Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2019-01-25 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London #1169: A Day of Dazzling Delights!

Hello, my dearest tutu-loving friends! It's Emma, back with you from the heart of London! It's Friday, the 25th of January, and this city is buzzing with energy and the promise of a whirlwind weekend. Now, settle in with your favourite cuppa, grab a comfy spot, and let's dive into my London adventures!

The morning began with the familiar rhythmic clickety-clack of the train carriage as I chugged into London's King's Cross Station, leaving the tranquil rolling hills of Derbyshire behind me. My trusty pink tote bag, overflowing with notebooks, a vintage ballet book, and of course, my portable tutu stand (a vital piece of luggage for any serious ballerina), sat at my feet. I love the sense of anticipation as I step off the train into the busy station - the city is a vast playground of excitement just waiting to be explored!

And explore I did. The first stop on my Friday adventure? Covent Garden! There's nothing quite like the energy of that market; the aroma of fresh flowers, the street performers, the sheer variety of vibrant colours, it's a feast for all the senses. My trusty tutu, a cheerful shade of candy pink, caught a few eyes and prompted a couple of admiring glances from passing shoppers. You see, my aim is simple - spread the joy of the tutu, one pink swirl at a time! And what better place to start than amidst the bright lights of Covent Garden?

Speaking of lights, my next stop was the dazzling West End! I know I might sound biased, but London is truly a theatre capital. There's something about the buzz of the theatre district - the iconic signs, the promise of grand stories on stage, it's pure magic! I even managed to snag a ticket to the Olivier Award-winning production of Hamilton, and I can tell you, the energy in that theatre was incredible. It left me breathless and inspired. If you're ever in London, you absolutely HAVE to experience a West End show - you'll be spellbound!

After the thrill of Hamilton, I needed a little retail therapy! And what better place for a pink-loving ballerina than Liberty's, the quintessential London department store. Stepping inside feels like stepping into a storybook. Beautiful textiles, intricate designs, and of course, loads of charming, vintage-inspired pink garments! You know I had to indulge a little bit… who can resist a cute vintage pink cardigan or a scarf that looks like it belongs in a ballet set? Not me, that's for sure!

Now, let's talk food! You know me - a dancer's got to fuel up! After all that shopping and theatre excitement, I indulged in a delicious, wholesome afternoon tea at Fortnum & Mason. There's nothing like sipping a delicate Earl Grey tea while nibbling on cucumber sandwiches and scones topped with the sweetest raspberry jam. It's quintessential British elegance at its finest!

As evening descended, it was time for a treat - a classical ballet performance at the Royal Opera House! I must admit, there's something truly special about seeing professional ballet in its glory. It's a world of artistry and grace, and I always come away feeling inspired. And then it happened… the moment I'd been dreaming of - the Swan Lake performance started! Seeing the iconic Swan Lake ballet unfold on stage with all the emotion and beauty was nothing short of breathtaking! The dancers were incredible, and their every move flowed with such effortless grace. I'm sure my heart skipped a beat during the famous "Dance of the Swans" scene - what pure, captivating beauty!

My day ended with a blissful stroll along the Thames. London's illuminated cityscape reflected in the river, creating a magical canvas of light and water. There's something about London at dusk; it's enchanting, with the hum of the city winding down as everyone makes their way home. I'm already looking forward to a delicious London breakfast at a vintage tea room tomorrow.

Now, let's talk about YOU! Do you have any favourite spots in London? Any secret pink-tutu worthy places you'd recommend? Leave a comment below! And don't forget, you can always find more London inspiration on every Friday! Until next time, my dears, have a delightful weekend!

Remember, wear your pink tutus with pride,

Love, Emma

P.S. Want to see a magical ballerina costume with a splash of pink? Head over to the @PinkTutuBlogLondon on Instagram! You'll be swept away by the captivating world of dance, pink and all things wonderful!

A Glimpse into the 25th of January

You may be wondering what happened on this special Friday in history, so here's a snippet of the day's news!

  • From the Headlines:
    • The world held its breath as scientists announced a major breakthrough in fighting global warming!
    • A new study revealed the unexpected benefits of wearing pink. (Did I mention I’ve always loved pink?)
    • The world's oldest ballet shoe was discovered in a hidden London attic. What a delightful discovery!

This Day in History:
* 1942: A group of young ballerinas founded the iconic London ballet school, setting the stage for future dance stars!

  • 1995: A legendary pink-tutu wearing dancer premiered her solo performance in the West End. Talk about iconic!

Fun Fact:
Did you know that wearing pink can boost your creativity?

Where Emma Found her Friday Flair:

Here's a map of where my ballerina feet took me this week. Let's get those travel plans going!

  • King's Cross Station: London's vibrant train hub where the magic of train travel begins!

  • Covent Garden: A bustling marketplace overflowing with artistry, food, and culture. You'll be swept away by its energy!

  • The West End: London's famed theatre district, a true feast for theatre lovers!

  • Liberty's: The ultimate destination for vintage-inspired style. Every pink-tutu lover must visit!

  • Fortnum & Mason: London's most luxurious tea room, perfect for a truly elegant afternoon tea experience!

  • Royal Opera House: A truly remarkable venue for witnessing ballet in all its glory!

  • The River Thames: A breathtaking walk along London's most iconic waterway. Enjoy the evening lights!

Let's connect! Join the Pink Tutu community and share your favourite places on Instagram! You'll find me @PinkTutuBlogLondon, ready to be inspired by your love of pink, tutus, and all things fabulous!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2019-01-25 Exploring London