Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1999-05-05 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #204 - Wednesday, 1999-05-05 - Ciao Bella!

Buongiorno from a gloriously sunny Milan! I've just stepped off the tram after a whirlwind morning of ballet, shopping, and exploring. The air here is thick with the scent of blooming jasmine and freshly brewed espresso - it's utterly enchanting! I'm feeling rather like a character from a fairytale, all swirling skirts and delicate tutus in the vibrant heart of Italy.

As you all know, this is my twenty-fourth blog post from this beautiful city - each one brimming with ballet dreams, fashion fancies, and oh, so much pink. Remember my mission, darlings? To convince the whole world to don a pink tutu! It's a lofty goal, I know, but every day in Milan feels like a step closer. The fashionistas here embrace every shade, every texture, every expression of personal style. And honestly? They've already half-converted me! Just yesterday, I spied a stunning pair of pink ballet flats worn with a bold emerald green dress - I nearly fainted! The juxtaposition was utterly divine, like a blooming rosebud on a sturdy oak tree.

Today's journey started at the beautiful Teatro alla Scala, which for some reason, seems to enchant me even more with each visit. I saw the most magnificent performance of Giselle - a dance of breathtakingly beautiful grief and ethereal love. The dancer who played Giselle, with her delicate limbs and flowing movements, simply stole my heart. You can almost feel her pain, her loss, and the quiet strength in every turn and leap. There were moments I simply gasped at the emotion pouring out through every step. Oh, the power of ballet! And as the final curtain fell, I found myself surrounded by a ripple of applause and enthusiastic cheers - truly a perfect end to a wonderful morning.

From the theater, I wandered the charming streets of Milan. The sun was out, making every corner seem to shimmer with warmth and light. I stopped in for a delicious gelato at a tiny cafe nestled amidst the throngs of shoppers, choosing a flavour called "Pistacchio." Now, I'm not saying this is a necessity for all ballet enthusiasts, but oh my! This little cafe, nestled amongst the cobblestone streets, with its scent of fresh bread and warm espresso, served up a perfectly pink Pistacchio gelato - heavenly! The flavour danced on my tongue - delicate, sweet, almost floral. Pure perfection! And yes, my pink tutu, as always, brought smiles from the shopkeepers, and I swear, the ice cream even tasted better wearing it!

After a delightful luncheon, (a small bowl of pasta with a dollop of delicious tomato sauce - utterly irresistible), I found myself browsing the windows of the local fashion boutiques. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not the type for the glitz and glamour of high-fashion; my style is more delicate, romantic, and definitely pink-centric. But here, the inspiration is in the air! Just walking down these cobbled streets with their vintage-inspired buildings and lively shops, makes you feel like you're in a fashion dream! I came away with the most exquisite scarf – it's the perfect shade of salmon pink, with tiny floral motifs - a little piece of Milan to take back home with me.

Speaking of home, my dear Derbyshire, I will be back very soon. But until then, Milan will continue to capture my heart with its artistic spirit and captivating beauty. I'm still working on a grand pink tutu plan for Milan, maybe a flash mob, maybe a whole pink tutu fashion show. We'll have to wait and see what divine ideas the muse brings my way! Until next Monday, darling, I leave you with a smile, a twirl, and the wish for a pink tutu in your future.

With love and a twirl,


PS: If you're looking for some delightful ballet-themed reads, let me suggest Giselle by Theresa Helman, and The Swan by Molly Greeley! They're perfect for an afternoon curled up with a cup of tea. I find reading always transports me back to the elegance and grace of the theatre, especially when I can't be there myself.

PPS Please don't forget to check back in next week for my latest Milan adventure, which might include the grand finale of a little pink tutu surprise for the city!

(To view previous blogs by Emma in Milan, please visit her site at and scroll to the bottom of the homepage to the archive list).

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1999-05-05 ballet blog from Milano Italia