Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2023-07-28 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: Post #1404 - Friday Feeling in London Town!

Hello my darling Tutu Twirlers! It's Emma here, back from another whirlwind adventure, this time with a whole lotta London charm swirling in my pink tutu! This week, I traded in my Derbyshire countryside for the bustling energy of London town, and boy oh boy, what a journey it was. Let's just say my inner ballerina was doing triple pirouettes all weekend long!

So, Friday morning dawned bright and sunny, and I hopped aboard the train from Derbyshire, excitement bubbling up inside me like a champagne fizz. I'm such a train lover – it’s all about the dreamy landscapes rushing past the windows, a glass of something sparkly in my hand, and my trusty pink tutu twirling to the rhythm of the rails! Yes, this girl’s a true romantic at heart.

As the train pulled into London King's Cross, a symphony of sights and sounds hit me like a wave. The station was buzzing with travellers, and I found myself catching the eye of a fellow tutu enthusiast – a young girl twirling excitedly as her mum led her to the platform! Ah, tutus bringing people together!

My first mission? A visit to the iconic London Fashion Week store – "The Clothes Show Live!" You bet! Let me tell you, fashionista heaven! There were outfits to make even the most jaded fashion editor's jaw drop. But my real highlight? Finding a gorgeous blush-pink, shimmering tulle skirt. I mean, could you resist? This girl needed it in her life!

And to think, I snagged it for a bargain too, because yes, you heard right, they have discounts at these fancy stores! It's just like ballet – the thrill of the performance, the elegance, but with an extra dose of sunshiney bargain-hunting joy! Now, what do we say to a stunning new skirt? I say, "Bring on the London shows!"

Because, what’s a tutu trip without a little cultural immersion? My next stop was the fabulous Regent's Park Open Air Theatre to witness a masterpiece. It was "Into the Woods", and oh my goodness! It was an explosion of singing, dancing, and visual storytelling. The entire cast was brilliant, especially the witch, who looked like she just stepped off the set of "Wicked" - pure magic!

After the show, I took a leisurely stroll through Regent's Park, soaking up the warm evening air. It’s amazing how London's green spaces are little oases of tranquility in the midst of this crazy city. I did some light practice, twirling through the lush gardens with my blush-pink skirt floating around me. Of course, the obligatory picture of myself by the flower beds was a must for the 'gram. That perfect light, the blush of my new skirt, my pink tutu, my sparkling London sunset – the picture truly had "Emma on a mission" written all over it.

Dinner was a symphony of tastes – fish and chips on the South Bank, watching the boats glide past Big Ben and the London Eye. Just magical! And then, of course, no trip to London would be complete without a taste of afternoon tea! Strawberry scones and fluffy cream with a dollop of sunshine-yellow jam. Perfect!

Now, you might be thinking, Emma, you must be exhausted! Well, yes, but with an exciting day ahead, my Tutu Twirling spirit is never broken! Saturday’s plan? The famous Royal Opera House! That’s right – Ballet and tutu love at the highest level! You guys just have to check out my post next week!

My message today, darlings? Keep that pink tutu spinning, dream big, and never stop exploring. Whether it’s in your local town, or across the miles on the railway lines, London is waiting. So embrace your inner ballerina, pack your own sparkly pink skirt and come along for the ride! I’ll see you next Friday on for my next adventures in London! And remember – the best is yet to come.

Hugs and tutus, Emma

P.S Don’t forget to check out all my other London posts - it’s a real adventure!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2023-07-28 Exploring London