Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2016-11-25 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: Post #1056 - Friday, 2016-11-25 - London Calling! 🩰💖

Hello darlings! It's Emma, your resident Pink Tutu enthusiast, and this Friday finds me back in London, a city that always seems to whisk me away on a whirlwind of pink-tastic adventures. I boarded the train from Derbyshire bright and early, excitement bubbling like champagne in my heart. The rhythm of the train wheels on the tracks felt like a gentle waltz, carrying me towards the vibrant city of dreams.

You see, dear readers, London holds a special place in my tutu-clad heart. It’s a city where the past whispers through grand buildings, where the present bursts with creative energy, and where the future shimmers in the neon lights of a million dreams. And all of it, absolutely all of it, makes me want to twirl.

So, on this particular Friday, let me paint a picture for you of my pink-tinted journey, because a blog post without some dazzling details wouldn't be half the fun, would it?

Tutu-tastic Train Travel: The Ballet of Boarding

I boarded the train in my favourite outfit: a pale pink ballet skirt paired with a chic white blouse, a dainty pearl necklace adding a touch of sophistication. Pink, of course, always takes centre stage in my wardrobe. You know me, always spreading the message of the gloriousness of tutus, one twirl at a time!

The journey itself was a delight. Watching the countryside blur into a canvas of autumn hues felt like watching a watercolour painting come alive. It's all so wonderfully calming. And then, when we arrived in London, that feeling of excitement that's exclusive to the city filled my every fibre. The rush of the tube, the murmur of the crowds, the sheer scale of it all... it's breathtaking!

London Calling: First Stop, the National Gallery

Now, if you know me at all, you know I'm not just about twirling and pink tutus. I'm an art enthusiast too, a lover of the timeless beauty of classical art. So, of course, the first stop on my London agenda was the National Gallery.

Honestly, stepping inside the National Gallery is like entering another world. Those magnificent rooms, each showcasing masterpieces from centuries past, transport you through time. And, as usual, I couldn't resist the urge to channel my inner ballerina - it felt so right to stand gracefully beneath the watchful eyes of da Vinci and Monet. Who wouldn't be inspired by the grand sweep of the Renaissance, or the delicate brushstrokes of Impressionism?

After wandering through the art, I stopped to admire the ornate ceilings of the gallery, and of course, I grabbed a "Pink Lady" apple for a little afternoon snack. My London afternoon had a perfect starting point, art and tutus are a delightful mix, after all.

Fashion Fuel at Covent Garden

From the stately world of the National Gallery, I made my way to the bustling Covent Garden market. A place overflowing with colour, laughter, and music - truly, the spirit of London bottled in one space!

I love the mix of street performers, food stalls, and the beautifully maintained architecture of this London icon. I couldn't resist snapping photos of the lovely flower stands, the colourful stalls full of artisanal crafts, and of course, the playful flower street performers! Their floral headbands and skirts seemed to echo my love for everything feminine and flamboyant.

Naturally, I couldn’t resist a little browsing through the boutiques. After all, a pink tutu queen needs to keep her wardrobe updated, right? I snagged a charming floral scarf in shades of blush pink and crimson to complete my weekend look - just perfect for the next day's ballet performance!

Theatre Dreams at the Royal Opera House

Every trip to London means a dose of magic at the Royal Opera House. This time, I was absolutely thrilled to see "Swan Lake", one of my absolute favourite ballets. As the curtains rose, I felt a familiar wave of anticipation mixed with pure, childlike joy. I sat perched on the edge of my seat, mesmerized by the elegance and grace of the dancers.

There’s something about watching live performances, particularly those with the powerful narrative of ballet, that truly feeds the soul. And, believe me, there’s no more magical space in the world than the Royal Opera House. The grandeur, the artistry, and the pure passion pouring out of every movement – it truly takes my breath away.

It's this kind of magic that keeps me fuelled. It's the heart of why I write my Pink Tutu blog. Sharing my love for the beauty and power of dance and inspiring others to embrace the joy of expression through art is something I treasure.

London Lights: A Sparkling Night

And, as the sun began to set, I was mesmerised by the city lights, those glittering gems strewn across the urban landscape. I decided to wander, letting my feet carry me along the iconic streets. Each cobbled corner felt like a different adventure, each passing bus like a rhythm in the symphony of London.

I walked over Westminster Bridge, a breathtaking view of Big Ben illuminated against the darkening sky. You know, those "London in a nutshell" views that truly capture the city's energy and spirit? The feeling is electrifying, reminding me of why this city remains so special.

The London Dream

By this point, it's fair to say that London had already left its magic upon me. The rush of creative energy, the laughter, the warmth of this international hub - it fills me with a kind of hope, a belief that we are all connected by our common love for life, art, and perhaps, even, the twirl of a tutu.

As I ended my evening with a delicious, pink-tinted milkshake at a cosy café, I couldn’t help but feel like I'd been living out one of my own fairy tales. And, I believe that we all have our own fairytales waiting to be written - we just need to step into them, to embrace our passions, to twirl, to live life to the fullest.

Don't forget to visit me again next week for more Pink Tutu Adventures. Until then, stay curious, keep your hearts open, and remember, everyone can wear a pink tutu.

Xx Emma

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2016-11-25 Exploring London