Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2017-11-10 Exploring London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon - Friday 10th November 2017 - Exploring the Big Smoke! 🩰

Hello my lovely pink tutu-wearing friends! It's Emma here, back with another blog post from my little corner of the internet,! 🎉 This week, I'm hopping aboard the good old trusty train (can you tell I'm a bit of a train fanatic?) to head to the glorious city of London, a place that truly deserves to be explored, even for the most dedicated ballerina!

This is post number 1106 and for this post, I thought I'd take you on my exciting Friday trip exploring the Big Smoke, London, with you in my pink tutu of course! This adventure, just like my other travels, is generously funded by my wonderful dance performances. After all, every pink tutu needs a good adventure to go with it, and I believe the universe has conspired to give me exactly that! 😊

My Train to London Adventures:

So, this morning I got up bright and early, fuelled by the thrill of the upcoming trip, to pack up my fabulous, feather boa adorned pink tutu bag (pink tutu needs its own space you know!). And before long, I was whizzing away from Derbyshire, heading towards London with a smile as wide as my tutu! Honestly, trains just feel so magical and glamorous. It's a little escape from the world! Plus, with my phone and laptop in tow, it’s a chance to catch up with some much-needed writing for my pink-tutu blog. 🥰

Fashion Spotting & Lunch in London!

Arriving in London's Paddington station was an experience in itself. You know you've truly arrived in the capital when the hustle and bustle are a tangible thing! My first stop? Obviously, a wander through the amazing shops around Oxford Street. The sheer volume of fashion here is enough to make a girl dizzy, but hey, what’s a pink tutu blogger without some new inspiration! 😉

*My pink tutu and I explored a lovely vintage boutique where I found the most perfect pair of statement earrings – the kind that make every outfit pop. Then, after I felt a bit light-headed from all the dazzling fashion choices, it was time for a spot of lunch. 🍲 *

I settled on a delightful little cafe in Covent Garden and indulged in the most delicious avocado toast with a cheeky little side salad. A real treat to my taste buds, and definitely something to power me up for more exploring!

The Beauty of Ballet - Dance Delights!

The day would be incomplete without a trip to a world-renowned ballet show, so off I went to the magnificent Royal Opera House! ✨ It’s an experience like no other. As I stepped into the plush, ornate theatre, I swear I could hear the music dancing around me. That anticipation before the show is such an exhilarating feeling, a pure delight.

This evening I was lucky enough to catch a mesmerizing performance of “The Sleeping Beauty.” The beauty, grace, and passion of the dancers truly mesmerized me, and as I watched the ballerinas swirl and leap, I could feel myself wanting to dance right alongside them. Oh, how I love those moments when I get completely immersed in the magic of the stage! 🥰

The Magical Charm of London Street Entertainment

No visit to London would be complete without seeing some of its iconic street performers! And oh, were they amazing. Walking through Covent Garden, I found myself captivated by a charming little busker who was playing a cheerful melody on his guitar, drawing a small, happy crowd. A real delight, it reminded me of those lovely London scenes I watched on tv as a little girl! 🎶

* London in November! *

London in November was enchanting! The crisp autumn air gave a distinct feel to the streets. A little cold, yes, but that simply makes you appreciate those warm, fuzzy coats all the more. London really comes alive during this time of year! The autumn colours were truly stunning – especially in Hyde Park, which, let’s face it, looked incredible under a bright autumn sky! It felt like a film set and I had to grab my trusty pink tutu camera to take loads of photos. You’ll be seeing more of that in a future blog post, I promise! 📸

*The Theatre of Dreams *

Speaking of films, London’s theatre scene has me absolutely charmed. Even with so many dance shows around, I find it incredibly exciting to explore some of London’s classic West End plays! And as luck would have it, I got tickets to a highly-anticipated performance of “Hamlet” on a lovely, warm afternoon. 🎭

To say I was impressed by the performance would be a massive understatement. You’ve all probably seen this story in different forms – Shakespeare is practically on the school curriculum! – but it felt even more profound in this beautifully staged play. I found myself completely drawn into the tragic world of Hamlet, filled with such complex emotions. What a powerhouse performance! 🤩

*London's Chic Street Style & Shopping *

As a lover of fashion, I couldn’t possibly leave London without spending a few hours soaking in its amazing street style. It truly is the fashion capital of the world! 👑 Everywhere I went, people were rocking amazing outfits. It’s one of the reasons I always pack my pink tutu when I travel. It gets me noticed! People stop and admire, maybe even try to take a photo – it always puts a smile on my face! 😄

From bold prints to daring cuts, the London street style is a masterclass in confidence. One particularly memorable scene I observed involved a woman rocking an outfit that blended Victorian-inspired flourishes with some modern chic accents. I know it sounds strange, but it looked fabulous. I’ll definitely be keeping my eye out for these trend ideas for future pink-tutu-related looks! 👀

After I felt I had seen my fill of the fabulous style of London, I went for some serious shopping at Liberty, a legendary London department store known for its luxurious fashion and amazing aesthetic. It’s honestly the perfect blend of elegance and modern-day cool! It took all of my willpower not to clear out the entire store – I think they have a strict return policy! 🤑

London by Night

You know a city is special when its nighttime feels just as alive as its day. I hopped onto a cute little red double-decker bus to experience London's nightlife and see all its incredible sights – from the iconic Tower Bridge to the Big Ben, looking so beautiful all lit up! 🎡

I had the most perfect little dinner in a tiny French bistro – just the kind you’d see in movies about romantic evenings. So I ordered myself a nice plate of steak frites, which was simply heavenly! What an amazing meal after a fabulous day of dancing and exploration. 🥰

*Until next time… *

With a head full of amazing memories and a suitcase overflowing with new fashion finds, I headed back to the train station, feeling refreshed and ready for a new week.

My fellow pink tutu fans, if you're looking for a truly captivating city experience, I urge you to come visit London. It's a place where culture, history, and fashion blend to create a magic you simply can't find anywhere else. So what are you waiting for? Put on your most vibrant pink tutu, grab your camera, and embark on your own London adventure. You won't regret it! 💕

* Until next Friday! Don’t forget to check out the new collection on, and if you love this blog post, I’d be thrilled for you to follow me on Instagram @PinkTutuBlogger! *

Stay magical! ✨

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2017-11-10 Exploring London