
Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2021-08-27 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: #1304 Friday 2021-08-27 - Exploring London in a Whirlwind of Pink!

Hello, my lovely pink-tutu-loving friends!

Itā€™s Friday again, which means itā€™s time for another Pink Tutu Blog London adventure! This week, Iā€™ve taken the train down from Derbyshire for a whirlwind of a day exploring London. I canā€™t even tell you how excited I am - my pink tutu is twirling with anticipation, and Iā€™m ready to share all the London delights with you!

Now, you all know that London is my favourite city to visit - a melting pot of fashion, culture, andā€¦ did I mention the shops?! I always say that my trips to London are as much about my wardrobe as anything else. After all, how else can I wear pink tutus in so many glorious styles?

I'm here to tell you, thereā€™s something for every pink tutu enthusiast here - whether itā€™s a grand performance at the Royal Opera House, a ballet class in Covent Garden, or just soaking up the colourful vibes of Shoreditch! I promise you, Iā€™m going to share it all with you today!

So, let's grab a latte and some Victoria sponge cake and dive into today's Pink Tutu London adventure!

From Derbyshire to London: The Ballet Train Ride!

Every journey starts somewhere, and for me, this week, itā€™s Derbyshire. You might think that a little countryside town in Derbyshire isnā€™t very glamorous. Youā€™d be wrong. Thereā€™s definitely a spark of magic in the rolling hills, and thatā€™s why itā€™s such a fantastic place to start my journey to London. After all, Derbyshire is where my pink tutu passion began!

Iā€™ve got my pink tutu in tow, as I do for all my adventures, and weā€™re about to jump onto the train to London. As always, I've packed my usual arsenal of pink essentials, including a few spare pairs of tights, a pink beret, and, of course, my trusty travel-sized bottle of glitter!

Stepping onto the train always feels like a magic portal. The carriages whiz past, fields whiz by, and it's as if we're a twirling ballerina, gracefully gliding through the scenery. Every train ride feels like a special moment, and this journey is no exception!

London Calling: The Pink Tutu Arrives!

Arriving in London never gets old. The atmosphere just electric! I stepped out of Kingā€™s Cross, grabbed my pink tutu bag, and already, I felt a little bit like Cinderella arriving at the ball, ready to make some magical memories. I always wear my tutu under my clothes until I arrive at my hotel, that way, no one knows I'm wearing it, it's a little secret! I'm actually the secret ballerina!

My London journey today starts in Kensington! I love walking through this royal neighbourhood and taking in the Victorian charm and the quaint gardens. There's something incredibly serene about this part of London. Of course, no journey to Kensington is complete without stopping at the Royal Albert Hall! Thereā€™s a fantastic show happening today! It's one of those amazing venues that never fails to give you goosebumps. The history in the place is electrifying and just inspires me. Itā€™s not just a concert hall, it's a symphony of Victorian architecture and a place for some of the biggest stars to perform - and the Royal Ballet is definitely one of them! You all know Iā€™m a huge fan of the Royal Ballet, and Iā€™m not missing a single opportunity to be inspired by their stunning artistry. They bring ballet to life with a grace and power that just takes my breath away.

Today's show is a true treat ā€“ Iā€™m going to be indulging in ā€œThe Sleeping Beautyā€! Every time I hear the story of Princess Aurora, I imagine myself wearing a beautiful pink tutu, twirling through a fairytale world of enchantment. The story, the music, the costumes ā€“ itā€™s pure magic!

And as the final bows ring out and the curtain falls, I step out of the hall, my pink tutu spinning with happiness. Today, I feel inspired to take my own pink tutu journey through London and find even more magical moments in the city.

Twirling through the City of Lights: Shoreditch Calling!

My next stop: Shoreditch, a London district with a personality like no other! Itā€™s a hotbed of creativity, street art, and hipster vibes, a playground of eclectic fashion and cool cafes! As a true Pink Tutu enthusiast, I just had to explore the vibrant streets of Shoreditch! I think, the first thing I do when I step out the tube is check out the street art! They are just phenomenal and I spend ages just photographing my favorite pieces!

Shoreditch is where London truly gets colourful! I was just stunned by the amount of graffiti! And just to add my own twist to this art explosion, I canā€™t help but think about the possibilities. What if we brought a splash of pink tutu to the Shoreditch streets? I imagine pink tutus twirling among the bold graffiti and edgy murals. Imagine, a symphony of pinks, blues, oranges, and greens! Shoreditch's colourful murals would perfectly complement my favourite shade.

The cool thing about this part of London is the cafes! Today, I discovered an absolute gem of a place that's all about vintage, quirky decor! Think antique furniture, vintage wallpaper, andā€¦ get thisā€¦ it even has its own collection of antique ballet shoes! Imagine my delight, pink-tutu enthusiasts!

For a girl with a love for pink and a passion for fashion, Shoreditch is a dream! You'll find shops overflowing with the latest fashion trends, vintage treasures, and handcrafted delights! From funky boutiques to trendy vintage stores, every corner of Shoreditch whispers ā€œfashion!ā€ I find myself browsing racks of colourful clothing, eyeing vintage-style jackets that I might be adding to my pink-tutu wardrobe collection.

Oh, and how can I forget, it's practically a haven for those adorable cafes and artisan coffee shops that are perfect for fueling up for my London adventure. Who knows what adventures might await me in the bustling heart of the city?!

London by Night: Pink Tutu Twirling in the Lights

My adventures continued into the evening, and this meant it was time to embrace the London nightlife. The streets were sparkling under the city lights, and London was turning into an ethereal world, full of hidden delights.

For my last night, Iā€™m catching a Broadway Show, which is being put on for a limited run at the Shaftesbury Theatre! I have my sights on ā€˜Wickedā€™ ā€“ because thereā€™s no such thing as a London trip without some Broadway glamour, am I right?! After all, it's the perfect combination of dazzling costumes, captivating music, and an exhilarating storyline!

As the curtain rises and the lights hit the stage, I feel the excitement surge through my whole being! And who could forget the magical green and pink wardrobe?! I swear I saw an elf wearing a pink tutu on the stage ā€“ or maybe I was just dreaming?! It truly felt like being transported to a realm of vibrant colours, captivating characters, and unforgettable songs. The energy of the theater, the power of the performers ā€“ it was simply phenomenal!

London in Pink Tutu: A Celebration of Every Tutu Moment

That wraps up another London adventure in the pink tutu! The City of London truly is a pink tutu haven ā€“ a world full of beautiful buildings, captivating experiences, and amazing opportunities for twirling, shopping, and enjoying life.

So remember this, if youā€™re ever in London, I hope you embrace your own Pink Tutu London moment, my friends.

As always, my journey will continue! Next week, Iā€™m taking a train trip to Edinburgh, to explore the cityā€™s stunning historical landmarks, amazing artistic scene, andā€¦ perhapsā€¦ find the best pink tutu store in the whole of Scotland!

Until next week!

* Emma x *

* P.S. *

If you want to check out even more photos from this journey, follow me on Instagram and TikTok @pinktutublog. You can find loads more fashion, dance and travel inspiration over there. Plus, donā€™t forget to visit www.pink-tutu.com for all the latest updates on Pink Tutu adventures around the globe. I would love to see your photos too!

* Donā€™t forget, my loves, keep twirling and keep dreaming! *

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2021-08-27 Exploring London