
Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2019-10-18 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: Post #1207 - London Calling!

Hello darlings! It's Friday again, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu Blog post! I'm absolutely buzzing to share all the fabulous things I got up to in London this week. I mean, there's nothing quite like a trip to the capital, especially when you're a girl who loves twirling in a pink tutu! ๐Ÿ’–

A Whirlwind Train Journey

This week, I embarked on my usual London journey, boarding a lovely, comfy train straight from my Derbyshire abode. I absolutely adore train travel, especially when it means escaping to a big, exciting city like London. The rhythm of the wheels, the scenery rushing by, and the little cuppa from the trolley (a must, especially when a proper scone is on offer!), makes for the perfect start to my day.

I decided to make a day of it, packing a gorgeous pink sparkly handbag (you can never have too much sparkle!), my trusty pink ballet flats (of course!), and my favourite, oh-so-pink tutu - I knew I was going to need a good twirl or two amongst all the London delights!

Stepping Into London's Fashionable Heart: Covent Garden

Once I arrived in the city, it was straight to Covent Garden, my ultimate favourite London playground! The vibrant atmosphere, the beautiful street performers, and the unique shops all filled me with that irresistible London buzz. The scent of freshly baked bread wafting from the stalls just topped off the whole experience, don't you think?

My pink tutu seemed to draw even more smiles than usual, as I bounced between shops, mesmerized by all the pretty fabrics, beautiful clothes, and unique trinkets. It felt like I had stepped into a giant, flamboyant wardrobe!

One thing I absolutely had to do was visit the fabulous Peter Jones department store. The shoes alone! And don't even get me started on their designer handbag section - pure bliss!

But honestly, even window shopping in Covent Garden is a joy. There's something truly magical about it. It's like the shops all understand my passion for pretty things and know exactly how to cater to my whimsical taste!

London Calling for All Dance Enthusiasts: A Majestic Performance

Covent Garden, however, wasn't just about fashion and shopping - oh no! It was also about dance! This week, I went to see a truly sensational ballet performance at the Royal Opera House, featuring the exquisite Bolshoi Ballet. Let me tell you, I've never witnessed such incredible athleticism and artistry before. It was a perfect blend of classic grace and contemporary power. My heart just skipped a beat every time those ballerinas soared across the stage - pure magic!

Finding That Unique Touch: The Delight of Quirky London

After a delightful dinner (fish and chips, naturally! London has some fantastic fish and chips spots!) I ventured back towards the train station, stopping by a quaint little market. I found a charming little stall selling handcrafted jewellery - I'm such a sucker for pretty accessories! I couldn't resist purchasing a delicate silver necklace with a tiny, delicate ballerina figurine pendant - just my style!

The Power of Pink and Tutu Dreams

Before heading home, I indulged in my ritual London treat - a magnificent slice of strawberry cake from my favourite tea shop. I love sitting with my cuppa and watching the city buzz by - London is always such a vibrant and full-of-life place!

Now, you know I couldn't possibly have returned to Derbyshire without indulging in a twirl or two on a London street. With my pink tutu swishing around me, I found the most picturesque corner of the station and gave myself a little pirouette. Why? Because it's just impossible to visit this dazzling city and not dance, don't you think?

Next Week's Adventures

And that, my dear readers, concludes this week's London blog. Tune in next week, when I'll be exploring even more of this fantastic city. You can be sure I'll be sharing my fashion finds, yummy culinary adventures, and any enchanting ballet performances I stumble upon!

I always say, a touch of pink can bring magic to any adventure, and a twirl in a pink tutu can turn any day into a beautiful memory. So remember, wear that pink tutu with pride! Let's fill the world with a little bit of pink magic! โœจ

See you next week, darlings!

With love and pink wishes,

Emma ๐Ÿฉฐ๐Ÿ’–

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2019-10-18 Exploring London