Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2021-07-16 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London #1298: A Friday Fling in the Capital!

Hello darlings! It’s your favourite pink-tutu-clad blogger, Emma, back from another whirlwind trip to London! I’m so excited to share all the delightful adventures I had on this particular Friday – and of course, in my favourite shade of pink, no less!

This time, my journey started bright and early from Derbyshire. I swear, I could practically hear the London Underground rumble as I hopped on the train. Trains and tutus, you see, make the best travel companions. The rhythmic clattering of the rails matches perfectly with the graceful pirouettes I do in my head as I picture my fabulous day in London!

Of course, I made sure my tutu game was on point. This time I opted for a shimmering pink tutu, paired with a chic black top that cinched at the waist. You can never go wrong with a classic combo, my dears! My trusty pink backpack, filled with my essentials, was perched on my shoulder like a faithful companion.

A Royal Encounter in Covent Garden:

I started my day in Covent Garden. This is my favourite spot in London; it’s a dazzling mix of art, fashion, food and just general fabulousness! And you know, there’s something very whimsical about walking through the bustling crowds of this beautiful, historic place. My pink tutu, with its swirling layers, was like a statement piece - everyone in Covent Garden knew that this girl was ready for some fun!

The Royal Opera House was my first stop. As a ballet dancer at heart, it's a place that truly sets my soul on fire. The sheer opulence and historical grandeur of it is breathtaking! This particular day, a special exhibition about The Sleeping Beauty was happening. I must admit, it had me practically waltzing through the rooms, completely immersed in the fascinating world of ballet history.

Finding my London Magic at the National Portrait Gallery:

No visit to London is complete without a dose of culture, right? I skipped right over to the National Portrait Gallery, as my latest pink tutu fashion challenge was a gallery adventure. And trust me, it was pure magic! They have an absolutely stunning collection of portraits of everyone from Tudor queens to contemporary musicians. And let me tell you, the portraits inspired some seriously creative ideas for my future pink tutu fashion posts! Imagine a "Queen Elizabeth I" inspired tutu look? Oh, the possibilities are endless!

Lunch in Style with the Best of British:

My tummy started rumbling about lunchtime, so I went on the hunt for a proper English meal. A hearty pie and mash seemed like the perfect way to power through my day. After all, ballet girls need their fuel! But instead of your typical, boring cafe, I decided on a little detour to The Shard! You have no idea how much fun it was to eat my pie and mash while overlooking the city! The views were just as dazzling as my pink tutu!

London Fashion Spree, Pink Tutu Style:

Then it was off to Oxford Street! I’ve got to admit, there’s a certain buzz that fills the air on Oxford Street. The streets are so full of life! My trusty pink backpack went back into action. As always, a little shopping therapy was exactly what I needed!

First, I headed straight for Topshop, where I stumbled upon the perfect pink ruffled blouse. It's just screaming to be paired with my favourite sparkly pink tutu for a truly glamorous occasion! I almost couldn't resist adding it to my ever-growing tutu collection. But alas, the need to save for my next London trip prevailed. Still, I am SO adding it to my “to-buy” list for my next shopping spree.

Dancing the Night Away: A London Theatre Dream

After an afternoon filled with shopping and culture, my day ended at the London Palladium for a ballet performance of “The Nutcracker”. Of course, I had to dress for the occasion! It was almost too perfect, a glittering black tutu (I did mention black can be my favourite too) with layers of shimmering fabric, a perfect complement to the grandeur of the theatre. I swear, I felt like I was stepping into a fairy tale! The ballerinas, all twirling and leaping, were mesmerizing!

But honestly, nothing compares to the energy and magic of seeing ballet live. There's something deeply inspiring and uplifting about it. Even though I've seen “The Nutcracker” countless times, this show just brought tears to my eyes, pure emotion and wonder. I couldn't help but dance in my seat – of course, very, very, delicately, no one wants to see the tutu of a dancing-in-her-seat audience member. I promise you, darlings, a good dose of classical ballet is a perfect antidote for a hectic London day!

Time to Head Home (And Start Planning my Next Trip):

With my head still swirling with memories, it was finally time to hop on the train home. I couldn’t resist grabbing a big pink and white candy floss cone from the platform, just a little something sweet to send me off with happy memories of my perfect day. As the train sped out of London, I knew one thing for certain – this was only the start of my pink-tutu adventures in London.

I’m already scheming about my next trip – maybe a day of tea at Fortnum and Mason, a tour of Buckingham Palace or maybe even a spontaneous weekend in the city with a theatre performance on Saturday and Sunday brunch with a fab view – perhaps the view of London from my favourite park, Kensington Gardens! Who knows what incredible adventures will unfold?

And as for the pink tutu crusade, my dear friends, it's still going strong! I can't wait to see you all twirling around in pink tutus! So stay tuned for more posts with amazing fashion inspirations!

Until next time, London, you’ve stolen my heart again!


Emma 💖

*Don't forget to leave a comment! Tell me about your favourite London adventure! *

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2021-07-16 Exploring London