
Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2019-06-28 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: #1191 - Friday 2019-06-28 - A Pink Day Out In The Capital!

Hello my lovely readers! It's Friday again, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu Blog London post! This week, I'm whisking you off on a pink-filled journey to the big smoke - London! Yes, darling, I took the train down from Derbyshire (you know, the train, one of my favourite things to travel by! - so stylish and civilised) for a day of dancing, shopping, and of course, a little bit of theatre.

My week has been all about the ballet, darling! A full performance schedule this time, but it all adds up to the perfect travel kitty for a little London escape! It was time for a good dose of theatre and, I just had to go see the "Giselle" performance - one of the greats! Oh, how I love a good ballet story.

Now, I just love a good frock (and you all know how much I love a pink tutu - you must be wearing one yourself as we speak! ;) so before heading off on the train, I went for a good rummage through my wardrobe - deciding on a fabulously flattering bubblegum pink dress that really does have that je ne sais quoi. My new pink polka-dotted shoes tied up my ensemble (not too high, of course, as I have to remember the hours I'll spend pirouette-ing at the ballet studio - just before my London excursion!)

So, on to the London delights. It's always so much fun taking the train. London station was abuzz as usual and as always - a hub of style. I had to admire the fab outfits! Oh, the ladies were so fashion-forward in the most wonderful colours (so many lovely colours, and it made me want to dance!), and what shoes! All of this inspired me to just pull out my little notebook and start sketching some inspiration, which Iā€™ll share with you all later, you know it's true - the pink tutu's got a fabulous muse in London! But, itā€™s London so a good dose of pink is always a good choice and of course, you know my penchant for pink is something Iā€™m happy to spread like confetti in a good fashion parade! A good splash of pink adds a certain joie de vivre to any look, it's as essential as good posture. I just know you agree, dear readers.

A Dance Performance Delight: Giselle, Londonā€™s Royal Opera House

As a self-proclaimed ballerina at heart, you know it was a "must-see" performance for this pink-loving tutu enthusiast! The theatreā€™s Royal Opera House - one of London's must-see attractions in my opinion. As soon as you walk through the doors, the energy just takes your breath away. Youā€™ve just got to admire all the craftsmanship, detail, and that magical atmosphere - you truly feel the weight of its history, the place simply hums with theatrical history and performance energy! Thereā€™s no doubting Londonā€™s fabulous theatre tradition, itā€™s just simply divine.

My absolute favourite bit - watching the performance, of course! And it was truly a memorable evening. Oh, the dancing was a triumph! "Giselle" is one of the ballet's real heart-tugging stories - and there were definitely some tears shed at this magical performance! I can't get over how perfectly the dancers move, they are like graceful fairies - or ballerinas in a glorious pink dream!

So, this performance was just the pick-me-up my dancing soul needed. And as a good fashion fan, I have to mention the costumes in the performance were stunning - I must have spent ages after the performance gazing at the display cases in the "Opera House" shop showcasing their beautiful costume designs. It makes me wonder how those costume makers managed to weave magic and artistry with such ease and precision! - just perfection! (That's the dream! The artistic and technical skills I adore!)

And after the performance? What's more rewarding for the heart, body, and mind than a good wander about London, darling? The buzz of the evening in London was just divine. The restaurants and shops just beckoned us to a stroll (with the occasional "pit-stop" of course - and how I loved the cute pink drinks and sweet pastries - those Parisian cafes have so much inspiration when it comes to the art of creating little delectable desserts.) The beautiful buildings just call out to me - so architectural and beautifully-crafted, whatā€™s not to love! London's always bursting with exciting sights and adventures. I just can't get over its unique style - from grand buildings and squares to cobbled streets and alleyways - thereā€™s just such a fascinating, layered history that permeates the city. And every now and then, you get to wander around some really unexpected hidden gems - they really bring a touch of mystery and wonder, don't they! Iā€™ve never quite experienced anything quite like London in all of my travels, really.

London: A Pink Shopping Paradise

Now darling, no day out in London is complete without a good old fashion shopping spree, right?! Iā€™d set out for a London afternoon with the intention of making the most of my London day and some pink, obviously. What's the first place on a fashion fanaticā€™s itinerary, you may ask?

Yes, it was time for the iconic department store, Liberty's - where we find that eclectic, timeless beauty - with so many of London's stylish residents flitting between the luxurious and colourful departments. If you know me, then you know that Iā€™m mad for all things fabric - my weakness, you know!

