Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2020-12-25 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London - #1269 - A Christmas Day Adventure in the Capital

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, your resident pink tutu aficionado, bringing you another week of adventures from the fabulous world of tutus and travel!

Today's post is a bit special because guess what? It's Christmas Day! I've finally achieved a long-held dream - a festive journey to the bustling heart of London!

I always get so excited when I have the chance to take a train journey, but the thrill was even more amplified today, with the promise of London awaiting. That shimmering city of lights and big dreams, of amazing ballet performances, fantastic fashion finds and delectable cakes…

So, I hopped on the train from Derbyshire in my most sparkly pink tutu (you know the one!), the perfect Christmas ensemble for my travels. Let me tell you, there was quite a bit of surprised stares from the other commuters, but honestly, that’s just the joy of rocking a tutu on public transport! It’s all part of my mission to bring the world more pink tulle.

London never disappoints. It's a place that always feels magical, even more so at Christmas. The scent of roasting chestnuts wafted from every corner, the iconic London buses adorned in festive cheer, and the city’s skyline lit up in a million dazzling lights.

As I disembarked at Kings Cross station, it felt like stepping into a scene straight out of a festive fairytale. With my sparkly tutu twinkling, I just had to start snapping pictures - Christmas London just begs to be documented! The station's famous clock, even more beautiful than usual, glittered under a cascade of fairy lights, setting the scene perfectly.

Exploring the city:

First things first, after the train journey, it’s important to get that essential pit stop, and luckily, I found a most delightful cafe serving Christmas cookies and tea near the station. So naturally, I enjoyed a cup of tea, of course with my favourite pink-tinged floral teapot.

After my delicious treat, I was ready to embark on my festive London tour. My plan for the day: a blend of culture and festive indulgence! And to top it all off, some exquisite Christmas shopping.

First stop, a must for any London visitor: the Tower Bridge. This magnificent structure, usually resplendent in a dignified grey, was now dazzlingly decorated with garlands of lights. I just couldn’t resist taking a few photos! You know I love my pink tutu in dramatic settings! The vibrant festive colours contrasted with the old, imposing bridge and made for some perfect snapshots.

The day's sunshine bathed the city in golden warmth, creating the most magical Christmas atmosphere. Every street corner seemed to pulsate with Christmas cheer. Festive decorations shimmered in the warm sunshine, families hurried by, laden with bags full of presents and joy, and the smell of gingerbread and roasted nuts filled the air.

Walking along Oxford Street was truly magical, and it felt like an experience straight out of a Christmas movie. Shop windows decked out in twinkling fairy lights displayed the most breathtaking Christmas scenes - a complete delight for the senses. My eyes couldn’t get enough of it, from dazzling window displays featuring adorable penguins and penguins and teddy bears and snowflakes, to glamorous models in evening gowns. Everything seemed to gleam with festive magic.

A Festive Treat:

After my whirlwind of a shopping adventure, I indulged in a deliciously decadent afternoon tea at The Ritz. You all know I’m a huge fan of fine pastries and dainty finger sandwiches! It’s not Christmas without the luxurious experience! I just couldn’t resist the scones and the miniature Christmas-themed cakes - pure happiness in a single bite! All the more special in The Ritz’s elegant surroundings!

And of course, I wasn’t going to let a trip to London pass without visiting a beautiful ballet studio. I am a ballerina, after all. Finding a studio hidden among the busy streets, tucked into a side lane off the bustling Oxford Street was an amazing treat. They were holding a festive ballet workshop - it felt so good to be amongst kindred spirits! And for a moment, the entire London adventure faded into the background, and I was simply immersed in the grace of movement and the joyous rhythm of the class.

And you know what’s the best part of my London day? Well, a trip to a vintage market is always a delight, but you won’t believe the incredible find! I stumbled upon a shop in Covent Garden that specialized in exquisite vintage dresses! A whole collection of exquisite silk ball gowns. Just the thing I need to inspire some fabulous looks for future performances. I managed to snap up two elegant beauties, a soft blue satin dress with pearl details that will make for a stunning ballet routine and a luxurious emerald-green gown - both totally perfect for creating enchanting photos. I think these gorgeous pieces will feature on the blog in my next post!

The evening ended with a grand finale that was simply divine. We all know I love a great theater performance. And guess what I was fortunate to see tonight! A Christmas classic - "A Christmas Carol", with the stunning Royal Shakespeare Company's performance! The production was dazzling with sparkling sets, beautiful costumes and an incredible cast! There was so much emotion in the play, that I almost shed a few tears during the climactic moment of Scrooge’s redemption!

And, wouldn’t you know it! Even the theatre itself had a special festive surprise! After the play ended, a group of carolers emerged from the side stage, and the entire theatre burst into song, singing joyous Christmas hymns together! A very heartwarming moment. There was no dry eye in the house - the magical spirit of the season filled the space and created a truly unforgettable experience.

I am so thrilled that I made this Christmas trip. London at Christmas is so full of dazzling lights and magical surprises, and all in the heart of my favorite city - the one where my dreams take flight. There’s a little magic in the air at Christmastime. So make sure you share the magic and joy of the season - wear a pink tutu and spread cheer wherever you go!

As I embark on my journey back home tonight, I can’t wait to share the memories, photos, and Christmas joy in my next blog post. Until then, may you have a wonderful Christmas, dear readers! I leave you with the warmth of twinkling lights, a little holiday magic, and of course, my eternal encouragement to spread pink tutu love!

See you all soon,

Emma xx

A Look back on the day

I had a spectacularly pink and delightful day, fueled by the joy of Christmas, the magic of London, and my own sparkly pink tutu. Here are my key moments from this spectacular adventure.

My Favourite Bits: * Sparkling Tower Bridge covered in Christmas lights * Christmas shopping at the shops of Oxford Street * Tea with my favorite floral teapot * Seeing the Royal Shakespeare Company’s "A Christmas Carol" * The exquisite vintage dresses I found in Covent Garden

And finally a few bits of Christmas trivia!

  1. Did you know that Christmas carols originated during medieval times? It’s amazing to think about how people celebrated back then!
  2. In England, it's tradition to have “Christmas Crackers”. They make a bang when you pull them apart, and inside, you get a joke, a paper crown and a small prize.
  3. And guess what - Christmas is one of the most popular holidays for people in the UK. It’s no surprise, with all the festive cheer and tasty treats!

Don't forget to check out and join me for more adventures and fabulousness. Remember, there’s a pink tutu out there for everyone - and wearing a pink tutu is an excellent way to add a sparkle of magic to your own day!

Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram!

I love hearing from all of you and always share behind-the-scenes photos and snippets of my everyday life. You can find me @PinkTutuAdventures and send a little DM and say "hello"!

Until next time, darling. Stay fabulous!

Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2020-12-25 Exploring London