
Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2022-09-30 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Calling! #1361

Hello, my gorgeous pink-loving lovelies! Itā€™s Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina, and this Friday Iā€™m absolutely bursting with London joy!

I'm a bit late getting this blog post up, but thatā€™s because my train journey down to London this morning was utterly dreamy. My new lavender velvet polka dot dress with the ruched skirt was practically designed for train travel, twirling effortlessly in the carriage. The sun was shining, the train was sleek and comfy, and there was a cute boy reading Pride and Prejudice opposite me. It really set the scene for a day filled with magic and loveliness!

Now, for you lucky peeps who are just joining my journey (welcome!), letā€™s backtrack a moment. Every week, I leave my beautiful Derbyshire home and journey to a new fabulous location. I fund all this fun through my performances ā€“ think shimmering pink tutus, sparkling spotlights and a whole lot of twirling! Each week, my little dance steps bring me closer to achieving my life-long dream: to inspire the whole world to embrace the power of pink and embrace their inner ballerina!

This Friday, the spotlight was firmly on London, my city of dreams. Itā€™s a city that practically oozes fashion and drama, perfect for any ballerinaā€™s heart. I even had the privilege of taking my ballet class on the most enchanting pink stage this afternoon! You could literally smell the excitement and creative energy!

Now, let's get into the fabulousness that unfolded today. Hold onto your tiaras, girls, because this is gonna be a pink-tastic journey!

Ballet Delights at The Royal Opera House

We canā€™t talk about London without a little sprinkle of the most amazing dance! This afternoon, I found myself immersed in the hallowed halls of The Royal Opera House, my heart overflowing with the excitement of a thousand pirouettes! The Ballet was truly captivating, with incredible leaps, graceful moves, and a story so heart-wrenching it left me reaching for my trusty pink hankie! The costumes, darling, simply breathtaking. There were so many different shades of pink ā€“ you could practically smell the candy floss and cotton candy from the auditorium.

Itā€™s moments like these that make me feel truly alive. There's something magical about seeing these world-class dancers embody a story with their movements. Itā€™s truly an art form unlike anything else. Oh, and the theatre itself? SwOON. The ornate architecture, the plush red seats, the feeling of anticipation buzzing through the air ā€“ pure ballet bliss!

Speaking of bliss, the best part of my Royal Opera House experience was absolutely meeting this darling young girl, Alice, after the performance. I had worn a new blush pink tutu for my show this evening ā€“ I had to wear my most delicate tulle when Iā€™m surrounded by true art. She told me that she loved my outfit, her eyes bright with admiration, and declared she wanted to become a ballerina just like me! Honestly, she almost made me burst with joy. We had a little chat, she even tried on my tutu, and I knew in that instant that the pink-tutu-wearing-ballerina dream was blooming strong!

This, my loves, is what keeps my pink tutu spinning. Every interaction like this is like a magical sprinkle of glitter that fuels my journey.

Pink Perfection on London's Streets

After a delightful post-ballet meal, my friend and I wandered around some of London's charming cobbled streets ā€“ the quintessential London charm really did come alive. It was like stepping into a storybook. Of course, we found a street performer ā€“ dressed in a pink feather boa. This city truly embraces my vision!

Speaking of pink perfection, you all know my shopping instincts are on point, right? So of course we made a pilgrimage to London's most coveted stores. I had to find a pink silk scarf for my wardrobe ā€“ London definitely inspires me with her vibrant sense of fashion! Let's just say I was channeling my inner Audrey Hepburn ā€“ even her classic outfits would look amazing with a touch of pink tulle! The shops, the displays, the energyā€¦ it's almost too much for my girly heart to take in. But I can never say no to a pink dress (or ten!), can I?

Theatrical Treats at The National Theatre

Tonight was a true feast for the senses! The National Theatre - a towering monument to creative excellence, housed inside a breathtaking structure that reflects the heart of London itself. They do an incredible variety of plays here, you know ā€“ classics like "Hamlet" to contemporary hits, all told with the same theatrical magic.

This evening, I was lucky enough to see a show called ā€œThe Inheritanceā€. A very moving and thought-provoking play with an extraordinary set ā€“ seriously, my eyes almost popped out of my head! It had an aura of old Hollywood elegance, the kind that reminds you how glamorous theatre can truly be! I wonā€™t give away too much, but I'll just say I left the theatre buzzing with excitement and contemplating life's biggest questions! It's funny, even after a full day of pink, itā€™s these raw and real stories that truly leave an impact on my heart.

Back to Derbyshire - Tomorrow's a New Adventure

The pink-tutu-powered train journey home this evening felt like the perfect ending to this incredible day in London. It was such a whirlwind of activity, packed full of delicious treats and exciting discoveries!

You know what else I loved about this weekā€™s journey? Every moment Iā€™ve spent exploring London has just feltā€¦ magical! Thereā€™s so much to see and do. I definitely won't be returning to my beautiful Derbyshire home feeling tired. On the contrary, my energy levels are soaring with newfound pink-tutu-inspiration! It feels like this adventure has sparked a creative flame in me thatā€™s simply unstoppable!

The question on everyoneā€™s mind: what will next weekā€™s Pink Tutu adventure bring? Stay tuned, my lovelies, because you know Iā€™m always hatching exciting plans! But until next Friday, remember: your life can be just as extraordinary as you want it to be. Put on a pink tutu, dance your heart out, and never, ever forget to believe in the power of your dreams!

P.S. Donā€™t forget to subscribe to my blog and follow me on all my social media channels! See you next Friday, my gorgeous lovelies!

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Till next week!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2022-09-30 Exploring London