Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2017-10-27 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Calling! - #1104

Friday, 27th October 2017

Hello darlings! It’s Friday, which means it’s time for another fabulous Pink Tutu Blog adventure, and this week we’re heading to the capital of cool – London!

I've always been a huge fan of train travel – there’s something so magical about chugging through the countryside, watching the scenery fly by as you sip your hot chocolate. And this morning, I felt the excitement bubble up in my tummy like a delicious cream cake as I boarded the train from Derbyshire, a fluffy pink tutu swishing happily by my side, ready to explore London for the day.

Of course, I wouldn’t be a proper Pink Tutu girl without a sprinkle of pink in my luggage. My trusty pink polka dot suitcase was stuffed full of frilly dresses, shimmering blouses, and a sparkly pink sequined jacket for the evening. After all, one can never be too overdressed, can we? 😉

London’s energy hit me the minute I stepped off the train – it's an electrifying mix of buzz and charm, with a whiff of autumn crispness in the air. The smell of hot street food and the sights of brightly coloured buses immediately lifted my spirits.

My first stop? A spot of afternoon tea, of course! You simply can't visit London without indulging in the traditional British ritual of scones, sandwiches, and delicate pastries, all served with a pot of fragrant tea. I chose a quaint little tea room tucked away in a quiet cobbled street. I felt positively dainty in my swirling tutu and floral dress as I nibbled on delicate sandwiches and fluffy scones with clotted cream, feeling every bit the British maiden in my haven of calm amongst the city's bustle.

With a contented tummy and a refreshed spirit, I set off on an afternoon adventure. The iconic landmarks of London - Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace – beckoned me with their historical charm. It’s always fascinating to step back in time and admire these iconic symbols of a nation’s history. The bright red double-decker buses provided the perfect pink-tutu backdrop for my afternoon photo shoot! Let’s face it, a pink tutu and red bus simply look divine together!

I’m a sucker for a good theatre show, and tonight's highlight was an enchanting production of Swan Lake at the Royal Opera House. I practically bounced with excitement, eager to witness the beauty and artistry of this timeless classic. The ethereal beauty of the ballerinas, their graceful movements, and the dramatic music painted a magical story that touched my heart.

And of course, what trip to London would be complete without a spot of shopping? There's a dizzying array of boutiques and shops just waiting to be explored. I found myself lost in a labyrinth of exquisite fabrics and beautiful garments, eager to discover the latest fashion trends.

Today, my heart was set on vintage and designer pieces, and luckily, London is bursting with treasure troves of vintage heaven. A perfectly pink, vintage-style satin skirt, embellished with intricate beadwork, found its way into my shopping bag. My fashion fairy must have been listening! It’s perfect for the festive season coming up.

As evening descended, the city illuminated with twinkling lights and vibrant energy. The cityscape shimmered with a captivating glow, turning London into a fairytale backdrop for my adventures. I wandered the bustling streets, relishing the city's energy as the aroma of roasted chestnuts and warm mulled wine wafted through the air.

London’s vibrant energy left me utterly inspired and ready for my journey home. Tomorrow I’ll be back in Derbyshire, reminiscing about my time in the big city, brimming with creative energy to incorporate my London experience into my upcoming ballet performances. As I settle into my routine, I’m already plotting my next adventure in London, my heart fluttering with anticipation.

You can catch my London adventures on my Pink Tutu blog, every Friday, so pop back next week to follow along with me as I explore this dazzling city once more. Until next time, darlings!

*And remember, life’s too short not to wear pink! * 💕

#pinktutublog #londonadventures #fashionfairy #swanlake #vintagefashion #pinkisthebest #traveldiary #balletlife #royaloperahouse #derbyshirelife #shoptillyoudrop #weekendvibes

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2017-10-27 Exploring London