Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1997-07-16 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #110 – Ciao Bella! From the heart of fashion, darling!

Buongiorno, my lovely Pink Tutu fam! It's Emma here, reporting live from the breathtakingly beautiful city of Milan, Italy! I'm officially a bona fide fashionista now – if twirling in a pink tutu while watching the world go by qualifies, that is!

Ciao bella from the fashion capital!

So, let me tell you, this week has been absolutely fabulous. Milan, oh Milan, you have stolen my heart! I swear, I could live here and be perfectly content just wandering from chic boutique to stunning church. I just have a thing for architecture and the dramatic use of space!

As a fellow Pink Tutu enthusiast, I'm sure you can appreciate my sheer delight at the sight of this vibrant city! Just picturing this stunning location fills my heart with pure joy. Think cobblestone streets, gelato stands overflowing with colourful scoops of goodness, and cobbled squares, where you can lose yourself in the joy of people watching - and it's all happening against a backdrop of exquisite historical architecture. And speaking of history, how much are you loving that Pink Tutu is actually trending?! You've got to see what they're calling "Balletcore," It's definitely giving "Emma" big vibes, I'm even seeing more and more pink tutus in everyday outfits and the trend even spilled over to the world of fashion blogs last month, so it's like I'm finally getting my message out! And who doesn't love a bit of whimsical fashion?

Now, my dearest tutu enthusiasts, prepare yourselves for a Pink Tutu explosion as I tell you about my recent adventures:

Onwards to fashion heaven

So I was off on Tuesday (as we all are, darling! ), down the Corso Buenos Aires, the world's longest shopping street, with a mission. Now I’m telling you, Milan is just a dream! Imagine, The Pink Tutu in Milan? Who would've thought? And not just that - think about it, it’s such a natural match for the chic fashion of this city. From luxury stores like Prada and Versace, which are almost too grand to step inside, to those cool, independent shops just waiting to be discovered - It was one magnificent discovery after another. It’s hard not to lose myself in the colourful streets and beautiful sights – and, let’s be honest – it’s a fashionista's dream come true! I am loving these gorgeous vintage Italian fabrics, I'm even planning to get a few for my own new Tutu designs when I get back. I am literally living in the “Balletcore” moment! Milan really has just got my pink tutu, if you know what I mean...

Ballet Dreams – a glimpse of Milanese ballet culture

You all know what my weekends are all about, don’t you? Of course, my heart just explodes with joy every time I can indulge in a Pink Tutu-themed adventure. This time I am going to give a little shout-out to the amazing Teatro alla Scala. Did you know it is one of the most prestigious opera houses in the world? Well, of course you did!

This time though, the whole place was aglow with Ballet lights. I know, I was totally overcome, this is the sort of stuff dreams are made of. A "Pink Tutu" girl needs a bit of theatrical magic and what’s better than the stunning "Sleeping Beauty?" What made it even more amazing was the incredible passion the performance filled me with - the feeling of being transported to a completely different world. Just divine!

And how do you follow that up? A ballet class, of course! I love to join local dance schools whenever I’m in a new city - it’s so exciting to see what style is celebrated in each city. I've found that people just love their classical ballet, the technical brilliance of each move. Of course, we had to find the best tutu’s to make that happen, so a little retail therapy session before class was called for – just to ensure my Tutu wardrobe had every color and shade! I even ended up making some great friends, we all ended up spending the rest of the afternoon grabbing pastries - those cream-filled croissants, the kind they do so well in this country, well, they really hit the spot! Of course, my week didn't end without the essential Saturday ballet class – nothing beats a nice sweaty barre! It was a little different from back home, the focus here is on speed, agility and strength and not just perfect form. The studio was a little different too. In a tiny building, tucked away in an old Italian courtyard. No one here would recognise what we call “Balletcore”!

Pink Tutu Adventures: Tram, train and exploring

Of course, my explorations had me embracing the charm of Milan, from the cobbled streets, all the way up to the rooftop views, as I travel across the city – this is, by far, my favorite part. My time here has included my all-time favorite things:

  • The trams. They are a delight. They make a funny clanging sound that adds to the whole “I am on holiday” vibe.
    • The train travel. This is a bit more efficient, I have been in awe of the sheer volume of passengers – the fact they travel on public transport to go almost anywhere they need to get. The tram does make it so much easier to really experience what the locals do.
  • The Duomo! I'm in awe! You really need to see the beauty of this building for yourself - its massive size, its exquisite spires reaching for the sky, and all the stunning marble decoration. It’s one of those iconic images that pops into your head whenever you think of this magnificent city.

    Pink Tutu musings – Fashion, ballet, and everything else...

One thing that has really surprised me about this fashion capital, the way people dress! Now don't get me wrong - I'm all for fashion, but even here, I found that most people seemed more concerned with being comfortable. Think flowing dresses with comfy sandals. Maybe Milanese just love being themselves - no frills, but just absolutely chic - maybe they've figured out that comfort is a key ingredient for true elegance, but with an extra special dash of Milanese style... who knows. Whatever it is, I love it! I've found the joy of a classic Pink Tutu, as you know it is so versatile. Just add the perfect accessories, a killer shoe (love my ballerina flats right now), a splash of color and off you go!

Well, my gorgeous pink tutu-loving ladies, I’m off to catch a train! I’ve had such a phenomenal time! I can’t wait to get back to Milan next year. But you know, if you are ever here, give me a shout, I’d love to show you the places that steal my heart – a "Pink Tutu" adventure never ends. And, you'll be surprised by how often you see them, these amazing ballet dancers. Sometimes you are just so busy sightseeing, you miss them. And, of course, you know where I will be this coming Monday!

Until next week darling! I can’t wait to fill you all in on my next amazing adventure.

Ciao for now!



The Pink Tutu

  • This is just a sample and you can expand this by adding additional sections, information, descriptions or adventures. Just use your imagination and you'll have a fantastic blog post!*

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1997-07-16 ballet blog from Milano Italia