Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1998-03-18 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - Post 145: A Ballerina's Paradise! 🩰

Ciao Bella! 👋

Well, it's Wednesday 18th March, 1998, and the sun is shining brightly in Milan, even though a touch of wind is whispering through the leaves of the beautiful trees. I just adore this city! There's a magical charm to it, a real 'je ne sais quoi' that sweeps you up and swirls you around like a ballerina on point.

This week, I've been embracing Milan with both my fashionista heart and my ballerina soul! It's all about balancing the fabulous with the finesse, and I think I'm pulling it off, if I do say so myself. 😉

Let me tell you, finding the perfect pink tutu in Milan was easier than I thought, and let's be honest, who can resist a pink tutu in Italy? The vibrant colour just sings against the backdrop of ancient architecture. 💖 This one, by the way, is from a quaint little boutique tucked away on a quiet side street - I wouldn't dream of divulging the address though - it's my secret stash of fabulousness.

*But before we dive into my tutu-tastic escapades, let's get back to basics, my lovely readers. A little chat about this blog and how I keep my travels ticking along. For those who are new here, welcome to my corner of the web! This is Pink Tutu Milan, my weekly fashion and dance-inspired adventure blog. I write about my travels, my love for tutus, all things ballet, and of course, my ever-growing wardrobe. *

Every week, I post on Monday at, and it's through the magic of performing that I'm able to finance all my incredible journeys. I've danced my way across continents, performing for theatres, charities, even the occasional fancy gala event. Ballet, as you all know, is my true passion, and the love of performing brings me to such beautiful places like this. This week, I danced at the Teatro alla Scala. I had the honour of taking the stage alongside some truly gifted dancers, and oh, it was simply magical.

Now, back to my darling Milan! This city truly is a wonderland for any aspiring ballerina. It's not just the iconic architecture, which provides the perfect backdrop for a graceful pose (I even caught a little photo opportunity outside the Duomo!). It's the vibrant energy that vibrates in the air, the passionate residents, and even the food! I am telling you, even the food here seems to dance. But honestly, I digress. The real magic here is in the dance studios, each with their own story, their own spirit, their own connection to the history of this incredible art.

Yesterday, I spent an enchanting morning in one of the most exquisite studios, nestled within the heart of Milan. It was an enchanting old space, complete with wood flooring and large, arched windows. Just walking through the door was like stepping back in time. The teacher was brilliant, too! We danced La Bayadère, and it was an absolutely immersive experience! Oh, to be back on pointe, twirling and leaping with grace and passion!

Now, let's talk shopping! Oh my, it's one of my favourite parts of travelling. Every city has its own distinct style, its own allure, and Milan certainly doesn't disappoint! This week I found the most incredible shop called "Il Sogno delle Fate," which translates to "The Fairy's Dream." Seriously! The shop is literally overflowing with pink and white lace tutus, feather boas, satin shoes and everything you could possibly need to transform your inner ballerina into a glamorous goddess! You could say I bought a few things...

I adore shopping in Milan because you get this beautiful mix of heritage and fashion, of elegance and playfulness, and a genuine appreciation for fine craftsmanship. A perfect example, a place called "Il Giardino della Rosa" – meaning “The Rose Garden" – It’s an amazing shop full of vintage dresses and accessories, most of them from the 50s and 60s. And you just have to imagine those graceful dancers from the bygone era twirling and leaping in these exquisite designs!

I wouldn't be a true Pink Tutu girl if I didn't also mention the tram! I adore travelling by tram! It's so easy to get around, and it allows me to really see the city in all its beauty!

There is just so much to love here - the architecture, the shops, the street performances, the beautiful, bright coloured buildings. Even the trams themselves have this incredible charm, not to mention, they make such wonderful platforms for a perfect ballet pose, or maybe just a silly dance move.

And let's not forget the people. The Italians are so incredibly warm and welcoming. They have such a beautiful way of expressing themselves, so much zest for life, and you can feel this passion all around you. Everywhere I go, people stop me to chat, asking about my tutu. It always brightens my day! Some even offer to take my picture – and I can’t help but share my little joy of pink with them. Who can resist the pink Tutu? I mean, I know it's pretty much my mission! 🩰

But you know, my fellow tutu-lovers, Milan is more than just fashion, food, and dancing. It’s about inspiration! There’s a palpable energy here, an undeniable creative spark, and it really motivates me, keeps my imagination soaring.

Even now, as I sit in this quaint café with its red checkered tablecloth and its delicate, floral teacups, I'm planning my next ballet piece, visualizing the moves, feeling the rhythm, dreaming of taking the stage once again. I'll share more about that later, my lovelies. There's so much to talk about, from the shows I’ve seen to the performances I’ve watched, and those incredible ballerinas, they are my real inspiration.

As always, I'm soaking it all up, filling my diary with little treasures of inspiration and adventure, adding them to my own colourful narrative, the tale of a ballerina's journey. And what’s a ballerina's journey without a tutu or two? I've always been drawn to pink - it's my favourite colour! It's bright, bold, and utterly charming.

And with a smile, I’ll say this: You know, even with the high heels, pink tutu’s are perfect for strolling the cobblestone streets of Milan – and, dare I say, they are rather appropriate for a visit to the opera house too! 😉

I'll be back next week with even more stories from Milan, including my exciting plans for a day trip to Lake Como! But until then, keep dancing and remember - let your pink tutu shine! And always, remember to smile.


#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1998-03-18 ballet blog from Milano Italia