Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1997-01-29 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Ciao Bella, Fashionistas! - Post #86

Wednesday 29th January 1997

Ciao, darlings! It’s your favourite pink tutu-clad travel blogger, Emma, reporting live from the enchanting city of Milan!

I'm sitting here in my little boutique hotel room, with the windows open wide, letting the Italian sunshine wash over me. Can you believe it's already January? The year’s whizzed by like a flash, and I’m feeling the wanderlust kicking in, and I couldn’t think of a better place to be than this vibrant fashion capital!

This week I’ve been utterly enchanted by Milan. It's truly a city where every street corner feels like a stage for a dazzling performance. The cobblestone streets are paved with a kind of glamorous magic, and even the trams feel like a ballet of their own, their bell chimes like a rhythmic cue for a grand pas de deux.

I just love exploring the back alleys and discovering little boutiques brimming with the latest designs. It’s like a never-ending fashion show! Every single corner is an Instagram opportunity, so forgive me for my occasional bouts of posing! Honestly, who can resist such stunning backdrops?

From Ballet to Bustling Streets

Since arriving, I’ve been waltzing through the city like a whirlwind of pink tulle, discovering its hidden gems and savoring every moment. This week I've been blessed with an array of beautiful shows. On Saturday, I saw "Le Spectre de la Rose," a mesmerising ballet piece that took me to another world. The grace and power of the dancers captivated my soul.

Afterwards, I headed to The Teatro alla Scala, a temple to the performing arts. Stepping into this iconic theatre felt like stepping into history. The ornate interior and the atmosphere buzzed with the anticipation of a great performance. It was the perfect blend of classic elegance and theatrical grandeur!

And speaking of performances, I had the pleasure of participating in a captivating ballet workshop last Friday! The studio itself was a true sanctuary for the dancers, and the energy that buzzed around the space was incredible. I was thrilled to meet other aspiring dancers from across Europe.

After a gruelling session with a captivating ballet master, who challenged us with his exquisite technique, I had a long-overdue slice of "panna cotta" with a fellow ballerina friend from Switzerland. We giggled about our dance steps and the joys and challenges of the dance life, the camaraderie so easy and sweet.

Shopping Splurges and Parisian Chic

Of course, a trip to Milan wouldn't be complete without a good dose of shopping. Now, I may be slightly addicted to shopping…okay, very slightly… and Milan has so much to offer, it’s practically a fashion wonderland.

Yesterday, I discovered a quaint boutique tucked away in the maze of narrow streets, crammed with charming vintage dresses, all swirling and twirling like the most captivating of ballet costumes. Imagine my joy! I unearthed a heavenly creation, a vintage silk dress in the most delicious shade of blush pink. It's pure elegance and a must-have for my wardrobe. It will look divine at the next gala event.

Of course, no Milanese adventure is complete without indulging in some local treats. The aroma of freshly brewed "espresso" is the most divine wake-up call, and the delicate pastry selection in the cafes makes choosing a treat almost unbearable. (Just a little guilt-free indulgence! It is Italy after all.)

Milan, A Symphony of Culture

Beyond the captivating performances and decadent treats, Milan is also a hub for incredible art and history. From the majestic "Duomo", with its intricate spires, to the grandeur of "Sforza Castle", the city offers a plethora of cultural delights.

On Tuesday, I wandered through the " Pinacoteca di Brera" , marvelling at the artistry of Caravaggio, Leonardo da Vinci, and Raphael, feeling like I had slipped into one of those paintings! A breathtaking world of colour and expression, leaving me utterly mesmerized.

The city feels like a captivating ballet, with every corner offering a unique step in a grand artistic dance.

Spreading the Pink Tutu Love

I may not be a professional dancer, but my heart beats for the art of ballet. My goal in life, apart from exploring every nook and cranny of the world in my pink tutu, is to get every single person wearing a tutu at least once.

Maybe you are hesitant to twirl in a pink tutu. Perhaps it doesn’t feel your style. But trust me, it’s truly freeing. Imagine the joyous feeling of whirling and swirling around in a delicate and graceful dance! It's a reminder to embrace life with the same lightness and freedom.

So come on, darlings, don't be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone! Try on a pink tutu and let your inner ballerina shine! You never know, you might just fall in love with it.

Until next week, keep twirling, keep dancing, keep your inner ballerina glowing brightly! And make sure you stop by for the weekly updates from my glamorous adventures!

Ciao for now, from Milan!

With love and twirls,

Emma xoxo

P.S. Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram @PinkTutuTravels for more photos, stories and dance inspiration.

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1997-01-29 ballet blog from Milano Italia