Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2019-02-01 Exploring London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon: Friday 2019-02-01 - A Whirlwind of Pink in London Town! 🩰💖

Hey darlings! Welcome back to another edition of #PinkTutuBlogLondon, your weekly dose of all things pink, pretty, and positively fabulous. This week, I'm coming to you live from the heart of London, fresh from a whirlwind of a day exploring this glorious city. As always, my trusty pink tutu (because let's be honest, what's a trip to London without a touch of pink?) was a must-have accessory, turning heads and spreading joy wherever I went.

A Ballet Dancer's Journey: From Derbyshire to London by Train

You all know how much I love a good train journey. There's something magical about gliding through the English countryside, the world rushing by outside your window, and your mind swirling with ideas and excitement. This week, I took the train from my quaint Derbyshire village to London, the rhythmic clack of the wheels on the track keeping time with my internal ballet steps.

It’s hard not to be inspired when travelling. From the picturesque countryside views to the anticipation building for an adventure in London, the train journey is a vital part of my routine. Of course, no journey would be complete without a little music. My current obsession is "Swan Lake" – its elegant and delicate movements and the hauntingly beautiful melodies resonate with me, and I find myself lost in the enchanting world of classical music. The train truly does become my personal stage, my pink tutu becoming my spotlight in the fleeting world rushing past the carriage window.

A Friday Filled With Fairy Tales: The Royal Ballet and Covent Garden

I’d made the trek to London especially for the weekend to enjoy some magical theatrical experiences. Friday afternoon kicked off with a performance at the Royal Opera House – the legendary Covent Garden! I'd heard countless stories from friends who were passionate about the ballet about the sheer magic of the place, and my expectations were exceeding high! They were surpassed! The sheer majesty of the place - the elegant chandeliers, the opulence of the theatre – wowed me. It felt like a fairytale! I couldn't wait for the performance to begin!

As the orchestra started, I felt my excitement bubbling. And the music! The sound was incredible, as if each note were hand-picked to take you on a journey through the dancers' steps, through their emotions. Tonight’s performance was “Cinderella” – now I know that sounds cheesy, but it was anything but! The dancing was absolutely exquisite, and every performer threw themselves into their roles with such passionate artistry. From the grace of the lead roles, to the playful humour of the footmen, every movement was beautiful, graceful and totally captivating. By the time the last note played and the curtains came down I was already looking at the tickets for next month's show!

Pink Tutu and a Parisian Cafe: A Delicious Slice of London Life

My post-ballet escapade took me to the heart of Covent Garden, which was brimming with life. A truly diverse hub, from artists to performers and street musicians, the place oozed atmosphere and buzz. Of course, after such a stunning performance, my mind was still running through all the impressive ballet steps. As I ambled along the market streets, I could almost imagine the floor was a dance floor and I was about to perform. Just picture the tutu pirouettes amongst the artisan fruit and veg, or the grand jeté as I went through the crowd!

That evening, a Parisian-style café tucked away in the heart of Covent Garden beckoned me. It's true, London really does offer something for every taste! After a decadent croissant and strong, frothy latte, I was ready for a stroll in the crisp night air, my trusty pink tutu gliding effortlessly beneath me. I popped into a beautiful little shop crammed full of delicate jewellery, where I found a gorgeous sparkly butterfly pendant, a reminder of the magic I'd witnessed at the ballet.

London Style Inspiration: From Notting Hill to Regent's Street

Saturday morning in London always has to involve shopping. With my mind buzzing with my visit to the Royal Ballet and a newfound zest for Parisian elegance, I headed for Notting Hill. This chic London neighbourhood is my ultimate destination for discovering independent boutiques and finding those unique gems I simply cannot live without.

First, I found myself in the beautiful Lilli Rose vintage clothing store – a veritable Aladdin’s Cave of vintage outfits. From glamorous ball gowns to vintage leather jackets, it was a vintage fashionista’s paradise. I ended up leaving with a beautiful 1950s style pencil skirt in a delightful shade of turquoise that will look amazing with my pink tutu, as a ballet themed style combo.

And who doesn’t love Regent's Street for some high street heaven? I can always lose a few hours in its stylish shops. There is nothing better than having the choice of a hundred different fashion brands on your doorstep. That's what London is all about. After a quick bite of delicious falafel in one of the quirky stalls nestled in amongst the well-dressed stores, I ventured into the magical Liberty department store.

You'll need your credit card ready! Liberty has the best selection of designer labels, amazing high end clothing stores, a beautiful cafe, a food hall, and even an amazing flower shop. There's a beautiful sense of wonder within the gorgeous timbered interior, so it is definitely worth exploring this truly iconic landmark!

Taking a Break from Ballet: An Escape to the V&A

After the intense ballet show, my head needed a change in pace. So, my next stop on Saturday afternoon was the Victoria and Albert Museum - known lovingly to Londoners as the V&A. An ode to the best of all things creative, the V&A always blows me away with its fascinating collections, everything from historic fashion and exquisite jewellery to ceramics and furniture from different times and cultures. There's just so much to discover.

This particular trip I spent hours in the fabulous jewellery department, mesmerised by the glittering jewels. It felt as though I was in the palace of a fairytale princess, surrounded by opulent stones and glittering metals. Each exquisite design was a work of art, inspiring me to find the next unique gem for my collection.

I can honestly say the V&A offers inspiration that could never be replicated elsewhere, from artistic inspiration to history, and everything in between. It’s also a great place to rest weary feet if, like me, you are in the midst of a shopping spree or enjoying the wonders of London.

Pink Tutu and a Magical Weekend in London: Sharing the Joy!

This weekend has been nothing short of magical! From the incredible performances of the Royal Ballet, to my shopping adventures in Notting Hill, from the opulent jewellery in the V&A to the simple joy of a cafe latte on a Saturday afternoon, London truly does have something for everyone!

And my trusty pink tutu? Well, let's just say it became a real talking point wherever I went, attracting curious glances and sparking genuine smiles from complete strangers.

It was fabulous to see how people were truly interested in spreading joy through pink and it truly proved that my little dream, to encourage others to step into a pink tutu and unleash their inner sparkle, is becoming a reality, even in the heart of London town!

I'm truly passionate about sharing this incredible city with all of you, and showing that the world truly can be your stage. Just grab your favourite pink tutu and follow my footsteps! And of course, remember, I want to hear about your own #PinkTutu moments! So, don’t be shy! Share your adventures with me!

See you all next Friday!

Yours in pink,


#PinkTutuBlogLondon #PinkTutuMoment

P.S. This blog post is number 1170 on - come and take a look, there's something for everyone!

P.P.S. As I often say, ballet is my passion, but it isn’t my sole source of income, though the money I make from performances does help me fund my travels. And for my wonderful readers out there, you guys help to keep me going. Just by taking a look at this blog, you help to bring me closer to fulfilling my life goal of turning the world pink! I really do appreciate all your love and support! Thank you!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2019-02-01 Exploring London