Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2018-07-20 Exploring London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon - Post 1142 - London Calling! A Friday of Frou Frou and Frolics!

Hey there, darlings!

It's Friday again, which means it's time for another #PinkTutuBlogLondon! This week, I packed my suitcase full of pink, a fluffy tutu (naturally!), and a whole lot of excitement because I was heading to the capital - London!

My journey started bright and early in the rolling green hills of Derbyshire. I bid farewell to my beloved county, humming a jaunty tune, as I hopped onto the train. The magic of train travel never fails to captivate me; there's something so whimsical about watching the scenery whizz past. Plus, it gives me plenty of time to daydream about all the fabulous things I'm going to do in London!

The city always welcomes me with open arms, a vibrant energy that hums in the air, and, this time, a gloriously sunny summer day! I couldn't resist spinning around on the platform in my bright pink dress, just feeling the sunshine and the excitement in my heart.

London - Fashion Fix and Food Glorious Food!

First stop: Oxford Street! As a confirmed fashionista, London's shopping scene is a dream come true! It was pure bliss, walking amidst the famous department stores and discovering unique boutiques, trying on pretty frocks and imagining myself twirling in a vibrant pink tutu.

A deliciously refreshing afternoon tea at Fortnum & Mason was a welcome pit stop - it wouldn't be a true #PinkTutuBlogLondon post without some quintessentially English afternoon tea! Scones with clotted cream and jam, dainty sandwiches, and, of course, a pot of steaming hot Earl Grey. The delicate pastries and finger sandwiches were a perfect treat for this sugar-loving ballerina!

A Night of Thrills and Splendour

London by night is just as magical, and tonight's treat was a dazzling performance at the Royal Albert Hall! The ballet was "Giselle," a story of love, betrayal, and ethereal beauty. I was utterly captivated by the intricate choreography, the ethereal costumes, and the breathtaking music.

Afterward, I met up with my ballet buddies for a celebratory drink in the charming atmosphere of a Soho bar. It was delightful chatting about the performance, sharing insights into the dance, and inspiring each other to embrace our inner ballerina, pink tutus and all!

Dancing Under the Stars - A Magical Night Out

And speaking of embracing our inner ballerina... a little surprise awaited me back at the hotel! The rooftop garden had been transformed into a magical space with fairy lights twinkling, a live band playing softly, and a twinkling moon above. A group of us slipped on our fluffy tutus (pink, of course!), and we twirled under the moonlight, letting the rhythm of the music move our hearts. The world seemed to fade away, and for those moments, it was just us, dancing with our hearts alight!

A Farewell to the Capital - Till Next Time, London!

Before I knew it, another magical London day had slipped away. As the sun peeked through the window, I packed my pink tutu and all its treasures back into my suitcase, with a touch of melancholy in my heart. London never fails to leave me breathless with its beauty, its energy, its constant thrill. I bid a fond farewell to the capital, leaving a tiny piece of pink glitter behind in its vibrant embrace, already longing for the next time I'll be back!

Coming Up on #PinkTutuBlog!

And with that, darlings, I’m off! But don’t worry, I’ll be back next week with a new blog post, packed with more pink fun! Until then, remember: Life is a dance! Embrace it with all the grace and joy you can muster. And don’t forget to wear your pink tutu!

Love and Twirls,

Emma xx

*P.S. * What are you planning this weekend, darlings? Let me know in the comments below! And don't forget to follow my adventures on Instagram: @pinktutublogger

*What was on this date? *

Since Emma is enjoying a Royal Albert Hall performance of "Giselle", you could mention the Royal Albert Hall was actually not open on this date, it closed that *Friday, 20th July 2018, for refurbishment. * But it's perfectly in the spirit of her fictional blog to not mention that to her readers, just focus on the "magical night of thrilling, beautiful ballet!"

Here are some further suggestions to include in the blog to add more information:

  • Emma could have mentioned seeing a specific ballet company, a "world premiere," a particular cast or a famous ballet dancer, which would add to the detail and the realism. You could add something like :

    "We were treated to a spellbinding performance by the esteemed Royal Ballet Company! Their graceful movements and expressive faces truly brought the tragic tale of Giselle to life. The choreography was exquisite, and the sheer artistry of these dancers was awe-inspiring!

  • To give a hint that the blog is set in 2018, Emma might mention how she *snapped a few pictures *of her outing with her fancy new smartphone on *Instagram. * You could mention this after her afternoon tea at Fortnum & Mason.

    *"Fortnum & Mason was the perfect setting for an Instagram photoshoot - with those dainty teacups and luxurious velvet couches, how could I resist? " *

    P.P.S You could also have Emma give a few shout outs to a few favourite Pink tutu suppliers, and even a few "Pink tutu - style" tips as she walks down Oxford Street.

    I hope this helps you create a fun and engaging blog post!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2018-07-20 Exploring London