Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2016-07-29 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: #1039 - London Calling! A Friday of Fashion, Fun, and ... Tutus? đŸ©°

Helloooo, my darling Tutu-lovers! 🎀💖

It's Emma here, back from another whirl through the world of twirls and sparkles! And this time, the magic was all about London. As you know, this week was all about the hustle and bustle, exploring this magnificent city by day, then taking in a sensational theatre performance by night! (Don’t worry, I squeezed in some pink too...because how else would I make it through the week, right?)

This week, as always, I've brought my trusty suitcase full of pretty frocks, and, of course, my signature pink tutu! (No trip is complete without it!). I also packed my trusty tutu bag (it’s pink, obviously!), a comfortable pair of ballet flats (essential!), and my lucky little feather boa for an extra bit of flair!

Off we go
 by train, of course!

I love the feeling of leaving the station, a bit of fresh air and then poof! I'm swept away on my little journey. There's just something so magical about it, wouldn’t you say? It was especially wonderful this time - as if to celebrate my London escapade, I boarded a completely pink carriage (well, the whole train, actually! Honestly, my luck!). There were pink seats, pink walls, even a pink conductor! How pinktastic, you might say?!

The countryside scenery drifted by – a riot of greens and blues and even the occasional sleepy village! And I have to say, those are the perfect times for twirling! But, I’m not gonna lie, it takes a bit of practice twirling with a suitcase strapped to my wrist and a camera hanging around my neck – all while looking effortlessly graceful, obviously!

(You're not supposed to twirl on a train, by the way. I know
 so, whisper, it’s a bit of a naughty little secret

Arriving in London

I hopped off the train in King’s Cross, a big wave of London air filled with exciting sounds and smells. There’s really something electric about this city.

The plan? Fashion first. Then, a whole lot of performing arts. I was feeling very London already – bold, dramatic, and oh, so a little bit glamorous! I decided to start off in Covent Garden - the place to be for anything fashionably fabulous!

Shopaholic! đŸ›ïž (In My Tutu)

Now, let’s be honest, my favourite thing to do in any new city is go shopping – the perfect excuse for indulging in the local fashion scene and maybe finding some new inspiration for my tutu-inspired style.

Covent Garden was just the place to be. Rows upon rows of shops! I was so excited! From vintage treasures tucked in small hidden corners, to grand, iconic names, Covent Garden has it all.

My first stop was a charming little boutique. A splash of vintage glamour, they’d done the best display with velvet curtains and silver mannequins – even a little mirrored corner with fabulous lighting, perfect for capturing my most #PinkTutuBlogLondon selfies.

Fashion tip: Did you know there’s a secret to making even the most basic dress look super special? It’s a dash of colour – add a bright scarf, a splash of jewellery
 or a tutu. I know it sounds like I’m making this up, but I’m telling you, a pink tutu really ties the look together – like magic. đŸȘ„

I had to, of course, visit a certain department store – that well-known emporium with every brand imaginable, I know the one – you all love it, I love it
and that is the perfect place to indulge in the luxury experience of window shopping
 and dream a bit about owning a stunning pink gown with a fabulous ruffled tutu. 😉

Speaking of dreams
 don't you just love it when you discover something really unique – like the most amazing pair of glittery pink ballet flats! Imagine! Like walking on pink clouds, every single step. And trust me, you really do feel like you're dancing. It was a bit of a splurge, but my London-loving heart knew this was essential. And who doesn't want a little tutu in their step when walking the London streets, right?!

From Shops to Stages – It's Show Time! 🎭

And, of course, no London trip is complete without a dash of theatre! After the shopping spree, I took myself to one of London’s most legendary performance venues – the Royal Albert Hall. You might already know, this famous building is absolutely breathtaking. I stood in the grand entrance and tried not to let out an audible gasp
 that dome – I can't even tell you. It’s almost enough to make even the most seasoned tutu wearer
 shy. Almost.

"Hamilton: An American Musical"

Now, there was absolutely no way I was missing this musical, "Hamilton". Everyone’s talking about it, you’ve probably heard. (Let’s be honest, who hasn’t!)

