Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1996-01-10 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #31: January 10th 1996 - Ciao Bella, Milan!

Ciao bellas! It's your favourite Derbyshire ballerina, Emma, back from Milan, Italy, ready to share all the fabulousness with you! This week, we're back to my favourite city - the fashion capital of the world, Milano!

Remember, I’m trying to get you all in pink tutus, and for that to happen, I have to inspire you! So grab a cuppa and let's get started!

This trip is all about showcasing the stunning talent of this amazing city, not just in fashion but in ballet. I was particularly thrilled to be here on January 10th, 1996, for the opening night of the Teatro alla Scala’s “Giselle”!

Ballet and Tututification

There’s something utterly magical about seeing a performance at the Teatro alla Scala. Imagine a building with such an elegant facade, crafted from the most delicate stone, then stepping inside to find plush, red velvet seats. It felt like stepping into a grand Victorian era ball! The energy in the air before the performance began was tangible - the rustling of the audience's elegant gowns, the murmurs of anticipation, even a hint of excitement in the air - and all of this, topped off by the anticipation for Giselle, which we all know is a beautiful, tragic ballet. It was such a beautiful performance, with each movement so carefully planned and delivered - a real treat to watch.

Oh, and don't even get me started on the costumes. Every dancer’s tutu looked like it was sculpted from the finest, fluffiest tulle! Each tutu seemed to whisper, "wear me, wear me!" - they were begging for some "tutu-fication".

Of course, I had my own custom-made pink tutu on, the most delightful shade of bubblegum, that I was planning on wearing for a day of exploring the city before the performance, so everyone could see my love of pink tutus. I can already imagine you all reading this, clutching your hearts with longing, imagining your very own pink tutus!

A Stroll Around Milan

Once the performance had finished and I'd said "arrivederci" to Giselle, I headed back to my apartment on a tram - the perfect place to plan the next day's "tututification" of Milan. Milan is so full of stylish people!

Milan’s public transport is incredibly efficient, clean, and easy to use, and I love exploring new cities this way! My journey took me past shops overflowing with shoes, scarves, handbags and everything fabulous in between - what could be better?

By this time, the stars were twinkling in the crisp night sky. It was so pretty! The sky seemed to stretch for miles, and I loved that feeling, especially because I was in my pink tutu, wandering past such exquisite architecture and beautiful scenery! Milan is truly a sight to behold - cobblestone streets, grand buildings, bustling piazzas, cafes buzzing with chatter, it's all just beautiful!

The next day, I knew I wanted to continue with this delightful “tututification" journey. So, naturally, I started my day with a hearty, protein-rich breakfast at a cute little cafe and went shopping to get myself some "tututification" accessories. And yes, these included more tutus of course! You simply can’t have too many, and every day I think about the perfect, pink, elegant and beautiful one to wear! I have plans to make it into an exhibition of pink tutus one day, I'm sure you'll all agree - they are truly works of art!

A World of Pink and Passion

After a good brunch in a cosy, chic restaurant - another amazing opportunity for “tututification”, where my pink tutu was complimented multiple times! - it was time for more adventures! It seems Milan is teeming with fashion shops and galleries. The clothes on display were unbelievable, bold colours, interesting cuts and textures! Milan really did not disappoint.

My day wasn't all about clothes and cafes though! The stunning Duomo in Milan was on my agenda - one of the world's most impressive Gothic Cathedrals. My pink tutu caught a few admiring glances and smiles there! Every detail of the cathedral, its marble facade, stained glass windows, and intricate sculptures, is magnificent.

It’s no surprise that Milan is also home to the world-renowned Pinacoteca di Brera, an art gallery bursting with beautiful paintings. If I hadn't been wearing my gorgeous, full pink tutu and felt obliged to keep up this "tututification" journey of Milan, I’d have been happy to have wandered there for hours, admiring the art of great artists such as Raphael. Instead, I was on a mission to “tututificate” and that meant being a glamorous, bright pink ballerina all over town!

The "tututification" project wasn’t only about how the clothes, ballet and architecture could be “tututificated”, but also how I could inspire others to embrace tutus! Milan felt very much like my second home in some ways because I feel confident and happy to do it here, even on the metro, on the trams, and even on the busy streets.

Milan's culture is so steeped in fashion that I know everyone would be accepting of wearing pink tutus and so on, but we need more "tututification" happening in all the big cities of the world! Milan, darling, it was a delight. You have inspired me!

The Road to Tututification

Before you know it, we’ll be off to another amazing place - my travels are a mix of inspiration from ballet, shopping and all the delightful things to find in my beautiful world!

Do remember though, this whole adventure of mine is made possible by all the ballet performances I give, each one a journey through my own love of dance and pink!

Until next time my dears, and remember - "Tututificate" the world, and never forget your dreams.

Ciao Bella! Emma,

The Pink Tutu Blogger

P.S. Visit the Pink Tutu Blog each week on a Monday for a new blog post and more inspiring adventures on See you there! And be sure to wear pink!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1996-01-10 ballet blog from Milano Italia