Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2017-05-19 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London #1081: London Calling! 🌸

Hello my darling dears! It's Emma here, your pink tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed blogger, back from a whirlwind trip to London! Oh, the magic! The sparkle! The endless supply of gorgeous dresses! 👗 It truly was a dream come true, and I’m delighted to share it all with you!

As you know, I’m always on the lookout for the most exciting ballet shows, both at home in Derbyshire and beyond. This past week, a particularly enchanting production lured me to the bustling capital. The Royal Ballet's rendition of "Swan Lake" was calling my name, and how could I resist?

Train travel: my favourite part

Of course, no trip to London is complete without a glorious journey by train. I always relish the opportunity to don my favourite pink tutu, watch the scenery whizz by, and dream up future ballet routines. This time, however, I had a rather unexpected encounter. A lovely gentleman opposite me, observing my vibrant pink outfit, asked, “Are you on your way to a party, young lady? You certainly stand out!”

Now, this gentleman had never seen a pink tutu in the wild before, which was quite a feat! I couldn’t resist a chance to share my love for pink and twirling. After explaining the wonders of ballet and how it’s part of my everyday life, he gave me the most endearing smile! I think I might have even inspired him to try a twirl himself. One day, the whole world will be in pink tutus! 💕

A Day in London Town

Once in London, the magic began to truly unfold. My day started with a lovely stroll through Hyde Park, soaking up the sun and watching children giggle and chase pigeons. Then, off I went to Kensington High Street for some retail therapy. My mission: to find the perfect outfit for the "Swan Lake" performance. Let’s just say, a new sparkly pink dress graced my wardrobe after a rather productive shopping spree! ✨

Royal Ballet Delights

After some afternoon tea, I arrived at the Royal Opera House, feeling positively giddy. The moment I stepped inside, the air was buzzing with anticipation. You could feel the history swirling around you. This iconic venue is a ballet lover’s paradise, a testament to the elegance and grace of this timeless art form.

The performance itself was a masterpiece! Tchaikovsky’s music, so powerful and emotive, soared through the theatre. The ballerinas' movements were breathtaking, the story unfolding like a fairytale before my eyes. My heart swelled with joy; it’s what makes ballet so extraordinary! The grace and the strength of the dancers on stage left me spellbound. I truly feel lucky to have witnessed such a beautiful spectacle.

Sharing the love: Pink Tutu Power

After the performance, I met a few fellow ballet enthusiasts outside the theatre, and let’s just say, a few photos were snapped in my vibrant pink tutu! You know I couldn’t resist a bit of ballet street dancing! Turns out, it’s contagious. One by one, others joined in, our laughter filling the evening air. I’m convinced that all it takes is a bit of pink tulle to unleash the joy of dance in everyone. 💃

The Power of Performance

This trip wasn't just about experiencing a spectacular show. It was also about remembering what inspires me, what fuels my love for ballet and the endless joy it brings to my life. Performing allows me to travel the world and share my passion with others.

It’s about pushing myself creatively, facing challenges head-on, and learning from the amazing people I meet along the way. And of course, it's about those precious moments of magic on stage, sharing my heart through every twirl, every graceful leap. 💖

Stay tuned: next week, I’m going to tell you all about the dazzling dance wear shops I discovered in London. 🤫 Oh, and let's not forget the adorable afternoon tea spots I stumbled upon!

Until then, darling dears, keep twirling and remember – the world is your stage, and a pink tutu can take you anywhere! 🌸


Emma 💕

What happened on Friday, 19th May 2017

Now for a bit of historical perspective. Friday, 19th May 2017 was a rather eventful day in the world of politics and sport. Theresa May called for a snap general election in the UK. The goal was to secure a stronger mandate for her Brexit negotiations. Unfortunately, the election didn’t go quite as she’d planned, and we all know what happened next!

On the sporting front, Tottenham Hotspur took on Manchester United in the FA Cup Final. Unfortunately for Tottenham, their efforts were not enough, and Manchester United emerged victorious. ⚽️

Oh, and that weekend, my friends and I spent an afternoon trying to win the world record for longest ballet barre! We didn’t quite make it, but our attempt did get us a bit of attention! (and I even made the news with my pink tutu!) 🩰

As you can see, my time in London was nothing short of wonderful, filled with memorable moments, sparkling surprises, and enough pink to paint a whole town!

If you are visiting London soon, do try a delicious Afternoon Tea - it’s one of my favourite London traditions. And remember to stay tuned for more London adventures, including my favourite places to shop and those lovely cafes I stumbled upon!


Emma 💖

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2017-05-19 Exploring London