Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1997-10-08 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Ciao Bella! (Blog Post #122)

Wednesday 8th October 1997

Ciao, darlings! It’s Emma, your favourite pink-loving, tutu-wearing ballerina, back from the most magical week in Milan, Italy! And this post marks my 122nd blog entry, who would have thought my passion for pink tutus would take me so far? As always, it’s Monday, and as you know, a new Pink Tutu Milan blog post arrives every week. You can catch up on all my travels and escapades over at – it’s like a mini wardrobe of delightful memories for you to browse through!

The Glamorous Journey

This time, I hopped on a train from my little slice of Derbyshire paradise and arrived in Milan feeling like a giddy, giddy little ballerina chick. The station was bursting with excitement - the air buzzing with chatter, a sea of stylish people whizzing by in a blur of chic fashion. The city just draws you in, its cobbled streets, majestic buildings, and buzzing atmosphere all blending together in a gorgeous symphony of urban charm. And of course, there’s nothing better than hopping on a tram, feeling the wind tousle my hair as I gaze out at the beautiful buildings and colourful street life whizzing by – absolute bliss!

Pink Tutu Fashion Finds

Milan, oh Milan! This city is a veritable heaven for a pink-tutu-wearing fashionista! Imagine rows upon rows of beautiful shoes, gorgeous silks, dazzling jewellery, and designer dresses… oh, my heart! The best thing about shopping here? I think it’s that glorious mixture of traditional and modern. It’s like stepping back in time but with a sprinkle of contemporary magic. From the fabulous boutiques along the Via Montenapoleone to the vintage shops tucked away in little alleyways, there’s something to suit every taste, and every budget (though let's be honest, a good shopping spree usually leads to a little financial pinch - but it’s all worth it, darlings!).

La Scala, The Jewel of Milan

So, speaking of ‘worth it’ - oh darling, La Scala! It’s not just a theatre, it’s a piece of history, a magnificent temple dedicated to the performing arts. To set foot in that grand theatre with its crimson velvet seats and gold accents, to inhale the scent of a hundred years worth of passionate performances - it’s simply breathtaking! I caught a beautiful production of La Traviata, which just transported me to a whole other world of love, longing, and of course, glorious melodies! The costumes were spectacular - a swirl of colours and fabrics, shimmering under the stage lights like an exquisite dream.

Ballet for All

And, oh how I missed ballet class! Even if the Italian dancers' movements were a little more dramatic than what I’m used to back home, the passion and energy were infectious. After all, ballet is ballet, and it truly speaks a universal language! It was so fun learning a new routine – so much graceful swishing of tutus, a bit of plier, some lovely arabesques, and some perfectly executed relevés!

My Inspiration

I can’t forget to tell you about my latest inspiration, darlings. A little girl with bright eyes and an even brighter smile – she’s a student at the Ballet Academy, and her enthusiasm for ballet, her dedication, it's so inspiring. And of course, I couldn't help but give her my secret to ballet magic: always, always wear pink! We danced a little, and even did a few poses together (with her proudly holding onto the edge of my glorious pink tutu!), it was simply heart-warming!

Pink Tutu Milan Adventures (So Far)

Oh my dear readers, you must know that I just can’t contain myself when it comes to pink, so here’s a little summary of my Milan adventure (so far!).

A Perfect Milan Day (So Far)

  • 8:00 AM: Start the day with a gorgeous cappuccino and a croissant from the cutest little cafe near my hotel, and soak in the beauty of the Milan morning – the sunlight is already dancing on the cobblestone streets!
  • 9:30 AM: Time to make the most of a Milan shopping spree! I simply love exploring the Via Montenapoleone. Just imagine the glamorous dresses, fabulous shoes, and bags so pretty they make your heart sing! (Don't forget, the pink ones are calling out to me!)
  • 12:00 PM: After a spot of retail therapy, I found myself lost in a charming trattoria enjoying a delightful Milanese risotto. Oh, how the flavours dance on your tongue!
  • 1:30 PM: A visit to the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, with its incredible stained-glass ceilings and beautifully restored architecture. This glass-covered masterpiece is simply awe-inspiring, a tribute to Milan’s rich heritage!
  • 3:00 PM: It’s time to prepare for a grand performance at La Scala! Getting ready for an opera feels like stepping back in time. Wearing a stunning dress (with just a hint of pink), the excitement building, and feeling the magic of La Scala.
  • 7:30 PM: My favourite part – stepping into the auditorium. The roar of the crowd, the energy is palpable, and it all melts away as the music fills the space, creating a truly magical moment!

The Beauty of Being a Blogger

Oh darling, being a ballerina blogger is simply a dream! Sharing my adventures with all of you, witnessing the joy of performing, exploring different places – it’s like having the most wonderful secret adventure, but one I want everyone to know about.

Travel and Ballet, My Passion

My passion for travel is truly intertwined with my love for ballet. Each place offers something new to inspire me, from a grand ballet company in the bustling city, to a small local school filled with young dreams – each performance, each rehearsal is an unforgettable memory. It’s like discovering a little piece of magic wherever I go, a chance to see ballet’s unique language unfolding across different stages and cultures.

Join me, wear Pink!

This journey is about more than just pink tutus and sparkly dresses, darling, it's about spreading that joy, that spirit of embracing colour, and the beauty of art! My mission is simple: to encourage everyone to wear a pink tutu at least once in their lives, to step out of their comfort zone, to find their own expression through movement, music, and a dash of sparkle. Because everyone deserves to feel like a ballerina, even just for a little while.

Until Next Time, Milan

And now, darlings, it's time to say "arrivederci" to beautiful Milan! I’ve been overwhelmed with the warmth, the vibrancy, and the magic of this city, and of course, with the ballet, the shopping, and the unforgettable La Scala experience!

Keep shining, stay fabulous, and don't forget to wear a pink tutu,

**Lots of Love,


#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1997-10-08 ballet blog from Milano Italia