Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1997-01-22 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: A Ballerina's Dream Come True (Post #85)

Ciao, darlings! It's Emma from Derbyshire, your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina, and this week I'm writing to you from the heart of fashion – Milan, Italia! 🇮🇹

I’ve been so excited to share this trip with you, as Milan holds a special place in my heart. From the incredible catwalks of the fashion shows to the charm of cobbled streets and the elegance of its ballet performances, it's a city that truly dances to its own rhythm.

Let me tell you, this week has been nothing short of a whirl! I arrived on Sunday and was whisked away into a world of stunning architecture, charming piazzas, and of course, fabulous fashion. My Instagram feed has been overflowing with shots of me striking poses in front of the Duomo, and I even managed to snag a few shots of the stunning Teatro alla Scala.

But let's be honest, the main reason I travelled all the way to Milan, aside from the delectable Italian food and gelato, was to catch the pièce de résistance of the week: a captivating performance of "Giselle" at the iconic Teatro alla Scala.

I mean, what's a pink tutu wearing ballerina to do in a city like Milan but spend every penny on ballet tickets? Honestly, who cares what your shoes cost when your soul is dancing with joy?! I’m always getting that question. It's simple: prioritize your passion!

To describe the performance of Giselle in just a few words is to diminish its brilliance. Every gesture, every leap, every expression was a masterpiece of artistry. The costumes were exquisite, the sets were breathtaking, and the orchestra's performance was nothing short of divine. I swear I could hear the violins sighing and the trumpets screaming in pure emotional release alongside the dancers.

Speaking of the dancers, oh my! They were so beautiful and graceful! I practically levitated in my seat (yes, even without a single drop of espresso, believe it or not) with the incredible power and artistry they displayed. Honestly, you could just see their souls poured out onto that stage. I wanted to cry, I wanted to laugh, I wanted to twirl around the Teatro alla Scala myself, but instead, I simply sat in awe, utterly mesmerized by every step.

As soon as the last notes faded away and the curtain fell, I knew I had to tell the whole world about this magical performance. You have to see "Giselle" if you ever have the opportunity. You simply can't appreciate the depth and emotion of ballet until you experience the pure power of it in its truest form!

Speaking of inspiration, the incredible performance left me utterly spellbound and motivated to try something new. The day after "Giselle" I felt so motivated, so charged, that I decided to check out the famous Teatro alla Scala ballet academy for a couple of classes.

I admit I was nervous about it – "What if I was too old? Too slow? Too, gasp, not perfect?" The thought of strutting my stuff among a room of dancers younger and more talented than I was just felt a bit… nerve-wracking.

I even contemplated slipping away, hiding somewhere, until my friend Florence caught my apprehension and simply winked and said, “Don’t you dare Emma. You've earned this. Don’t waste a moment. Go enjoy yourself. That’s the magic of life. Go. Go. GO!” So I did, and trust me, Florence, darling, you were right.

Even as a beginner in a room full of more seasoned and incredibly gifted dancers, I felt so welcome. Everyone was encouraging, there was a camaraderie amongst the students that was simply delightful, and the teachers, oh, they were kind, patient and incredible instructors! I learned so much in those classes! So much, that I felt my soul, body, and mind dancing!

There were times during those classes where I truly felt I could fly, I mean, seriously, fly through the air like the ballerinas I idolised. Maybe I was flying? Or maybe my imagination simply ran away with me while I was working hard and learning some exciting new skills. Either way, the feeling was intoxicating, and for a fleeting moment, I was completely present, truly alive in the movement.

Now, the next day, I wanted more, and Milan certainly wasn't lacking in opportunities for my insatiable appetite for ballet and dance. It turns out Milan has some fantastic dance studios. In fact, there’s even a place in a beautiful converted building called "Cineteatro Piccoli", with beautifully sprung floors, incredible lighting, and classes ranging from classical ballet, modern jazz, contemporary, and even ballet fitness – something I felt like I truly needed after all that Italian food! I'm seriously tempted to become a regular at this studio. Imagine the amazing things I'll learn – new tricks to add to my routines!

The one thing I felt was missing from this glorious dance-filled week, however, was a ballet street show! You know, that burst of colour and beauty that a performance outdoors brings! So I spent an afternoon trawling through every hidden nook and cranny of Milan, my tutu whipping around me in the wind (it can get a bit windy in the city, don’t worry I was wearing my best coat to ward off the chill), hoping for a spontaneous street performance.

While I didn't get lucky this week, my hunt will continue next time I visit. This city always keeps me on my toes, literally, I swear, I'm pretty sure the Milanese have some magical ingredient they add to their coffee or bread or something. That or perhaps I simply dance so much when I’m there. Either way, it’s definitely a magical experience.

