Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2020-01-03 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Calling! 🩰✨ (Post #1218)

Hello my darling readers! It's Emma, your favourite pink-tutu-clad adventurer, and I'm back with another fabulous Friday blog post! This week, I'm absolutely bursting with excitement because I'm in London! Yes, you heard that right, my little lovelies, I've swapped the rolling hills of Derbyshire for the bustling streets of the capital.

I know you're probably thinking, "Emma, how did you manage to get to London? Surely, a pink tutu wouldn't be practical for a train journey?" Well, fear not, my dear friends! This trip was all planned perfectly, right down to my pink-tutu-friendly outfit. I paired my signature tulle masterpiece with a pair of comfy trainers, a chic pink bomber jacket (the colour is actually "millennial pink", you know), and a travel-sized bag filled with all my essential ballet goodies (a pink hairband, my favourite lipstick - you know, the one that makes me feel like a proper princess!).

The train journey was truly delightful, I must say. I watched the world whizz by from my window seat, admiring the English countryside and indulging in a little light reading – my favourite new ballet biography, of course! The best part of the journey? A charming gentleman on the train was kind enough to offer me his window seat when he realised how much I adored gazing at the views. How lovely!

London Calling

As I stepped onto the platform at London Kings Cross, a surge of excitement washed over me. I could practically hear the music of a thousand orchestras and the whispers of forgotten ballerinas dancing through the air! This city is just bursting with energy, isn't it?

First on the agenda: breakfast at a cute little café tucked away on a quiet side street. I went for a poached egg on sourdough with a side of smoked salmon, absolutely divine! I know it might sound fancy for a breakfast, but trust me, sometimes you just need a little extra pampering, don't you?

With a tummy full of deliciousness, I was ready for my grand adventure in London! Today was all about soaking up the city's vibrant culture and stunning architecture. My day unfolded in a whirlwind of colour, music, and magical moments:

  • Buckingham Palace: My dear readers, it’s no surprise that this royal gem was on my list! A pink-clad ballerina in front of a palace, a perfect picture of grace and femininity, if I do say so myself!

  • The British Museum: A real treat for the soul, especially for a ballet fanatic like me! I love immersing myself in history and exploring the world through artefacts. I especially loved seeing the Rosetta Stone - a timeless masterpiece. It reminded me that even when we feel like we're in a whirlwind, history stands still, providing a reassuring sense of calm and inspiration.

  • Hyde Park: After all that exploring, a leisurely walk through Hyde Park was exactly what I needed! I even spotted a group of musicians playing classical tunes, bringing a bit of Parisian flair to the English setting. How delightful! I sat on a bench under a shady tree, enjoying a slice of apple crumble (of course, with pink icing) and reminiscing about the day's adventures.

An Evening of Ballet and Beyond

Evening arrived, and it was time for my most anticipated part of the trip - a ballet performance! Tonight, the Royal Opera House was playing Swan Lake - a personal favourite, naturally! I dressed up in a beautiful coral-pink tutu with shimmering gold detailing. My dear readers, I felt like I was dancing across the clouds! The show was absolutely breathtaking, I found myself lost in the world of the swan and her prince, feeling all those emotions with her – love, despair, and, of course, ultimate triumph. The way the dancers moved their bodies was just spellbinding, so precise, so expressive – pure magic! And after the show? Well, of course, I couldn't resist taking a stroll along the South Bank, gazing up at the London Eye and soaking up the atmosphere of the city under a blanket of twinkling lights.

The Magic of a Pink Tutu

You know, this trip has reminded me once again why I love London so much. It's a city of contrasts, a whirlwind of colour and energy, where history whispers at every corner. But more than anything, London is a city that celebrates the magic of art, theatre, and beauty. It's the perfect backdrop for a pink tutu, I have to say! And who knows? Maybe my visit will inspire a few Londoners to embrace the pink-tutu-lifestyle. Think of all the fun we could have, strutting down Oxford Street in a sea of tulle! Wouldn't that be utterly fantastic?

So, until next Friday, keep dreaming big and remember – always wear pink! 💖

P.S. What are your favourite places to visit in London? I'm always looking for new recommendations, especially for pink-tutu-friendly destinations! Share them in the comments below, lovelies! 😊

Emma xx

Extra details for Emma's London Friday

It’s worth noting what was on in London on January 3rd 2020. It would have been an interesting time in London because:

  • Swan Lake was running at The Royal Opera House, which Emma had attended as described in the blog. This particular ballet has long been a popular performance in London, but in January 2020, it was a new production, designed by the world-renowned, acclaimed designer, Jean-Paul Gaultier.
  • The London New Year’s Day Parade was on January 1st, with plenty of interesting and colourful displays, street performers and events still ongoing in the city in the following days, even into the weekend, meaning Emma would likely have been able to find plenty to see in London during her trip, especially if she were to stroll down Regent Street, Oxford Street and along to the British Museum.
  • It would be winter, and perhaps snowing or wet - Emma could have enjoyed London on a freezing January day. This means that wearing her pink tutu, whilst in a warmer place such as the museum or theatre, would need some consideration about how she keeps warm outside, so would have needed to ensure a good plan, suitable clothing and of course, the opportunity to stop for some tea and cake and get warm and cosy whilst walking around London on her first London trip of 2020!

The Blog's potential impact on London's fashion and the Pink Tutu lifestyle

Emma's blog might make an impact on London fashion. London is already a leading international fashion capital with its many famous designer brands and independent retailers, alongside street style trends which make London an influential trendsetter. It is already well-known for its unique style, but Emma’s enthusiasm for the pink tutu could catch on in London, as her blogs may bring the pink tutu back as a style statement that is as fashionable as any other accessory, piece of clothing or footwear in fashion - the tutu could become something as popular as a well-loved and classic outfit that people can pair with many garments in different ways. Her dedication to pink tutus and all things ballerina would encourage Londoners to embrace and enjoy a more playful approach to their own style and sense of self-expression, through colour, style and confidence in embracing their love for dance, or other favourite things.

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2020-01-03 Exploring London