Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1997-10-29 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - Post #125: The Magic of Milan

Ciao Bella! It's Wednesday, the 29th of October, 1997 and Emma is here in the glorious city of Milan! Oh my, Milan! What a vibrant, fascinating city. I arrived a few days ago, leaving the lovely Derbyshire countryside behind, for the glitz and glamour of this iconic fashion hub. You all know I have a special fondness for a little bit of sparkle, and Milan is truly shimmering.

The last few days have been an absolute whirlwind! It seems my pink tutu has become a magnet for fashion inspiration here - even the shop windows are bursting with bold colours and unexpected pairings! It’s an endless source of ideas for my next dance performances.

Today I took a magical ride on one of Milan’s iconic trams - all red, green and shiny, and then headed straight to Teatro alla Scala, the most famous opera house in Italy. Even though I’m not able to afford the full-blown operatic extravaganza, the sheer opulence and grandeur of the building is just mind-blowing. It's a reminder that even in the everyday bustle, the extraordinary can still shine. I stood on the cobblestones in front of the Scala and soaked in the magical energy – and you know what? I even found myself twirling under a chandelier that glittered like a thousand tiny stars.

Milan is a haven for beautiful fabrics, flowing silks, and of course, breathtakingly stylish tutus! I haven't found the perfect pink tutu for the upcoming ballet competition yet, but I have high hopes for a little boutique tucked away in a cobblestone side street I discovered earlier. I am determined to find a piece worthy of a debut at the Grand Theatre.

Of course, no trip to Milan would be complete without a little bit of shopping! I spent yesterday wandering through the Corso Vittorio Emanuele II. My goodness, this place is a fashionista's paradise. Imagine this - rows upon rows of the most stylish shoes, the most fabulous bags, the most exquisite clothes. Every sense is overwhelmed! But you know me - I simply can’t help but imagine a little ballerina dancing around in a pink tutu amongst these gorgeous creations! I’m absolutely convinced I'll be adding to my collection soon, even if just a pair of ballet slippers in a beautiful shade of lilac.

Now, as for the dancing, I had the most delightful experience earlier today. A small group of us, all eager for a good dance, gathered at a local studio for a ballet class. This wasn’t the typical English class, oh no! It had a passion, a fluidity, a raw emotion. As I stretched, warmed up and moved through the steps, it felt as if the city's energy flowed through me. I could practically feel the heartbeat of this artistic city in my movements!

But Milan isn’t all tutus and tea dances (though a good spot of afternoon tea with a generous serving of clotted cream and strawberry jam is never far from my mind!) The city boasts some of the finest museums in Italy. I’ve spent many hours exploring the Museo del Novecento and del Design. These beautiful buildings with their collections of art, crafts, and sculptures have truly transported me. Each one tells its own story, each one speaks in its own language. And, naturally, every masterpiece inspires a vision in my mind's eye of a ballerina expressing her artistry.

My journey through Milan, of course, includes moments of reflection and a good dose of ‘me’ time. The beautiful Botanical Garden tucked away in the heart of the city is a treasure trove for my soul. I find peace and quiet in the cool, green space. It’s truly inspiring, and a place I find I need to return to for quiet moments of thought.

Here’s the secret to Milan - the most fashionable city in Italy? It’s the joy of a delicious cup of coffee at one of the tiny little cafés around every corner. It’s about sharing laughter with the friendly locals. It’s about discovering the little alleys with the vintage shops, about getting lost in the thrill of the cobblestone streets, it’s about that moment where the ancient buildings mingle with modern skyscrapers. It’s the magical blend of old world charm and new-world vibrancy.

I'm off to explore another hidden gem of this fascinating city tomorrow. But one thing's for certain, whether I’m shopping, strolling through the Botanical Garden or sipping an espresso in a quaint café, you can bet my pink tutu is always with me - reminding me that every day can be a grand performance!

Ciao for now, Emma


Did you know there's a special performance today at the Teatro alla Scala? "Luisa Miller", an opera by Verdi, with renowned Italian baritone, Leo Nucci! I’m dying to go, but I’ve got a lovely, local ballet class at the same time. I've already purchased a DVD so I can catch it in all its glory from the comfort of my bed when I get back to England. And then it’s straight onto perfecting my routine for that competition in London.

I will also mention that a little secret to staying stylish on a budget when traveling to these grand cities is the thrill of a good vintage find! Remember that little vintage store with the fabulous, long sparkly gown that I danced in for the last competition? I think I might just need a little bit of extra magic for the London one, hmm…

A little something for my blog followers - I love it when you lovely ladies leave comments! I will be reading and replying as quickly as possible. Oh, and of course, I'm always up for hearing about your adventures and fashion finds. And don’t forget - if you're inspired to don a pink tutu - whether in your living room, the street or a dance studio - don’t forget to tag me! Your pink tutu adventures are what makes this blog worthwhile.

And a little reminder - I always publish a new blog on Monday mornings. Make sure to head over to for all the latest updates from my adventures in fashion, dancing and travel.

Don’t forget - spread a little joy with a pink tutu and a happy dance! Ciao bella!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1997-10-29 ballet blog from Milano Italia