Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2020-07-03 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London #1244: A Whirlwind Friday in the Capital!

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood pink tutu enthusiast, back with another installment of the Pink Tutu Blog!

This week, I packed my sparkly pink suitcase and hopped aboard the train from Derbyshire, ready to embark on another magical adventure in the vibrant heart of London! For me, nothing beats the thrill of a train journey. I love watching the countryside whiz by as I settle into my plush seat, sipping on a warm cuppa and lost in my own whimsical world.

The journey was as always, a feast for the senses! From the countryside's calming green rolling hills, I watched the world transition to the towering buildings and bustling streets of London. Each new landmark held the promise of exciting discoveries. It's amazing how such a small island can offer such a kaleidoscope of experiences!

I had a very full agenda today, so I knew I had to make the most of my time. After checking into my cosy hotel (with the most exquisite pink floral wallpaper!), I donned my newest tutu (a vibrant shade of blush pink with silver accents) and set off on foot to explore.

First on my list, of course, was a trip to the Royal Opera House. Just walking by the iconic building sent shivers down my spine. I could practically hear the haunting melodies of a timeless classic. Sadly, the ballet season was finished, but I did manage to peek through the beautiful glass doors and soak up the elegant grandeur. Perhaps a next time, I'll treat myself to a performance. Who knows, maybe they'll even offer a pink tutu dress code!

From Covent Garden, I ventured into the heart of the bustling Oxford Street, where my feet couldn't help but click along to the city's symphony. You can't come to London without a little retail therapy! Now, I don't need to tell you that my shopping bag quickly overflowed with pink, pink, and more pink!

A little later, my tummy started to rumble. Thankfully, I had reserved a table at a sweet little bistro called Le Petite Rose where I treated myself to the most divine lavender afternoon tea, complete with dainty scones, finger sandwiches, and of course, my favourite - a tower of delicate pastries! Oh, and the teapot? You guessed it! Pink with delicate rosebuds adorning its sides.

I knew I had to include some ballet in my Friday adventure. So I found myself at the charming Danceworks Studio in Chelsea. Their drop-in class for adults had just begun. I twirled and pirouetted alongside the lovely instructor, Sarah, whose pink tulle skirt was the envy of every ballerina in the class! My limbs were aching after a good hour of practice, but oh, my heart was full of joy.

Finally, I ended my day at The Shakespeare Globe. I've been in love with Shakespeare since my childhood, so seeing this theatrical masterpiece, with its original, rustic charm, was pure magic.

Standing in the grounds of the Globe, you can't help but feel a profound sense of history. Just imagining the stories that have unfolded on this very stage fills me with wonder!

And did I mention the view from the rooftop? It gave me a spectacular panoramic of London, looking across the Thames River to the gleaming lights of the South Bank.

It's hard to believe it was a Friday night when I finally sat down to enjoy a leisurely glass of bubbly and nibble on a couple of pastries, I had squeezed an entire day's worth of experiences into a tiny twenty-four hour window!

Oh, the thrill! The wonder! The colour! It’s days like these that make me thank my lucky stars that I was born with this contagious love of life.

As for my little pink tutu… it managed to weather every adventure, every dance class, every twirl, with its tulle beautifully unruffled, its charm shining brighter with each step. You know what they say – “Life is a dance. Dance with style.” I think this tutu was the perfect partner for a whirlwind Friday in London.

And hey, if you’re thinking of joining me on one of my future adventures, let me know! I'm always open to new friends and fellow tutu enthusiasts who share my love of all things pink and sparkly.

Remember to check back next Friday for more exciting pink-tutu-filled adventures! In the meantime, please leave a comment below, share your London experiences, and tell me about your dream tutu!

Until next time, darlings, stay fabulous and never be afraid to let your pink flag fly!



Don't forget to check out the Pink Tutu Blog: Follow Emma on Instagram: @EmmaPinkTutu

P.S. I'm looking for inspiration for my next blog post. Let me know in the comments which London spot you think I should visit next! Do you have a favourite London cafe, museum, or art gallery?

Maybe there's a certain vintage clothing shop I should check out? Perhaps you have a fabulous pink tutu I need to see for myself! I'd love to hear your suggestions.

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2020-07-03 Exploring London