
Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2021-01-01 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: #1270 - A Day of Delights in the Big Smoke (Friday 2021-01-01)

Oh darling! It's been another whirlwind week. The past seven days have been filled with pirouettes and performances, a sprinkle of glitz and glamour, and more tutus than you could possibly imagine (Iā€™m always adding to my collection, you know!).

And it's Friday again, my darlings! You know what that means - it's time to head to London town, the epicentre of style and sophistication, for another delightful adventure. The train is all packed, my pink tutu is perfectly fluffed, and Iā€™ve got my trusty pink suitcase bursting with exciting outfits. You know I'm a fan of keeping my luggage pretty.

Speaking of keeping it prettyā€¦ London has an undeniably fabulous sense of style, donā€™t you think? From the impeccably dressed shoppers on Oxford Street to the cutting-edge designs strutting down the runway, the city pulsates with creative energy. And just last night, I performed a particularly show-stopping ballet routine at the local theatre in Derby, so you can bet Iā€™m feeling my best today! The crowds went wild and showered us with applause ā€“ there's no better feeling than being swept up in the passion of a live performance!

Anyway, letā€™s get to this weekā€™s London diary! This weekā€™s adventure is going to be bursting with colour and sparkle, and I simply cannot wait to share every exquisite detail with you, darlings.

Train Talk!

Right, Iā€™ve just arrived at Euston Station - what an iconic sight! The train journey down from Derbyshire has been fantastic, as always. Itā€™s so refreshing to watch the countryside roll by, to take a moment to reflect on life, and let my mind wander with possibilities. You see, thereā€™s something magical about a train journey, particularly when youā€™re in the midst of the English countryside - all those beautiful trees and sheep, a sense of calm amidst the chaos. It truly takes my breath away.

And then there are the people I encounter. This week, I sat with a group of schoolgirls in their uniforms on the way down - just love seeing them, and all their wide-eyed innocence! I asked if they loved ballet - of course they do, and I told them they should try wearing a tutuā€¦ just to unleash their inner ballerina, darling! After all, life's too short to be afraid of being extraordinary! Itā€™s moments like that, right? Little flashes of pure joy! I'm certain thatā€™s the true essence of fashion - expressing yourself!

Youā€™ll always find me snapping a few pics in the carriage, so of course, I got my obligatory ā€œtutu-selfie.ā€ My pink one today is oh-so-dramatic! You wouldnā€™t believe it - a full tulle skirt, a dazzling sequinned bodice and a bejewelled tiara to top it off - fit for a royal ballet. It adds that certain sparkle and whimsical air to my travels! What else would you expect, darling?

London's Calling

Stepping onto the platform at Euston was exhilarating, Iā€™m telling you. That familiar, unmistakable smell of London! A cocktail of freshly-baked croissants from the boulangerie next to the station, a whiff of diesel from the countless buses and the unmistakable earthy aroma of the underground. And that rush of bustling energy, the relentless pace of city life. Oh, it's simply intoxicating! A little taste of magic in the air!

The most important stop on my list was a visit to the gorgeous Liberty department store, which you may remember is a must-visit for anyone looking for beautiful gifts. It's not exactly your typical high street store, my darlings. Instead, it's like stepping into a fairy tale! They have the most elegant decorations ā€“ from intricate wallpaper to elaborate window displays. You'll find absolutely everything - homewares, stationery, clothes, and more - but theyā€™re all absolutely unique, you know? Each item oozes quality and originality. Every single thing seems to sing out ā€œDarling, Iā€™m designed to be treasured.ā€

Just yesterday, my beautiful bestie (who's got such incredible taste) found a a magnificent pink velvet armchair. Isn't that perfect? For afternoon tea with your girls, naturally! I also managed to snap a little vintage pink beret for my next look! I can already envision pairing it with a little black dress for a chic yet dramatic daytime ensemble.

Food for Thought!

Speaking of deliciousness, my afternoon tea was divine. Naturally, we opted for one of the poshest tea salons - in true London style, my darling. Every delicious treat came artfully arranged and the china was truly breathtaking. I must have had a dozen little sandwiches and two slices of perfectly crumbly Victoria Sponge! We giggled and chatted, and honestly, nothing beats those moments of pure joy with friends over tea! It really is a way of life, isn't it?

My favourite thing, of course, was the assortment of pastries. All sorts of beautiful pastel delights - they were so delicate and elegant, a visual feast. The pastry chef really understood the beauty of combining both colour and form. You wouldn't believe the variety - lemon tarts, macarons, even a petite strawberry-cream pie. I could barely contain myself! You might even say I felt a bit of sugar-induced joy, to be quite frank!

Later in the afternoon, we treated ourselves to a bit of sightseeing and went to Covent Garden. Always buzzing! The air is a kaleidoscope of colors, smells and sounds, filled with the hum of conversation and laughter. I managed to capture some amazing shots for my blog - you should see it! Thereā€™s a wonderful energy about the place that you can just feel as soon as you step through the piazza - everyone seems so relaxed, joyful even. Youā€™ll find amazing shops here, too. My dear friend Charlotte found a perfect little shop that sold handcrafted jewellery. Of course, it was a must-stop for a new pink gemstone ring, perfect for all those grand ballet dinners and galas I attend.

Theatrical Delight!

The final act of our London adventure took place in the iconic Royal Opera House. A captivating ballet performance awaited us! Oh, how I love the energy of these historic buildings, with all those elaborate interiors - grand archways, ornate dƩcor. I do adore an impressive backdrop for a graceful, flowing dance.

And oh darling! This particular ballet performance was a dazzling display of pure talent and athleticism. The dancers were incredible - gliding, soaring, their every movement was perfection! All the while I had my fingers crossed, hoping I wouldn't burst into spontaneous applause, which you know I have been known to do! Such captivating choreography and the costumes, divine! A sea of sparkling white and black tutus - so elegantly presented. Just breath-taking.

A Final Flurry!

Well darling, that concludes another fabulous Friday in London. I always find London inspiring, full of creative energy! As I was making my way back to the station for my train journey back home, I reflected on the day ā€“ all the laughter, all the fun! That sense of awe from watching the beautiful ballet performance - just makes you feel like you're dancing through life with grace!

A moment of contemplation later, and itā€™s time to board my train. I have to say - thereā€™s nothing quite as enjoyable as looking out the window on the way back to Derbyshire. The familiar countryside rushing past. And now Iā€™m back home, catching up on my favourite tv show in a pair of plush slippers and of course - you guessed it! - another one of my pink tutus! My love for a good pink tutu never diminishes. They are always ready to brighten up the everyday. Itā€™s really about finding the fun and beauty in life, donā€™t you think?

Next Friday Iā€™ll be blogging again, so check back in - you wonā€™t want to miss a single word, darling! You can catch all my adventures, travel tips, and musings on fashion at www.pink-tutu.com - or you can follow me on social media for the very latest updates! Oh darling, remember - you only live once! I really do hope you'll give those tutus a try, my dears! Go ahead - let your inner ballerina shine!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2021-01-01 Exploring London