Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2021-01-08 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London #1271: Friday Fun in the Big Smoke!

Hello darlings! Emma here, and it’s Friday, which means it’s time for another Pink Tutu Blog London post! This week I’ve traded in the rolling Derbyshire hills for the bustling streets of London, and I’m feeling utterly fabulous! I even managed to snag a stunning, blush-pink tutu to add to my collection, so my day has already been positively delightful!

As you know, my obsession with ballet and all things pink extends to everything from my outfits to my travel plans, and this week is no exception. This week I journeyed down to London by train, which is always such a magical experience. The whirring of the wheels, the endless scenery blurring past the windows, and the gentle hum of conversations in the carriages—it all creates a lovely atmosphere. I even got to wear my new blush pink tutu on the train—it really got a few curious glances, and several lovely ladies complimented me on my bold sense of style!

Now, to get to the good stuff: my London adventures!

London Adventures: Shopping and Culture

It's hard to believe that it's already January! It feels like yesterday I was twirling on stage, dazzling everyone with my graceful moves at the Christmas performance at the Derbyshire County Theatre. Now I'm back in the Big Smoke, and the excitement for my Friday spree is positively infectious.

Today’s agenda was bursting with excitement—think, pink shopping sprees, delectable afternoon tea, and some utterly divine culture! You know me: all about the arts and everything beautiful!

First Stop: Liberty's

Now, I’ve always said: you can't visit London without a trip to Liberty’s. It’s just bursting with the most gorgeous fabrics and colours imaginable. The whole store is practically dripping in decadent Victorian charm and oozing with glamour. I found the most delicate pink satin ribbon in the haberdashery department - perfect for adding a touch of romance to my new pink tutu!

Second Stop: Afternoon Tea with a View

Of course, after all that shopping, it's only right to enjoy a spot of traditional British afternoon tea. And what better way to enjoy it than at the Shard with a view overlooking the city! I opted for the Classic Afternoon Tea – think fluffy scones, dainty finger sandwiches and, of course, a pot of freshly brewed Earl Grey tea. This afternoon tea is something you should absolutely try - the panoramic views over London were just stunning!

Third Stop: The National Gallery

After a truly delightful afternoon, my creative side was positively buzzing! It was time for a spot of culture, so I headed to the National Gallery. The impressive art collection was so inspiring. This is a truly magical place! I got lost in the paintings for hours and even found inspiration for my next choreographed ballet routine—inspired, naturally, by the rich colours and emotions within the paintings.

London Evening: Ballet and the Lights of Piccadilly Circus

Now, after an afternoon of exploring and an evening ballet show at the Royal Opera House, I’m positively buzzing. London just makes you feel alive! The buzz of the city is infectious!

And how could I spend a Friday in London without a bit of dancing and, well, the most delightful show in town? Tonight, the Royal Opera House hosted "The Nutcracker," and my goodness, the performance was absolutely breathtaking! The delicate movements, the dazzling costumes, and the enchanting score just swept me away. The sheer magic of seeing all these incredible artists performing right in front of me – it’s one of those moments that really takes my breath away.

After the show, a little detour into Piccadilly Circus was a must, especially after a wonderful show! The twinkling lights, the hustle and bustle, and the energy of the crowd— it all just added to my sense of joy. The dazzling signs of Piccadilly Circus - like little shimmering stars in the night - felt so alive and festive! And, of course, I couldn’t resist stopping for a photo with my trusty pink tutu, shimmering brightly in the neon lights of Piccadilly!

Pink Tutu Travel Tips

You know I wouldn't let you go without some handy tips for your own London adventures. Here are a few secrets from the "Pink Tutu Travel Guide" (coming soon! Wink!)

  • Travel by Tube: It's quick, efficient, and affordable. Even in my pink tutu!
  • Pack a good pair of walking shoes! London is a walking city, so comfortable footwear is essential!
  • Embrace the markets: Whether it’s the traditional flowers at Covent Garden or the vintage clothes at Brick Lane, markets are bursting with unique treasures.
  • Make the most of the City's beauty: The river Thames, Hyde Park, Richmond Park - London has some wonderful parks. Grab your picnic basket and embrace the nature and fresh air!
  • Pink is always the perfect colour: Just trust me.
Pink Tutu Reflections: London Calling

As I finish up this blog post, I can’t help but reflect on my day. This vibrant city just makes you feel alive! The pink lights of Piccadilly, the charm of Liberty, the vibrant ballet performances - I have absorbed it all and am ready to share all the wonders of this amazing city with you. And to think: it all started with a journey by train!

Until next Friday! Be sure to stay in touch via social media and check in at for new blog posts!

Love, Emma x

PS: Don’t forget, dear readers, my mission in life is to make the world a pinker place, and the more of you fabulous creatures wear pink tutus, the better! Let me know your pink tutu story in the comments below! Let's share the pink-tutu love!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2021-01-08 Exploring London