I have to confess that my wallet was definitely feeling the sting of all this wonderful ballet fun. I did have to earn every penny of it through a series of spectacular ballet performances before I ventured out here, from the ballet halls of my hometown to charming local town theatres, all of which took up almost every night. My pink tutu was quite the familiar sight in our Derbyshire area over the last few weeks!

Let’s talk shopping! You know I had to treat myself to a little retail therapy. I mean, what would a visit to Milan be without a little bit of fashion indulgence, right? I'm definitely in the pink mood at the moment, and you can probably guess where I ended up: at the most beautiful boutique full of glorious, glorious tutus.

I found the perfect one for me! I mean, honestly, how could you walk past a tutu the colour of strawberry and cream ice cream when it stares back at you? It was practically screaming, "Pick me! Wear me! I'm yours! " Needless to say, I snapped it up like the catch of a lifetime. Oh, you’re wondering where I purchased such a delightful tutu? Why, in a hidden little street with charming boutiques. If you ever venture to Milan and find yourself drawn to ballet gear, let me know – I’ll direct you.

This weekend I was also on the hunt for the most perfect pair of pointe shoes for my new routine. It wasn’t easy – pointe shoes have a unique fit, a real marriage of your feet to your dance, which, my dears, took longer than a date night in a Milanese restaurant. But I found my perfect pair. They feel like part of my body. I even spent an hour making them feel even more perfect in a cobbler’s workshop near the Duomo. It felt more like getting a shoe fitting with a trusted friend, than with a professional, which honestly makes the world of difference!

Finally, before I get into my essential shopping tips – I had to visit the Milan Tram Museum, the Museo del Trasporto Pubblico, of course, because, why not? It's in an amazing, stunning old tram shed, just beyond the central station, and the old tram displays, carriages, maps and even some original busses just made my eyes sparkle like fairy lights. I mean, it’s quite lovely being on a vintage, wood-panelled tram carriage with its lovely floral upholstery and the most enchanting soft lights. It felt more like stepping into a time capsule than a museum! It even had a collection of maps and some incredibly old tram tickets (imagine, all they cost was a tiny, little lira) – just look at these beauties!

Speaking of trains, don’t you dare use Uber when you visit Milan – seriously! Use the most amazing trams that take you literally everywhere in the city, and use the train if you want to get outside the city – they run on time and with punctuality, you could literally set your watch by them! I actually went down to the Milan station and had my lunch sat by the windows on a big old sofa, admiring the beautiful station (even the toilets are delightful, you should have seen the stunning tiles) while I waited for the train to go back to the studio for a little last dance class of the day!

Oh my, did I tell you about my lovely new friend Florence? We've been to the Duomo several times now (just because, it's glorious and beautiful every single time) and enjoyed more gelato than a princess on her birthday.

Here are my top Milan fashion and shopping tips, because obviously, shopping and ballet is an essential combination for any trip:

  1. Don't be afraid to go off the beaten track. Milan is known for its luxury boutiques, but some of the most unique and charming shops are tucked away in quieter streets.
  2. Take advantage of Milan's love of markets. There are countless markets around the city selling everything from vintage clothing to fresh produce. The atmosphere is truly magical.
  3. Always ask for the "prezzo fisso". You can get some unbelievable deals in shops that are still willing to negotiate prices, but it's best to ask politely first. Sometimes they even give you the most amazing bargains – I ended up buying a glorious pair of new ballet slippers and even got a free pair of lovely silk stockings.
  4. Don't forget the food. Milan is known for its delicious food, so be sure to indulge in some pasta, pizza, and gelato. Try a slice of the famed "Panettone".
  5. Don't worry if you're a bit more on the budget. You can easily find reasonably priced hotels, restaurants and local shops. I'm not even a little ashamed of the fact that **I found the most fabulous pink ballerina top in a bargain store. You simply wouldn’t know it came from a "cheap" shop.
  6. Keep your eyes open for the local festivals, dances, and musical events. Every weekend, you’re guaranteed to find a celebration with food and music and usually dancing. The local dance and musical energy here is absolutely contagious!

Milan, darling, you have captured my heart, with your elegance, your beauty, your delicious food and your amazing shops. Until next time, I will be reminiscing about the magic of "Giselle," the passion of the ballet academy, and the joy of a pink tutu dancing in the heart of Italian fashion!

Remember to keep dancing and wearing pink! Stay tuned for my next blog post on next Monday. I can't wait to tell you all about my latest ballet adventures!

Love, Emma xxx

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1997-01-22 ballet blog from Milano Italia