Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2022-06-17 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Adventures! 🩰🌸 #1346

Good morning, darlings! It's Friday, the sun is shining, and the air is filled with the sound of birdsong – what better way to start the day than with a pink tutu-tastic trip to London?

I'm Emma, your friendly neighbourhood pink tutu enthusiast, and as always, I'm so excited to share my London adventures with you. This week, I'm embracing the vibrancy of the capital and I'm taking the train, of course. There's something so wonderfully glamorous about arriving in London by train – all that clattering and bustling, and the feeling of anticipation as you step onto the platform, ready to embrace the magic that awaits.

Derbyshire to London: A Ballet of Beauty

It’s a long journey from Derbyshire, but the journey is just as exciting as the destination! My trusty pink tutu suitcase (with matching ballerina luggage tags, naturally) was packed to the brim with all the essentials – pink tutus, stylish outfits, and, of course, my trusty ballet shoes. There’s nothing more comfortable than travelling in your favourite ballet flats – it’s the perfect way to stay chic while being able to hop on and off the train with ease.

As the landscape sped by, I daydreamed about all the adventures awaiting me in London – ballet performances, designer boutiques, and perhaps even a cup of afternoon tea at a quintessential English café. After all, I'm always searching for that perfect dose of inspiration for my ballet and fashion creations.

The London Ballet: My First Stop

Reaching London was a dream! I can't get over the excitement of bustling stations and streets that thrum with a vibrant energy that's only found in London. And the first stop on my London escapade? The London Ballet, of course! It’s always so refreshing to be surrounded by fellow ballet enthusiasts, watching elegant movements, listening to the exquisite music – and let me tell you, this week’s performance was breathtaking!

This week’s performance, ‘The Swan Lake’, was truly mesmerising. I was completely captivated by the costumes, the dramatic sets, and of course, the exquisite performance of the ballet dancers. It filled me with such inspiration that I couldn't wait to get back to my studio and start sketching new tutu designs – perhaps even a ‘Swan Lake’ inspired design? Hmm… that's definitely a thought for my next blog post!

A Spot of Retail Therapy

After a day filled with ballet brilliance, no London trip would be complete without a little retail therapy. My absolute favourite shopping district in London has to be Bond Street. The boutiques are exquisite, filled with designer dresses and the latest in haute couture. I was mesmerised by the luxurious fabrics and daring styles, even trying on a few pieces for good measure. It's so inspiring to see how fashion evolves, and of course, to spot the latest trends. You can always find me hunting for the most stylish pink outfits, you know!

An Afternoon of Quintessential English Charm

To fully embrace the spirit of London, one must have an afternoon tea, and let me tell you, the tea rooms in London are absolutely exquisite! Today, I found myself at a charming café tucked away in Kensington, the floral décor was simply lovely, and the tea service was impeccably presented. Of course, no tea room visit would be complete without the mandatory scones and finger sandwiches. It’s an experience that's both glamorous and quintessentially British.

A Sunset Stroll in Hyde Park

After a lovely afternoon tea, I couldn't resist a stroll through Hyde Park. The evening light cast an ethereal glow across the grass and the trees, and I simply had to dance a little ballet under the warm sunshine. I always feel such a sense of joy and freedom when I dance outdoors. Plus, the fresh air is good for the soul, wouldn’t you say?

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the city lights twinkled like a million tiny stars, and I had to remind myself – my London adventure wasn't over yet.

Pink Tutu at the Theatre

One of the joys of a London weekend is a show on a Friday night – and tonight, it’s a musical at the theatre! A touch of the classics always adds some excitement and intrigue to a London weekend, especially when the performance is of a renowned Broadway production, as it was this weekend! The theatre experience, all the pomp and ceremony, it’s just magical!

I loved watching the characters dance and sing their way through the storyline and I could hardly contain my excitement for the evening, especially since the lead female role is always played in a sparkling, vibrant pink tutu. Now that’s a real treat for any tutu enthusiast! Oh, if only I could find a pink tutu as beautiful as that… perhaps that’s my new mission!

The Night Life

London never sleeps, and neither does the tutu. No, no, the evening for me isn’t an excuse to go to sleep! My evenings are always filled with excitement, especially since my love of the stage and dance means that there is so much to explore! Tonight, after my musical outing, I'm catching a late-night dance show in the West End, with my friend Sarah! London has it all – from the ballet to contemporary dance, to cabaret shows – there’s something for everyone!

London really is a wonderland for any ballet enthusiast, isn't it? There's an endless supply of shows, performances, and exhibitions to keep me entertained for days on end! Of course, there's always room for a few late-night talks with friends about everything – ballet, style, fashion, even my quest to inspire everyone to embrace their inner pink tutu enthusiast!

Pink Tutu Travels – Inspiration Everywhere

Travelling is so much more than just getting from point A to point B; it’s an adventure, a story waiting to be written, an inspiration for life, for dreams, and for dance. I feel it in every twirl, every step, every journey that takes me to new destinations, new faces, new dreams. I'm so thankful to be able to share my passion with all of you! I know it's an absolute cliché, but my pink tutu makes my travels so much more enjoyable – from catching trains to dancing under the city lights.

Now that I've given you a sneak peek into my Friday in London, don’t forget to visit my website If you’d like to come on a pink tutu adventure with me, drop me a message.

Till next time, darlings,

Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2022-06-17 Exploring London