fabulously fashionable, and the air is filled with the sweet melody of buskers. It’s the perfect day to slip into my favourite pink tutu and see what adventures await.

Before we get started on the day's adventures, let's quickly rewind back to the reason for this London trip, my lovely raison d’être, my creative inspiration... Ballet!

Oh, the Ballet!

This weekend is the most exciting. I’m about to take a dip into the heart of the London ballet scene! I’m absolutely giddy to tell you that, later today, I'll be gracing the Royal Opera House with my presence. Not just for a performance (although, I do love a good ballet, especially here!) but because I have a part to play!

Yes, you heard me right! I'm participating in the Royal Ballet's open class! (Cue confetti, cheers, and lots of excited squealing!) It’s not every day you get to dance amongst the legends! And believe me, this Pink Tutu girl has been practicing hard in the Derbyshire fields to prepare! You know me, darling, when it comes to the ballet, I'm a complete and utter enthusiast! I believe ballet has something for everyone. It's about the strength and discipline, about the flow and expression. It's a physical and emotional art form that speaks to the soul, and I simply can't resist its magical pull.

I have to admit, a part of me always wished I'd followed ballet seriously as a career, maybe danced professionally, but that's a dream for another day! It was simply never going to be the perfect fit with the tutu, dancing and pink lifestyle that I live, you know what I mean? I simply can't get enough of both worlds. Ballet feeds my soul, the travel, and the adventures and my ever-growing wardrobe - oh, that wardrobe! (This is turning into a story all about me. I need to focus... back to London!)

Now, let's get back to the fun part - my London itinerary!

London Adventures!

As soon as I arrived in London, I felt a surge of energy - the city is simply electric. Of course, after settling in at my lovely, quintessentially British, little boutique hotel in Bloomsbury (pink bedspread, naturally!), I embarked on a London exploration - which started, naturally, with a fashion expedition to Oxford Street! It’s a retail wonderland. If you haven't explored this shopping mecca, it’s an absolute must. Think endless department stores, independent boutiques bursting with everything from the most sought-after fashion brands to unique vintage gems, all nestled along a glorious avenue that feels alive with creativity and buzzing with activity. The sheer volume of things to buy would tempt even the most self-controlled shopaholic (don't judge!).

But let's be real, sometimes just window-shopping is enough, especially with the tantalising aroma of coffee and pastries from the nearby cafe. London is fantastic for coffee and cake.

Once I’d finished my shopping marathon, it was time to embark on a walk through the heart of London, taking in the sights, admiring the grand architecture and soaking up the charming, lively atmosphere. Did I mention how gorgeous London looks? The classic brick buildings, the vibrant street life, the picturesque parks, the royal majesty... every corner of this city is a photo op just begging to be immortalized on your Insta-feed (follow me @PinkTutuEmma, of course! It would be rude not to.)

Speaking of Instagram, if you follow my Pink Tutu adventures online, you already know I'm always on the hunt for the most photogenic places. And today's find, is Covent Garden. Oh, it’s such a gorgeous area - the quaint little shops, the lively street performers, and the aroma of delicious food (oh, my! The smells!) all make it such a delightful place to spend an afternoon.

For dinner, I settled on a charming little Italian cafe just a stone's throw from my hotel - because, after all, nothing quite says London evening like a delicious pasta dish with a glass of something sparkly. Oh, and how I loved the pasta!

Later, the real fun began!

I was off to the Royal Opera House to attend a Ballet class! (It really was everything I ever dreamed of - I can’t wait to share my experience in next week’s blog post.)

But after that, my London night wasn't over yet! It wouldn't be complete without a West End performance!

The Shows Must Go On

My chosen theatre production was the wonderful Hamilton, about which I can only say “Wow!” Hamilton was spectacular - the dancing, the acting, the singing! And the costumes? Let’s just say I was feeling very inspired for my next Pink Tutu design collection. It was such a feel-good show. I was genuinely on the edge of my seat throughout the entire show!

Even now, as I type this blog post (it’s midnight and I just can’t sleep, the energy from today is making me buzz!) I’m feeling incredibly excited about my London adventure and all the amazing things I’ll be experiencing over the next few days! And I’m already planning so many ideas for my next Pink Tutu outfit!

London really is such a dazzling city. With its diverse cultural offerings, from theatre and dance to shopping and restaurants, you're always surrounded by captivating sights, sounds, and flavours. There's simply always something new to discover.

Don't forget to keep an eye out for the next Pink Tutu Blog London post - it's coming next Friday, right here on

Until then, stay fabulous!

Love and pink tutus,


#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2016-07-22 Exploring London