
Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2021-12-10 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Calling! (Post #1319)

Hello, darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-wearing, ballet-loving blogger, Emma, back from a whirlwind trip to the capital, and I have SO much to tell you! As usual, my London escapades began on the train, a journey I always relish. There's something so wonderfully romantic about chugging along, watching the countryside roll by, feeling the anticipation of London's magic build with each mile.

Train Travel with a Twist

I wore a very special outfit for this journey, of course! A powder-pink tutu, just begging for the city lights to bounce off it, a shimmering sequined top that practically sparkled in the daylight, and my trusty black ankle boots ā€“ always the perfect complement to my tulle, don't you think? As the train filled up, I swear I felt a few extra smiles directed my way ā€“ it's so wonderful to see people appreciating a bit of joyful flair! I couldn't resist a little pirouette in the aisle when the train passed through a particularly pretty field ā€“ itā€™s a shame they donā€™t have ā€œtutu carriageā€ windows like they have dog windows. It was my first real trip to London since pre-pandemic days and I'd missed the cityā€™s energy so much!

Landing in Londonā€™s Heart

Stepping off the train at King's Cross was a delight in itself. The smell of the fresh air mingled with a hint of Londonā€™s familiar bustle - street vendors hawking souvenirs, the distant rumble of a bus, a chatter of languages, itā€™s a symphony of city life. And that grand old stationā€¦ so full of history! As I stood there taking it all in, a sudden urge to pirouette on the platform swept over me - I have to admit I've never been known to not go all out when it comes to dancing, and King's Cross, with its intricate arches and bustling crowds, made for an unforgettable stage.

First Stop: A Ballerinaā€™s Delight ā€“ The Royal Opera House!

It was just a hop, skip and jump to my first destination, the iconic Royal Opera House! My heart skipped a beat the minute I saw its magnificent faƧade. For any ballet fan, itā€™s like stepping into a dream, isnā€™t it? This weekend, they were performing "Swan Lake," a true classic that never fails to captivate!

Inside, the theatre's plush velvet seats and gold-accented dƩcor, everything felt incredibly luxurious and dramatic. As the lights dimmed and the orchestra started its first strains, a hushed anticipation rippled through the audience. The stage shimmered with magical lighting effects and every graceful movement of the ballerinas told a story that truly brought tears to my eyes!

The performance itself was breathtaking, full of emotion and powerful athleticism. I can't help but feel an undeniable connection with each dancer as they poured their hearts into every step, each leap. Seeing a live performance like that makes you truly appreciate the dedication and hard work it takes to become a ballerina. And, of course, a pink tutu would be just as lovely in the Royal Opera House as it is in my ballet class!

Post-Ballet Brunch in Bloomsbury

After the enchanting performance, I treated myself to a brunch of pink-hued pancakes with fluffy whipped cream and juicy strawberries. It wasn't my usual dance class refuelling breakfast, but with all those magical movements fresh in my mind, a bit of sweet indulgence felt well deserved!

Then, a short walk across London took me into Bloomsbury, a neighbourhood brimming with character, beautiful shops, and independent cafes with overflowing window displays. Bloomsbury has been home to so many writers and intellectuals. Virginia Woolf even based a fictional street on the area in her famous novel ā€˜Mrs Dallowayā€™. This neighbourhood, just a stone's throw from the British Museum, has a literary and artistic vibe. And a ballet-inspired pink tutu definitely felt at home.

Shopping Spree in the West End

Next on the itinerary: shopping! Iā€™ve always loved exploring London's bustling West End. From the opulent shops of Oxford Street to the designer boutiques of Mayfair, Iā€™m completely lost in a world of glamour and style. There was no way I could resist a peek in ā€œSelfridges," with its elaborate Christmas displays sparkling throughout its dazzling shopping halls, making this place an utter sensory feast. This trip, however, was about more than clothes! As much as I love a new designer dress, the best shopping moments in London are finding those hidden little vintage shops on back streets, rummaging for unique treasures, and feeling a sense of adventure at the same time.

My little discovery on this trip was a charming shop tucked away near the Piccadilly Circus called 'Fashion's Muse'. It's an absolute haven for vintage ballet wear! Imagine my delight when I found the most gorgeous tutu there, in a vibrant pink, that could only have been designed by angels for an angel - it was exactly the colour my soul needs!

Theatre Magic ā€“ The West End at its Best

No trip to London is complete without an evening in the theatre! And what better way to enjoy a performance than with a touch of pink? My chosen play this weekend was a charming little production of "An Ideal Husband" by Oscar Wilde. Itā€™s a comedic masterpiece and had me in stitches! There is a wonderful vibrancy about Londonā€™s theatrical culture and even after hundreds of years of history, it continues to innovate and experiment!

Later, I enjoyed a scrumptious High Tea in a beautifully ornate hotel on Pall Mall. Tiny cucumber sandwiches, scones with lashings of clotted cream, and the most divine selection of petit fours ā€“ the sweet treats had me dreaming of pink meringues in tutu form.

Final Night ā€“ Farewell to the City of Lights

It was time to leave my beloved London on Saturday evening. A final walk through Hyde Park, where I soaked up the magical, festive atmosphere with Christmas lights twinkling from every tree ā€“ truly picture perfect! It's an almost meditative feeling, walking through such a beautiful place as twilight falls. The last train back to Derbyshire would give me plenty of time to think about what London magic Iā€™d experience on my next visit.

Spread the Pink Tutu Love

This trip has truly reaffirmed my love for London - a city bursting with vibrant energy, incredible creativity, and the perfect setting for my own whimsical tutu dreams! What a treat! As you've read, my travels are all about sharing my passion for ballet and spreading the love for pink tutus to all who will embrace it. Remember, darlings, it's never too late to find your inner ballerina, to embrace the power of colour, and let your inner whimsy run wild!

What are your favourite spots in London? Let's talk pink, London and life in general, share your stories, and connect! Iā€™d love to hear about your love of dance, your style, your pink tutu moments. I promise, weā€™ll have a right good time!


#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2021-12-10 Exploring London