Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1996-01-17 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #32 - A Ballet Lover's Paradise

Ciao bella!

It’s Emma here, back from the cobbled streets and magnificent architecture of Milan with another Pink Tutu blog! Today, I'm writing to you from a cafe, tucked away on a quiet street, sipping a frothy cappuccino and watching the world go by.

Milan, as you know, is a city that's completely stolen my heart! It's brimming with passion, beauty, and culture, just like me, only with a little more sunshine and a dash of ‘la dolce vita'.

This week, it’s all about Milan’s world-renowned ballet scene – a feast for the eyes and the soul, all in one! It’s Wednesday, 17th January, 1996, and you’re going to be utterly spoilt with my adventures in this glamorous city of fashion and dance!

Pink Tutu: Milan Moments - January 1996

So, you can imagine my delight as I boarded the train from the station here in Milan – you know, the ones with the beautiful marble platforms and intricate architecture, just dripping with Italian style – I was in my favourite shade of pink tutu, of course, and I had the biggest smile on my face. My weekend in Milan had started! After all, what better way to start an Italian adventure than with a little bit of Pink Tutu magic? And you know, with every clink of the wheels and puff of smoke from the train, the anticipation grew. This week is all about exploring the magic of Milan, its stunning dance shows, and those glorious fashion boutiques, oh my!

You know I adore exploring a city by tram and this week was no different. This week in Milan is all about following those shiny red rails! Those elegant red carriages with their intricate lattice work are just gorgeous, all decked out with Italian flair. They chugged their way through the bustling streets, taking me past chic shops filled with designer clothes and the most fabulous footwear, so many tempting shoes, all waiting for me! They took me past iconic landmarks that seem to echo with the city's history – the Duomo, a dazzling masterpiece of Gothic architecture, and the Castello Sforzesco, with its imposing turrets, both whispers of a glorious past. But don't you worry, it wasn't all just sightseeing, my darling readers. The magic was only just getting started!

Pink Tutu: Milan's Ballet Bounty

Now, let’s get to the heart of my Milan trip - the Ballet! I managed to catch the most magnificent performance at the Teatro alla Scala – the famous “Scala" – that grand opera house is just a triumph of art and architecture.

As soon as I stepped through the doors and up the sweeping grand staircase, it felt as if time itself stood still. The grandeur of the interior is mind-blowing; it’s breathtaking with its velvet plush seating, golden balconies, ornate paintings, and those huge crystal chandeliers that gleam in the light like a constellation of stars.

Oh, my dears, let me tell you, the performance of Swan Lake was unforgettable! It was the first time I'd seen this ballet. And even with the stage lit up in spotlights and glittering with fairy lights, I had goosebumps from start to finish. The performance was just superb – graceful, passionate, and full of so much raw emotion. You could practically feel the music flowing through the auditorium.

As the ballerina danced across the stage in her perfectly-timed movements and graceful poses, her tutu shimmering in the spotlights, you could practically hear a pin drop. The elegant choreography, with all those pirouettes and graceful jumps and graceful stretches and leaps – she was literally floating!

For the scene in Act III, she was in the most fabulous feathered costume, a black, sequined one, complete with a tulle overlay and dazzling tiara. Oh my, it was just incredible! The combination of beauty, skill and passion really swept me away and left me feeling totally inspired! It felt like being in a beautiful dream - it was like watching real magic come to life right before my eyes.

And afterwards, I wandered through the streets, humming the haunting melodies of Tchaikovsky's masterpiece. It truly was a wonderful night.

Pink Tutu: A Milan Fashion Fix

Of course, my trip to Milan couldn't possibly end without a visit to one of the most iconic and fabulous places on Earth – the world famous, Via Montenapoleone. It’s a dreamy street of fashion boutiques filled with those iconic Italian designer labels that make every girl's heart flutter. From Dolce and Gabbana to Gucci to Prada, the stores just radiate a luxurious energy and glamour. I walked around this iconic street, windows glittering in the sunshine – everything was just screaming, “Style me, love me!”

You know I simply cannot resist those beautiful designs and the perfect little accessories. But today was about a whole other sort of luxury - the magic of seeing the famous street itself! Every time I step foot in one of these luxurious stores I feel that excitement! And as always, it filled my mind with endless creative possibilities, giving me fresh inspiration for future fashion projects and Pink Tutu looks!

Now, you wouldn't think it, but this street has a wonderful ballet story! In 1996, there was this amazing artist who came up with an exhibit called “Dancers in Dior.” A real nod to those graceful ballerina lines. I managed to get my hands on a small book featuring that exhibit, and the photographs are just beautiful, each image a study of movement and style, with those Dior designs bringing the dancer’s elegance and fluidity to the fore. So much grace, in one book!

But it wasn't just the fashion and ballet. Milan offered an eclectic mix of artistic delights! I wandered past street musicians playing violins, saxophones, guitars - all these soulful melodies - and artists painting striking scenes of Milan's skyline onto canvases. There was this gorgeous artist who used his artistic talents to make a life-size, realistic pink flamingo, a piece of his urban artistry. So fabulous!

Pink Tutu: The Journey Continues…

As I write this from my quiet corner of the cafe, my heart is brimming with happiness! It’s incredible how just a short trip to this beautiful city can ignite a burst of inspiration, passion and sheer delight! There’s a reason this city has a reputation for a romantic allure - it's magic is utterly addictive!

And if my journey has taught me one thing, it’s to grab those ballet shoes and get dancing. And you know what else? Embrace your passion. And wear pink!

I'll be back in Milan as soon as possible and for those of you reading my blog from Derbyshire, I can't wait for you all to join me. I'll see you all back here next week!

Until next time,


Pink Tutu Milan: A City of Style, Beauty, and Ballet!


Don't forget to visit my website,, to see photos of all my fabulous adventures. And please feel free to leave a comment and tell me what your favourite parts were.

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1996-01-17 ballet blog from Milano Italia