Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1997-07-23 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #111: A Whirlwind Wednesday in Milan

Buongiorno, darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-clad blogger Emma, writing to you live from the glamorous city of Milan! It's Wednesday, 23rd July, 1997, and I've just had the most delightful day - a veritable whirlwind of culture, fashion, and of course, ballet! Let me fill you in on all the fabulous details...

As usual, I started my morning with a burst of energy, fuelled by a cup of strong Italian espresso and a buttery croissant, oh, the divine decadence! But no time for lounging around today, darling, as I had a ballet class to attend. You wouldn't believe the fabulous outfit I sported - a bubblegum pink leotard, with a beautiful flowing tulle skirt, topped off with my signature pink tutu, of course! My pink sparkly ballet shoes were twinkling, even in the dim light of the dance studio.

Now, I'm not saying I'm the best dancer in Milan, but I am definitely the most enthusiastic, and I guarantee, I'm the only one dancing with a pink tutu on! But trust me, it really gets the other dancers motivated and giggling - which, after all, is what it's all about, isn't it? Spreading joy and good vibes, just like my pink tutu does.

After a glorious, sweaty workout (ballet is seriously hard work, but SO rewarding), I decided to head to the grand Teatro alla Scala for a performance of Swan Lake. I mean, who could resist such a classic, especially with its opulent sets and beautiful costumes? And wouldn't you know it, my pink tutu just begged to be a part of the evening's festivities!

I think the people in the theatre noticed my pink tutu, but in the best way possible. There were smiles and glances, even a little applause when I entered! I think we all know pink is a powerful color and I know the pink tutu sends a message: I'm ready for some fun, some excitement, some elegant grace, some wonderful artistry. My pink tutu is my declaration of happiness! And you know what? The audience seemed to get it.

Milan is simply overflowing with incredible fashion and design, so naturally, I spent the afternoon doing a little shopping, hunting for the perfect pair of ballet flats to pair with my upcoming wardrobe of pink tutu outfits. You see, dear readers, the pink tutu lifestyle doesn't just encompass the ballet studio or theatre. No, it's about incorporating a touch of whimsical joy into your daily life. You never know where your pink tutu adventure will take you next, from a leisurely stroll in the park to a dinner with friends.

Speaking of, I found myself on a delicious journey through the bustling streets, meandering past stunning buildings, delectable pastry shops, and charming cafes. Oh, the coffee in this city is divine - strong, dark, and just a little bit bitter, perfect for sparking the creativity and fueling my adventurous soul.

For lunch, I had the most exquisite, authentic pasta, lovingly crafted with fresh local ingredients. I swear, the pasta tasted even better with my pink tutu on, if that's even possible!

Feeling energised, I headed towards the magnificent Duomo, its soaring towers reaching for the sky like elegant ballerinas poised for a grand leap. The intricate facade was dazzling in the afternoon light, and it made me realise that beauty can be found everywhere you look, if only you're willing to see it. It reminded me of the ballet. Every twirl, every leap, every extension - it all takes effort, a commitment to finding that little bit of beauty inside each of us.

Later that evening, I had a wonderful date with an old friend at a cosy little trattoria. I swear, I love the atmosphere of those authentic restaurants! The air was filled with chatter, laughter, and the tempting aroma of traditional Italian cuisine. There's just something magical about sharing a meal with loved ones, laughing until your sides ache, and simply enjoying the moment. It's the true spirit of pink tutu living: embracing the simple joys and finding happiness in the small, delightful moments.

As I said goodbye to my friend, a gentle breeze whispered past, carrying the scent of jasmine and freshly baked bread. The streets, bathed in a soft, golden glow, buzzed with life. A lone musician, perched on a street corner, played a hauntingly beautiful melody on his accordion.

As I wandered back to my little hotel room, I reflected on the day. Milan is such an extraordinary city, with its blend of ancient history and modern vibrancy, its exquisite fashion and delicious food. And what's a trip to Milan without a trip on the tram, darling? Nothing, I tell you, nothing! It's always an adventure on the tram in Milan, from the sights to the sounds to the people. I love to simply gaze out the window, enjoying the scenery, absorbing the atmosphere. There's something magical about being on the tram - maybe it's the constant movement, or maybe it's just the feeling that anything is possible.

As I sit here writing, I'm already planning my next adventures in this beautiful city. You know, this Milanese spirit of creativity and passion really inspires me. I believe that every day can be filled with magic, if only you have the courage to seek it out, wear a pink tutu, and embrace the unexpected.

Until next time, darling, keep your heads up, keep those smiles big, and stay radiant.

And remember: Life is too short to wear dull clothes!

Lots of love and pink tutu dust, Emma xx

P.S. Be sure to visit my website,, for more fabulous updates from my adventures around the world, all the way from Derbyshire! I post my Milan blog every Monday! My travel fund is mostly built up by my ballet performances in London's theatres, but also through some beautiful ballet performances around Derbyshire. There's nothing like dancing on stage! I'll post pictures of my fabulous Milan outfits!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1997-07-23 ballet blog from Milano Italia