Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2018-10-12 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: Post #1154 - A Friday in the City of Dreams (And Tutu Dreams!)

Hello, lovelies! Emma here, and I'm practically skipping with excitement because, as you all know, Friday means London! I've just arrived in the Big Smoke by train, the rumble of the carriages giving way to the familiar buzz of the city. It’s so good to be back. This week I’ve been dancing my heart out at a charity gala, and after all those rehearsals and performances, I deserve some good ol’ London pampering. And what better place for it than my beloved city, with all its shimmering lights and fashion havens?

As always, I've got a jam-packed itinerary to keep my little pink-tutu heart content. Think dancing shoes, fancy dress, vintage treasures, and, of course, the grand dame of all performance arts, the West End. It’s all about feeling fabulous and bringing a touch of that magical pink-tutu energy wherever I go. So, come along, my dearest darlings, as we embark on this glamorous journey through London, and prepare to have your heartstrings tugged and your inner ballerina unleashed.

Ballet in the Morning

Firstly, I absolutely must mention that my London travels wouldn't be complete without some ballet, so it’s always my first port of call when I arrive. And oh, I’m feeling it already – that undeniable thrill, that joyous anticipation that sets my soul on fire.

As my dear grandmother used to say, “Ballet is the nectar of the gods” (she was quite a dramatic woman), and there is nothing quite like the energy of a ballet class first thing in the morning. So this morning, I started my London adventure with a brilliant session at The Dance Movement Studio – and oh my, let me tell you, I am buzzing! Their beautiful studios, the expert teaching, and the infectious energy just completely swept me away.

Then it was time for breakfast. There’s nothing better than enjoying a posh full English with the full flavour of London around me – you can practically taste the energy of this vibrant city in every mouthful. After a little bit of shopping (what else! ), it was time to put on my London frock - and the pink tutu, of course, wouldn’t dream of leaving that behind!

Finding the Perfect Vintage

When I'm not twirling in a tutu, you can usually find me browsing the fabulous shops that London has to offer. There are so many hidden gems, treasure-troves just waiting to be discovered. Today, I was drawn to Camden Market – you never know what vintage goodies you'll find amongst the colourful stalls and market buzz. And I didn't leave disappointed! I came home with an incredible little beaded handbag, a real piece of vintage magic. I just adore those little pieces that whisper of past lives and the style of yesteryear.

It’s not always about the big names or expensive boutiques for me. Some of the most wonderful fashion discoveries come from those hidden little independent shops or antique markets – places that really let your inner stylist run wild.

A Touch of Parisian Flair

In the afternoon, I ventured over to a delightful tea room in Covent Garden, with charming décor and beautiful cakes. It felt so delightfully old-world. And what would a London afternoon be without a good dose of afternoon tea? After a whirlwind tour through the streets (stopping for the quintessential British red phone box selfies, of course) I took in some more vintage browsing - my love affair with the retro, quirky and charming truly never ends!

The West End Theatre Magic

Now, no trip to London would be complete without experiencing the magic of the West End theatre scene. I must admit, tonight I'm going to see a production of the “Sound of Music,” and my heart is practically dancing with anticipation. There’s such an electricity in the air on theatre nights in London – a kind of magic you just can’t find anywhere else.

My day in London might not have had quite the usual twirl, with all those performances and dance classes. However, this day was about that feeling of pure London-joy, about the thrill of discovering that magical vintage piece, about finding the perfect teacup or a new shade of pink for my collection – it was about a beautiful ballet-like blend of exploration and elegance.

Planning for Tomorrow

The day’s adventure, while delightful, was a quick whiz, so the planning for tomorrow’s adventures is underway - a whirlwind day of iconic sights, bustling markets and that perfect picture with Big Ben. Oh, London, you enchant me, from the sound of the city’s vibrant streets to the warmth of the teacup I held in a charming café. I know my day of London explorations will continue in a similar way – just a little pink-tutu twist on the everyday – but isn’t that what life is all about, bringing a little bit of magic to your journey, whatever form it may take?

Until next Friday, lovelies!

With the most love,


#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2018-10-12 Exploring London