My mind was blown! The whole production, the staging, the storytelling - just electrifying! I had the privilege of seeing the show with some friends I’ve met from this little group of Tutu Lovers – a little bunch of tutu-wearers that meet each month at a cafĂ© in Derby. It’s all quite hush-hush, but I may possibly let you into that little secret soon! 😉

We all wore our pink tutus – yes, even the boys and let’s be honest, if a little pink can’t be embraced by guys, who can we embrace it?! We were quite a sight, and to be honest, I’ve never felt so free and so powerful than when walking into a room filled with bright, pink tulle!

(Just between you and me, I’ve been dreaming of wearing my tutu to see “Hamilton” for ages. And the dream came true
 right there, on that stage – in front of those roaring, excited, and totally, completely enchanted crowds).

After the curtain calls, we had to get a photo outside with the iconic Royal Albert Hall facade behind us. So, we’ve all got our ‘Pink Tutu at Hamilton’ picture – the only tutu-clad people there – and we all know how to work a camera.

Fashion and Fashion &
More Fashion! 👠

Okay, you know I’ve already had one shopping session, but one can’t simply visit London without some serious shoe shopping, can we? So, it was back to the stores! And I just had to add some new items to my collection!

(By the way, if you happen to be on a shoe spree
 a pair of pink heels just about screams

You’ll not believe this - I’m already picturing all my tutu and shoe combinations in my head for my upcoming performance in
 drum roll 
 Madrid. Madrid, baby, Madrid!! Can’t you hear the flamenco dancing ringing out?

And don’t get me started on all the fashion blogs I checked out (and I found some really cool blogs from London. Some of them are about pink, some of them aren't but hey
 a little pink makes every outfit better, you know!) And speaking of blogs, of course, this blog here – my weekly fashion journal is always on point, always updating you all with my Tutu travel tales.

Friday Fun in London 🎡

My week in London had to be completed with some fun! You can’t just go exploring a fabulous city like this and not take advantage of everything it has to offer, especially when it’s your first time.

I decided to check out a local pub – it’s always the best way to soak up some authentic, local vibes, have some drinks, meet a few new faces – you can’t go wrong with that, can you?! It wasn’t as crowded as I was expecting
 maybe London was all chill vibes this evening, maybe we were bringing our special pink tutu-magic, maybe a few local people saw my outfit and just thought “oh, yeah. She’s the Tutu-wearing London tourist
 no fuss. It’s just her. Carry on.”

After my little pub adventure, I made my way to South Bank to indulge in all things delicious. I took a slow stroll across the South Bank with its colourful shops, open air cafes, and stunning riverside views. I took in all that river Thames energy
 it’s just different, wouldn’t you agree? It just felt alive, humming with energy. It made me feel even more vibrant – and you know what – when I feel vibrant, everything else just feels more vibrant, too!

(You’ll never guess who I met at South Bank? That's right, my friend Sally! And even more surprising
 she had just bought a pink tutu. Who knew? A coincidence? Maybe, maybe not! You just never know. 😉

Sally and I caught up while enjoying a traditional British pub menu: fish and chips, of course! (What’s a trip to London without them?). After our delectable meal, we even had room for ice cream. (I mean, c’mon - it was the weekend and who doesn’t want a big scoop of creamy vanilla – or even better – strawberry ice cream, with an even bigger pink waffle cone?! )

London Lights! 💖✹

That evening, we all decided to end the London adventure with an evening walk across London Bridge, the view of the city as the sun went down – simply stunning. Everything sparkles when lit by the city lights at night - buildings are glowing in every colour of the rainbow. The Thames reflects the dazzling display and there were a few passing boats leaving glowing wakes in their path
 (You just know, if I had a private boat of my own – it would be painted pink, and decorated in pink fairy lights

So many memories! And the magic continues on, of course! But before we head off
 don’t forget – share the #PinkTutuBlogLondon love with all of your friends! We have the pinkest, most exciting, inspiring content! And as always, check in again next Friday to hear all about my newest tutu adventures, travel discoveries and of course, shopping sprees!

Love and glitter,


P.S. Don’t forget – I'm all about the tutu, but more importantly – I'm all about empowering all of you beautiful humans. Don’t be afraid to break free. Don't be afraid to embrace what makes you happy! Don't be afraid to be bold, and be daring! Let's make the world a pink and more beautiful place - one tutu at a time. 😉 💖

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2016-07-29 Exploring London