Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2019-04-26 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Calling! (Post #1182)

Friday 26th April 2019

Hello lovelies! It's Emma here, back from a whirlwind trip to the glorious capital, and feeling positively pink-tastic! This week's blog is all about a fun-filled Friday exploring London in my trusty pink tutu. If you're a fan of all things fabulous, tutus and fabulous, London, you know this is a match made in sartorial heaven!

I've always adored London, and for a girl who loves the colour pink, a tutu, and a good performance, it's a city that really resonates. This time, my adventure was fuelled by a fabulous ballet performance – a double bill featuring some classic Tchaikovsky – and the chance to experience London through a ballet-inspired lens.

From Derbyshire to London – Train Time!

Every London adventure has to start with a journey, and there's nothing I love more than settling into a comfortable train carriage, my pink tutu conveniently tucked in my oversized pink tote, ready for whatever magical mayhem awaits me. I'm a train-lover through and through, and I feel incredibly fortunate to have the railway as my gateway to London's incredible experiences. The gentle rocking motion is oddly calming and I get so inspired and energized looking out the window at all the different towns and villages whizzing by. There's something special about arriving in London, after a train ride from my lovely hometown of Derbyshire. It feels like arriving in a completely different world – a world filled with endless possibilities!

London’s Ballet Delights!

This trip to London was all about ballet – I had two performances lined up and oh my, was I in for a treat. I'm sure you all know how much I love my ballet and this weekend’s performance really did transport me to another realm. Watching the graceful movements of the dancers, the breathtaking costumes, the delicate storytelling told through pure movement – I was captivated from start to finish. It's such an enriching and uplifting experience, and I just love feeling so inspired afterwards. There's something magical about watching ballet unfold on stage.

London on a Friday – A Pink Tutu Itinerary

My Friday in London was a delightful mix of iconic London sights, ballet inspiration, and a touch of pink-tastic shopping – the perfect blend for any girly London explorer! I arrived on a bright, sunny Friday morning, and straight off the train I made my way to one of my favorite locations - Kensington Gardens. I just love those amazing big old London park settings and it is so nice to walk through them, even if only for a moment or two. I wandered around Hyde Park for a little while, but honestly I couldn't stay away from the Kensington Gardens much longer! My tutu seemed to gravitate to it! I love to look around, and often take some photos for my Instagram. I have to admit though that Hyde Park in the sunshine, dressed in a pink tutu is my happy place!

From The Victoria & Albert Museum to Buckingham Palace

From Hyde Park I made my way straight to one of my favorite spots - the Victoria & Albert Museum. What's a ballet-obsessed tutu-wearing girl to do, but visit the fashion and textile exhibits! My favourite thing is the extensive jewellery collection. The intricate designs are just so awe-inspiring – each piece is like a tiny sculpture, gleaming with artistry and craft. But my favourite bit of this museum is a place I never go into as I simply can’t afford it – but I still love to gawk. I always love peering into the shops and displays for an affordable pink trinket! And I almost always walk away with one!

The day felt almost balletic, gliding effortlessly from one cultural experience to the next. My next stop, a visit to the ultimate royal abode - Buckingham Palace! Who doesn't love a touch of royal glamour? I even managed to catch the Changing of the Guard ceremony – quite a sight to behold with the marching bands and all the regalia. Although it was freezing, and my tutu wasn't the warmest of outfits for standing about, I just had to capture it on my camera. You never know, one day I’ll be there, with a troupe of other pink tutu-wearing girls, and we’ll perform on that parade ground, for the Queen! Who knows?

Time for Ballet Street Inspiration

From there it was a short walk down to the West End, my heart fluttering with anticipation of a delicious ballet class at The Dance Studio in Soho! This place is my happy haven for learning ballet. The dancers are amazing, it’s a fabulous community. I think my tutus are starting to catch on there too – a lot of people there seem to really love wearing a pink tutu. Who knows, maybe in a few years' time, The Dance Studio will be a hive of tutu wearing girls! It is certainly an exciting idea! I really think I am going to start teaching classes at my studio, in a pink tutu, when I return from my current round of international performances. I will let you all know the details of this in due course.

After class I took some time to roam around Covent Garden Market, always a sensory feast, with all the stalls, performers, and street food. What’s even better, my favourite, little boutique on the side street was having a 20% sale on everything. So I had to treat myself to some pretty pink hair bands! There’s always something special about a boutique. Even though it's right next to a high street, everything feels more personal and unique. It's the kind of place where you can really get lost browsing and discovering treasures – just like a little piece of ballet heaven! And don't forget the Covent Garden Opera House, it really is stunning inside. You really do feel transported to another time! It was quite exciting looking at all the people milling about as the night set in. As I continued my meanderings through Soho, I realized how magical London is. Everywhere you turn, you discover hidden treasures, like quirky boutiques, cafes, art galleries and more! You never know what you might find in the streets. It's an endless journey of discovery, much like dancing on stage, it really is so exciting!

And now a Ballet-Inspired Outfit Inspiration Corner…

Today's look was a true embodiment of pink-tutu fabulousness, of course. I opted for my go-to – a fluffy pink tulle tutu paired with a chic white cropped top and a cream cashmere jumper. It was chilly, so I wore a matching cashmere cardigan in a delicate lavender shade for extra warmth and a dash of romantic colour. I finished the look with my favourite sparkly ballet flats for an added touch of grace. But you don't have to wear a tutu to get the ballet-inspired look! You could try a classic black pencil skirt and top, or opt for something softer like a floaty tulle skirt or dress in soft pink, nude or white! Ballet is all about fluid movement, graceful elegance and a sense of feminine poise – so think delicate layers, lightweight fabrics, and effortless sophistication! Add some sparkles for that extra dose of ballerina-inspired glamour, because who doesn't love a touch of glitter? I can't leave out my pink-tinted shades. They're the perfect accessory for a ballet-inspired London exploration. A pair of statement earrings with a ballerina motif can also really complete your look!

Final Thoughts:

As my London day wrapped up, I hopped onto a train heading back home, the cityscape melting away behind me as the train gathered speed. The wind whistled in my ears as if a beautiful symphony were being played just for me. And the city lights glittered, each a tiny, dazzling gem – a perfect reflection of the beauty and grace of ballet. This was the essence of a ballerina’s perfect Friday – exploring a city brimming with artistic life, immersing myself in the culture that nurtures my soul, and getting lost in the wonder of London, all whilst wearing my beloved pink tutu, of course.

See you next week, for another Pink Tutu Blog adventures, as I travel around the UK sharing my passion for life, ballet, tutus, and fashion! I will of course be continuing with my quest to inspire all of you to wear your pink tutus! After all, life is too short to not be bold and be you – in a pink tutu, no less!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2019-04-26 Exploring London