Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2017-11-03 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London #1105 - Friday 3rd November 2017: A Tutu-tastic Trip to London!

Hello, my darling Tutu Twirlers! It's Emma here, and it's Friday, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu Blog London adventure!

The excitement started with a whirl and a twirl right from the beginning. Today I traded my comfy Derbyshire cottage for a high-speed journey on the train to London. I must say, there's nothing more exhilarating than the sound of the train as it pulls out of the station, a symphony of chugging and rumbling. And you know, it wouldn't be a Pink Tutu adventure without a little sparkle, so I, of course, was rocking my newest tutu - a glorious pink number with layers and layers of tulle, adorned with sequined butterflies that fluttered every time I moved.

London always greets me with a welcoming bustle, the city pulsating with energy. My trusty travel bag - an elegant pink carryall adorned with a charming little ballerina charm - was filled with everything a ballerina-blogger on the go needs: my pink ballet flats (a must!), a good book (currently "The Ballet Diaries" - a charming read about a ballerina in 19th-century Russia), my phone for snapping pics and posting stories on Instagram, and of course, a pink-tinted lipstick for a touch of glamour on the go!

London on a Friday: It's Alive!

First stop, a little tutu-inspired fashion therapy at Selfridges. The Christmas decorations are starting to go up and the festive spirit is palpable. It felt a little too early for me, but with a twinkle in my eye I decided to check out the pink offerings for Christmas presents (especially for those friends of mine who haven’t succumbed to the charm of a pink tutu yet!). They had some fantastic pink Christmas jumpers that would have gone perfectly with a pink tutu!

But my favourite find was a vintage-style, handmade pink sequined purse that shimmered like a celestial body! Oh, I am so going to find an occasion to use that one. Maybe I can even incorporate it into a blog post - "The Pink Sequined Purse: A Touch of Parisian Chic".

Afternoon Ballet Bliss

Of course, my afternoon wouldn't be complete without a little ballet magic. I made my way to the Royal Opera House, and as always, I found myself utterly mesmerized by the sheer grandeur of the building. You can just feel the history radiating off of its elegant brick walls. Today was a performance of Giselle, which was truly captivating. The ballerina portraying Giselle danced with a raw emotion, a mix of sorrow and strength, and her ethereal movement captured the beauty of both vulnerability and defiance.

After the performance, I strolled through Covent Garden, which was abuzz with performers, buskers, and shoppers. A delightful aroma of street food and fragrant flowers filled the air. I treated myself to a decadent pink macaron (of course!), because I deserve it.

Exploring The Magic of Covent Garden

Covent Garden, with its Victorian architecture and charming brick buildings, has this irresistible old-world charm, don’t you think? And with its delightful variety of shops and cafes it was like stepping back in time, a vintage delight. The atmosphere was just buzzing. I strolled through the flower market, taking in the sights and sounds, marvelling at the vibrancy of colours. My heart was full of London joy. I snapped photos, of course - every London adventure is worth immortalizing.

And as the evening started to draw in, with the gentle glow of the street lamps casting long shadows, I was tempted to head back to Derbyshire. However, a fellow ballerina enthusiast and online friend, whom I’ve met only through the magic of our Pink Tutu website, had reached out about meeting for dinner.

The name is Harriet, a lovely lady from Essex, who I must confess I find both inspiring and adorable! She’s not afraid of pink tutus! As for her life, she runs her own business, designing bespoke tutus and teaching classes – I must admit I am incredibly envious of her skills. It's incredible how social media can connect you with like-minded people from all over!

Sharing a Pink Passion with Harriet

Over delicious pink cocktails (because nothing makes a night out better than a little pink cheer) at a fantastic little Italian restaurant near Covent Garden, Harriet told me about her upcoming dance event. "A pink Tutu Ball" - she explained with a twinkle in her eye. It will be a big event featuring not only dance performances, but a pink-themed market, workshops and a dazzling array of tutus for sale, from vintage to new!

“So, tell me”, I gushed, "What does one wear to a pink Tutu ball?”

"Whatever your heart desires", she replied with a smile. "But, pink tutu is a must!"

You can bet I’m going to wear my favourite one. You can see how enthusiastic I am to celebrate pink with my fellow tutu enthusiasts! What a treat it is to know that even within our diverse individual styles, we share this mutual passion for twirling in a pretty pink tutu!

Ending the day on a Tutu-tastic High

With the day filled with London magic, I headed to the train station. The gentle rhythmic rocking of the train, my tired but happy legs settled, and a book open on my lap, there is no feeling better, really.

London is truly an enchanting city and this Friday, my tutu adventure was delightful, both thrilling and charming! And a little pink? Never hurts!

So until next week, keep twirling, my darlings!


#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2017-11-03 Exploring London