Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2017-02-24 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London - Post #1069 - Friday 2017-02-24: A Day of Twirls and Treasures in the Capital

Hello darlings! Emma here, your resident pink tutu-clad adventurer, reporting live from the vibrant heart of London! It's Friday, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu Blog London adventure, and oh my, what a whirlwind this one has been!

This week, I decided to swap the peaceful Derbyshire countryside for the buzz of the capital. I packed my suitcase with a rainbow of tutus (one pink, obviously, and another glittering silver that caught the eye of the train guard – I got a lovely compliment!), my trusty ballet bag, and my biggest smile, ready for a day of exploring London's glittering streets and taking in the magic of the city.

For you lovely readers who don't know, I'm lucky enough to fund my travels through the sheer joy of ballet. Every performance is an opportunity to spread the Pink Tutu gospel, and this week, I graced the stage of the Derby Theatre with a breathtaking rendition of Swan Lake. (You all know how much I adore the classic choreography, don't you?) Those applause-filled moments are a reminder that spreading joy through ballet is a truly beautiful thing.

But let's return to the capital! I boarded the train with a joyous hop, my tutus swishing with the gentle rocking motion. You simply can't beat the romance of a train journey. With every mile that passed, I was transported into a dreamland of twinkling lights and delicious anticipation.

Arriving at King's Cross Station was like stepping onto a stage. The bustling crowds, the chatter, the scent of freshly-baked pastries from the stalls - everything felt wonderfully dramatic and exciting. After all, what could be a better setting for my Pink Tutu London adventures?

Now, no trip to London is complete without a trip to the shops, and oh darling, were my eyes in for a treat! I navigated the glorious department store of Selfridges with my trusty shopping basket (a cute pink one, of course!), feeling a sense of giddy delight at the vibrant colours and exciting fashion. I can’t resist a beautiful piece of clothing and was particularly enchanted by a shimmering turquoise dress, a statement piece of art in its own right. This gorgeous dress will definitely be making an appearance in a future post.

Speaking of vibrant colours, London truly shines in this department. Walking around, my eyes feasted on the gorgeous displays in shop windows. Floral displays with vibrant reds, oranges, and yellows popped with vibrant life against the cool greys of London buildings. I captured this visual delight in a quick selfie with my favourite pink tutu on – naturally, my phone wallpaper is now a reminder of the dazzling day I had.

Next up, we explored the iconic West End, its iconic theatre district. With its shimmering lights and posters advertising captivating shows, it felt like the theatre had spilled out onto the street itself! This energy was contagious, and even I, a tutu-clad ballet dancer, couldn't resist the allure of a performance. The show I saw was simply dazzling - a musical comedy with a fast-paced plot and unforgettable songs. I'll admit, the bright colours and over-the-top costumes might have given me some serious tutu envy!

A post-theatre pit stop at a quaint cafe provided the perfect opportunity to jot down notes about the day in my diary and even sketch out some future outfits – tutus are, after all, endlessly versatile! There’s a special magic in sharing your thoughts in a quiet corner of a cozy cafe, the aroma of warm coffee and fresh pastries filling the air. A delicious piece of carrot cake (and another cup of coffee, naturally!) provided the fuel for my next adventure, a jaunt across the majestic Tower Bridge.

This was an absolutely essential pilgrimage! Tower Bridge itself was a symphony of architectural beauty, its striking silhouette against the backdrop of the cityscape a picture that I couldn't wait to share on social media. After snapping some fabulous photos (my pink tutu just looked perfect!), I gazed upon the bustling River Thames, marvelling at the ever-evolving cityscape.

My afternoon meanderings took me through charming Covent Garden Market, where I marvelled at the kaleidoscopic displays of fruits, vegetables, and vibrant flowers. There's a beautiful rhythm to London life - the bustling crowds, the sound of street musicians, the delightful aromas from cafes. It's all part of a symphony of experiences, and it’s this very life that I aim to share in every blog post.

This, of course, wouldn't be a true Pink Tutu Blog London experience without indulging in some much-needed retail therapy. The vibrant market stalls offered a delightful array of treasures - from handmade jewellery to colourful scarves to, yes, you guessed it - a stunning pink hat. I couldn't leave without it! This hat is definitely going to be the finishing touch on one of my next performances.

As evening began to cast its golden glow across London, it was time to indulge in a delightful, albeit very late, supper at a local bistro. This time, I enjoyed a steaming bowl of tomato soup and a comforting chicken salad. Nothing beats a delicious and filling meal after a busy day of exploring London's wonderful corners.

Later that night, I boarded the train for home. As the miles ticked by, I couldn't help but feel an immense sense of contentment. It wasn't just about the stunning sights or delicious meals. It was the way each experience felt infused with a certain vibrancy, a captivating spirit that seemed to reverberate through the city.

From the twinkling lights of the West End to the elegant architecture of Tower Bridge, to the buzzing heart of Covent Garden, London's beauty truly shines. It’s a city that encourages everyone to embrace their own personal flair and uniqueness. And what better way to celebrate that individuality than to wear a vibrant pink tutu?

This is precisely what I strive for - to remind everyone of their inner magic, to embrace the extraordinary, to let their personalities shine. Because believe me, darlings, there’s a little ballerina hidden inside every single one of us, waiting to come out! And let me tell you, life in a pink tutu is a truly magical experience!

So, I’m off to slip into a comfy pair of slippers, put on a cup of herbal tea, and reflect on another amazing adventure. Until next Friday, remember: let your own individual sparkle shine! You might even consider embracing your inner ballerina and throwing on your own pink tutu!

Lots of love,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2017-02-24 Exploring London