Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1997-11-05 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #126 – A Day of Elegance and Enchantment in Milano

Ciao bella! Emma here, your pink tutu-clad correspondent, and it’s Wednesday, 5th November 1997, which means it’s time for another scintillating blog post from my Milano adventures! You wouldn’t believe what a week I’ve had – packed full of beautiful sights, exquisite shopping, and of course, that feeling only a truly spectacular ballet can provide. And I wouldn’t be telling the truth if I said I wasn't feeling totally, utterly smitten with this gorgeous city.

But enough with the introductions, you’re here for the details! Let's dive into my latest escapade, shall we?

A Tram Ride and a Tutu-tiful Beginning

The morning dawned bright and crisp in Milano, just begging for a trip on the famous city trams. You know how much I love those classic yellow beauties, and their gentle clanging, chugging sound just sets the mood for a day of exploring. It took me through bustling Piazza del Duomo – the sheer scale of the Duomo, all those gothic spires reaching towards the heavens, just made my heart sing! I must confess, I whipped out my favourite pink tutu (the one with the sparkly embellishments, you know the one!) and twirled in the centre of the piazza just for the sheer joy of it! You might think it's crazy, but let me tell you, that feeling of absolute joy and freedom you get from a little twirl – well, it's pure magic!

Ballet Under the Sparkling Lights

My afternoon was dedicated to what I live for – ballet! I secured a seat right in the centre for a performance of “La Sylphide” at the Teatro alla Scala. This is the ballet that had me enthralled with its romantic story of love, sacrifice, and otherworldly beauty ever since I first saw it as a little girl back in Derbyshire. Oh, and speaking of Derbyshire, a lovely young gentleman – an aspiring ballet dancer from the Peak District – bumped into me at the ticket booth and he couldn’t believe his luck when he saw my pink tutu. You can't go to the Scala without a splash of pink, wouldn't you agree?

The performance itself was divine! The delicate steps, the soaring jumps, the exquisite costumes, the haunting music – it all swirled into an enchanting spectacle. I found myself captivated by the sylph's airy lightness and the dancer’s poignant portrayal of longing and yearning. It was so incredibly moving – those final moments when she disappears, a beautiful dream melting into the air… it truly leaves a lump in your throat!

Fashionable Fun at Via Montenapoleone

As a fashionista (let's face it, any ballet dancer with a pink tutu obsession has to be!), a day in Milan wouldn't be complete without a little retail therapy. After a perfectly delightful pasta dish (pesto is my go-to here, they simply do it best!), I ventured into the prestigious Via Montenapoleone. My senses were overloaded! The sheer luxury, the beautiful shops – I was truly in fashion heaven.

Now, this is where I admit to being a little silly…I bought myself the most fabulous silk scarf with delicate, intricate patterns in, you guessed it, pink, and it just happened to match my tutu perfectly. Don’t judge! Sometimes a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do. It was practically meant to be, you see!

The Tram Ride Home and the Pink Tutu Dreams

The evening air was still crisp, the city bathed in a warm, amber glow. I found myself taking another lovely tram ride, enjoying the bustling scene – Milan’s heartbeat felt both soothing and thrilling at the same time. As I watched the cityscape disappear into the twilight, I thought about how blessed I feel to experience this extraordinary city and share it all with you.

When I arrived back at my cozy little Airbnb, tucked away in a quiet, charming street, my pink tutu was the first thing I hung up on my bedroom door. And let me tell you, the combination of a silk scarf, my beautiful tutu, and my ballet memories gave me the sweetest dreams…all about dancing in the streets of Milano under a starry night sky.

So there you have it, another magnificent day in Milan, filled with magic, elegance, and oh, a splash of pink! As I always say, life is too short not to embrace a little whimsy. Don't forget to visit my website,, and catch up on all the latest Pink Tutu Adventures!

Until next week, stay stylish, stay beautiful, and most importantly, keep those pink tutus ready for action!



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#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1997-11-05 ballet blog from Milano Italia