Well, I was off like a shot to the textile department, of course! I just couldnā€™t resist those glorious velvets, brocades, and shimmering silks, each one an intricate masterpiece in its own right. (Who needs a gallery! Liberty is just the best art gallery around!)

But, if there is one thing I love even more than a beautiful fabric? A fabulous scarf - I just can't say "no" to a good statement scarf - to throw over a plain top or as the finishing touch to your ballet studio getup. I mean, what better than to express your love for pink with an oversized pink satin scarf? (Yes, darling - the perfect addition to my ballet look.) So, itā€™s back to the pink, and a bit of shopping heaven for this tutu girl - that Libertyā€™s atmosphere - just perfection - with itā€™s opulence, beautiful dĆ©cor and architecture (the amazing stained glass, divine) and, that incredible aroma of textiles - so enticing! Oh, the Liberty's magic just swept me away! (This little spree was a joy from start to finish.)

And the hunt was on! I found myself, as ever, on the lookout for a certain shade of pink. I love pink, itā€™s the ultimate way to celebrate everything fabulous about feminine, creative style - and for an artistic dancer such as myself - that's got to be a colour to wear with pride!

Of course, what London shopping day is complete without a bit of afternoon tea? A good selection of delicate finger sandwiches (Cucumber sandwiches, my all-time favourite) and dainty cakes ā€“ it was simply divine! Thereā€™s a reason they say that "London is always the best". There is an unparalleled sense of history in the London architecture - and it always seems to ooze style and creativity (no matter where you walk in the city) and it seems London really knows how to combine traditional, old-world charm with modernity - such a beautiful blend, I love it!

Londonā€™s Secret Street Style

Speaking of style and fashionā€¦ My eyes were popping with glee in Oxford Street ā€“ you see it really does embody Londonā€™s diverse style (the colours, patterns and individual flair ā€“ a rainbow of styles) . But, my fashion senses were also captivated by a couple of street styles (the look for those who simply get "it"), I had to capture their individuality - as these "real" styles just made my sketchbook bubble over! I just have to share with you a couple of Londonā€™s fab "street styles" - what can I say, but "style, darling - I love it!ā€

My first stop: A street performer on the edge of Covent Gardenā€™s cobbled street! You have to understand, I love the ā€œstreetā€ theatre. He was rocking an all-pink suit. Well, you know I can't resist a good dose of pink - especially with his quirky patterned jacket, a touch of pink velvet and his incredible pair of glitzy, sparkling silver shoes. Now this guy was not afraid to make a statement and certainly drew the crowds! I canā€™t get over how confidence shines from his personality! I even captured some of his movements in my notebook! I am hoping to share with you his dance style and moves - watch this space, darling - it's going to be divine!

Now my London wander took me to Soho, and there - my second fashion find of the day - A young woman (oh, that creative energy), sporting a dress in this bold pink check print - paired with white heels - she radiated a kind of stylish sophistication (London just makes me feel this sophisticated vibe and London always does the art of cool-style so well.) - it was so striking and fashion forward that - I had to make a quick sketch! - A new idea for the "pink tutuā€ ensemble. Youā€™ve just got to keep your eye out for that unexpected colour or combination - something different - (like our pink tutu blogger has in her sketchbook) and that London always delivers in the style stakes.

So, another great Friday in the big smoke! The energy in the air, the stylish shops and restaurants, a day of pure pink - my heart simply skips a beat whenever I get the chance to take a day trip to London. But, itā€™s not just about those iconic landmarks and well-known sites - (although they really do leave you with a memory you wonā€™t forget). It's the discovery of new creative talents and emerging trends, and the fact that even amongst the hubbub of life there is an amazing amount of beautiful things to be discovered (a little pink tutu fun with a side of magic - what could be more enchanting.)

I really have to get back into the studio. Itā€™s a Friday, darling and we know what that means: Tutu time, ballet time! And the London "Giselle" performance really reminded me what inspires me - my own passion for dance - you can see it, my inspiration for the week will flow through those moves, - those twirls and spins! The creativity and beauty that - just draws me in ā€“ so - till next time darling, my fashion love - don't forget to stay stylish, keep it pink and wear your tutu, whatever youā€™re doing this weekend, donā€™t forget your ā€œPink Tutuā€ magic! I love it and hope it brings you lots of pink tutu - joy!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2019-06-28 Exploring London