Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2019-04-19 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: Post #1181 - A Whirlwind Friday in the Big Smoke!

Friday 2019-04-19

Good morning darlings! The train whistle has just faded into the distance and I'm back in my flat, my pink tutu shimmering like a sugared cloud under the London sunshine streaming through the window. A new week has begun, which means it's time for another #PinkTutuBlogLondon post! This week, it's all about Friday, the day I landed in the city and, oh darling, did I have a ball!

Tutu Train Travel: The Journey Begins!

As usual, I chose the train journey to London for its quaint charm and relaxed vibes. The whistle blowing, the carriage rattling, the countryside flying by - it's like a mini theatre production all of its own! It's also the perfect opportunity to admire my travelling ensemble - of course, a tutu is essential. This time I chose a vibrant, coral pink number that really pops against the crisp white backdrop of my vintage lace blouse. My sparkly, rose-gold ballet flats, meanwhile, perfectly completed the whimsical look.

A Tutu-tastic Tour: My Favourite Finds

Reaching London's Paddington station was like stepping into a movie set. I love the energy and the sheer excitement of arriving. Before jumping onto the tube, I couldn't resist taking a peek into a nearby vintage shop. Inside, it was a veritable treasure trove of past decades - beautiful dresses, elegant coats, and stacks of hats. It was hard to resist, and I emerged with a divine silk scarf in a blush-pink shade to add some extra glamour to my tutu-licious outfits!

My first stop was Covent Garden, and oh, what a sensory delight! The bustle and vibrant energy was simply electric. From street performers doing incredible feats, to musicians strumming their hearts out, it's a feast for all the senses. It wouldn't be a trip to London without some proper theatrical indulgence, so I caught a glimpse of "Cats" - still going strong, I see, a timeless masterpiece! The vibrant makeup and costumes brought the characters to life in a stunning way - I’m seriously thinking of dusting off my old theatre costume stash and creating some theatrical fun!

No visit to London is complete without a pit-stop for a delicious cuppa (and maybe a scone or two). But, dear readers, I discovered a truly wonderful cafe right next to the National Gallery, offering all kinds of tea blends you wouldn't believe. And of course, I couldn't leave without a photo in front of the building itself. Let's just say that the art galleries in London definitely live up to their grand reputation!

Speaking of art, I popped into a small, hidden gallery tucked away in a quiet cobbled side street near Covent Garden. The artist, a local lady named Florence, showcased beautifully delicate paintings with a modern twist. I fell head over heels for one particularly stunning abstract painting and managed to secure a deal to buy it! I have no room to display it in my Derbyshire flat (unless I start incorporating a Tutu theme), but the lovely Florence has offered to hold onto it for a few weeks before sending it to my family home - oh what a beautiful and delicate dilemma!

The evening rolled around, and I treated myself to a proper "London night out." Dinner at an amazing restaurant where they served my favourite dessert: profiteroles! (You can never have too many). After a fabulous Italian dinner, I found myself watching a brilliant jazz ensemble performing on the rooftop terrace of a fancy hotel. They played such vibrant tunes, the moon shone down from the inky sky and there I was, swaying in my coral-pink tutu with a glass of pink gin in my hand. There are simply no words for how utterly fantastic that evening was.

A Final Bow to the Big Smoke

And so, another wonderful London day came to an end. But before retiring for the night, I decided to indulge in some online window shopping – because what's a Pink Tutu Blog post without a spot of sartorial exploration? Oh, the glorious delights of the online shops, where you can truly dive into a magical world of fashion and style! I discovered some fabulous websites with a wide array of beautiful, unique pink tutus – I even found one with pink sequined accents. My heart skipped a beat, but I promise I’ll let you all know once I've chosen my next dazzling ensemble.

Sharing the Pink Tutu Love:

Until next time, my dearest readers! As always, don’t be shy to comment on this post with your thoughts on my Friday frolics. And, don’t forget, my friends, the world needs more pink tutus, so go out there, and let your pink tutu fly high!

Lots of Love,

Emma xo

P.S. Remember to check out my website, and follow my Instagram page @PinkTutuBlogger for updates and photos of my fabulous adventures.

Upcoming Performance: A Spring Dance Gala in Derbyshire

My readers, mark your calendars! Next week, I'm heading back home to my beloved Derbyshire to perform in a stunning spring dance gala! This magical event is celebrating local talent and raising funds for a great cause, supporting dance education for young people. So come and see me twirl in my pink tutu! I can't wait to share my passion with you all!

Some Pink Tutu Tips for your next London Visit!

  • Embrace the unexpected! This city is a whirlwind of entertainment, culture, and unique experiences. Be open to trying new things and wandering off the beaten path.
  • Get on your feet! The best way to explore London is by foot. Not only is it a fantastic way to see the city, but it's also a great way to burn off those scone calories.
  • Travel like a ballerina! Don’t forget your ballet flats - comfy, cute and perfect for exploring!
  • Pick your pink tutu! You're never fully dressed without a pink tutu! It's the perfect addition to any outfit, no matter the occasion.

I hope this #PinkTutuBlogLondon post has inspired you to take on London. Remember, a trip to London isn’t just about sightseeing. It’s about the memories you create!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2019-04-19 Exploring London