Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2017-05-12 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Calling! (Post #1080)

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, ready to take you on a whirlwind tour of my favourite city – London! I'm a little late posting this week, because I spent the day on a gorgeous, old fashioned, steam train journey to London. And oh, darling, did I ever dress for the occasion! I sported my new fuchsia pink tulle tutu with sparkly silver sequins – it matched the carriage trim perfectly! My darling pink backpack was slung over my shoulder, filled with all my usual essentials, of course - a ballet bar, a few notebooks for jotting down inspiration, and my very special, fluffy pink tutu bag for a touch of fairytale charm.

This Friday is all about discovering London’s theatre and dance scene (you know I can’t resist!) and my trip was made even more magical because it was International Dance Day, a day to celebrate the universal language of movement. Isn't that just delightful?

Now, where was I? Oh yes, the train journey! The carriage was warm and inviting, with the soft, click-clack of the tracks almost putting me to sleep. I snuck a peek at my travel companions, and was quite excited to find a couple of dapper gentlemen in bowler hats and tweed jackets - so incredibly London, darling! And what would a journey by train be without a good cup of tea? Of course!

And finally, we pulled into King’s Cross Station (oh how I adore that name – so classic!), bright and bustling. You just know a place with a name like that is going to have magic swirling around! And after I caught my breath from all the excitement of arriving in the big city, I embarked on a delightful dance through London. I started with a quick visit to my favourite shoe shop on Regent Street, to browse some shiny new ballet flats, which you know are essential for a ballerina on the move.

My next stop was the magnificent Royal Opera House. It felt so incredible to just stand and breathe in its grandeur. The very thought of all the extraordinary ballet performances that took place within those walls made me tingle! It felt like I was stepping into a fairy tale. I stood for ages, taking photos (of course!) and imagining myself as the star in a spectacular ballet, dancing to the rhythmic thrum of the orchestra. You'd be amazed how inspired just a single glance of this gorgeous building could be!

You just have to experience the sheer magic of seeing a live performance of Swan Lake! As soon as the curtains went up, I felt like I was watching the ballet in my own personal dream world! The choreography was so beautiful - those graceful leaps, the dramatic turns, the delicate extensions - it truly captured the graceful elegance of a swan in flight! But the thing that impressed me the most, was the sheer talent and dedication of the dancers. It made my own dancing practice seem a bit less rigorous - that is if I can say that, being a ballerina! Oh darling, this isn't me bragging; it’s pure inspiration. These beautiful people make me want to go back to the studio and give it my all!

But a London trip isn't complete without a good old-fashioned shopping spree. Let's be honest - when it comes to clothing, London has it all, with an eclectic mix of shops to please any ballerina on the hunt for the perfect pink tutu. This week, I had to visit Liberty’s - that beautiful Victorian building with its incredible stained glass ceiling! Their department is literally bursting with delicate fabrics and exquisite clothing, it’s truly the place for discovering unique, fashionable gems, you just have to search through those treasures! A real treasure chest of all things wonderful!

Next on my itinerary was a delicious afternoon tea - the quintessential British experience! You can’t beat a steaming cuppa and a selection of delightful cakes. I sat there sipping my tea and indulging in those delectable sandwiches, the light reflecting off the teacup in a way that I had to photograph. I think even a ballerina deserves a bit of decadence, right?

No trip to London would be complete without seeing a performance in the West End. It was quite the experience seeing “Wicked,” a musical telling the story of the Witches of Oz - quite a bold story indeed! The singing and dancing were incredible! I could tell that a lot of passion had gone into the performances and it truly made me want to get back into the studio, do a pirouette or two, and practice until my feet hurt.

You might be thinking: Emma, how does one afford all of these incredible experiences on a ballerina's budget? Well, darling, my secret weapon is performing at charity events. The most amazing feeling is using your passion for dancing to make a difference in someone’s life. My performances at charities all over Derbyshire really keep my pink tutu dreams going, and the best part? Every donation means I can explore somewhere exciting! I know I’m incredibly lucky to live my dream, darling!

After my theatre experience, my final stop was a stroll along Covent Garden. Just strolling along its streets - you feel the real spirit of London, with street performers bringing joy to the throng of crowds, music filling the air, and delicious aromas emanating from every corner. A symphony for the senses, darling. My favorite part is seeing the unique style of London’s street performers! You never know what incredible act you’re going to come across – it’s like a showstopping ballet for everyone, all day long! But most importantly, this is where I picked up my new pink ballet slippers - you know I have to represent the pink-tutu spirit wherever I go!

This was just one incredible day of exploration in London, but there are so many more exciting discoveries to be had. Oh, I know you must be asking yourself how a ballerina makes it happen – all of this travel and dancing? But darling, you see it’s all in the balance, having a plan for what’s next, but leaving room for improvisation. The unexpected turns on my journeys - those are always my favourite part!

Oh darling, don't forget, this is a blog about all things pink, so next week I'll be talking about a super fun pink tutu fashion find at my favourite London store - and it's an absolute steal. I will be sharing all my tips on how to find your very own unique, vintage tutu, as well as some ideas for creating the perfect pink ballerina look, I wouldn't want you missing out! I know how important it is to express yourself, and wearing a tutu, I’ve found, makes the world a much brighter, happier place, don't you think?

Until next time darlings, let's spread some pink-tutu joy.

Remember, every day can be a perfect opportunity to discover the magical world of tutus!


Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2017-05-12 Exploring London