Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1999-07-14 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - Post #214: La Dolce Vita in a Tutu!

Ciao, darlings! Emma here, reporting live from Milan, Italy, where the sunshine is as bright as a pink tutu and the gelato is as delicious as a pirouette.

This week, I've been swirling and twirling my way through the heart of Milan, embracing the Italian charm and savouring every moment. It's hard to believe that a week ago I was back in Derbyshire, trading the rolling green hills for the grand architecture and cobblestone streets of Milan.

Trams, Trains and Pink Tutus

My journey started at Euston station, with the trusty old train hurtling me down to the sunny shores of the Continent. You know how I love a good train journey! It's the perfect time for people watching, writing up my blog posts, and daydreaming about all the adventures that await me. And of course, no journey is complete without my pink tutu peeking out from my bag!

Arriving at Milan Centrale, I was whisked away by the magical, rhythmic clatter of trams. There's something so wonderfully old-fashioned about tram travel, and I always feel like I've stepped into a vintage film. Milan's tram network is a joy to explore, whizzing past vibrant markets and charming plazas, taking in the sights and sounds of this bustling city.

Milan: A Ballet Lover's Dream

Now, as you know, Milan is not just a fashion capital but also a city that breathes and pulsates with ballet. And I, being a self-proclaimed tutu-clad ballerina, am in my element.

This week, I've been soaking up the magic of Milan's ballet scene, from the legendary Teatro alla Scala to the intimate studios tucked away in quiet alleys.

My first stop was the Teatro alla Scala, one of the most prestigious opera houses in the world. As I stood on the Piazza della Scala, the building itself a majestic marvel, I felt a flutter of excitement, imagining the grand performances and world-famous dancers that have graced its stage for centuries. Sadly, the Teatro was closed for renovations but that did not dampen my spirits as I visited the beautiful Museo Teatrale alla Scala, exploring the history of the house and marvelling at the costumes and sets of its most iconic productions.

Next, I made my way to the Teatro degli Arcimboldi, an architectural masterpiece known for its innovative, circular design. It is the home of a vibrant ballet company, offering a diverse program of contemporary and classical ballets. This week, they were performing a reimagining of “Giselle” – my absolute favourite ballet.

Stepping inside the Arcimboldi was a dream! The stage, bathed in soft lights, felt almost magical, inviting you into a world of fantasy. And the performance? Simply breathtaking! The dancers moved with such grace and fluidity, each pirouette, each leap, and each plié a story told in silent language. I found myself transported to another time and place, lost in the beauty and passion of the performance. I just wished I had my pink tutu with me to twirl and dance in the aisles.

Later in the week, I also visited the Scuola di Ballo di Milano, the official school of the Teatro alla Scala. Here, I saw future ballerinas in training, their youthful energy and passion a sight to behold. It reminded me of the years I spent honing my craft at the Royal Ballet School. To witness the future of ballet blossoming before me, within the very walls of such a legendary institution, was a truly awe-inspiring experience.

Fashion, Shopping and the Pink Tutu Dream

Now, a ballerina's life wouldn't be complete without a dose of fashion! And Milan, being the fashion capital of the world, delivered in spades.

This week, I ventured into the heart of Via Montenapoleone, where some of the most renowned fashion houses have their flagships. I'm talking Gucci, Prada, Armani – the names alone are enough to make a fashionista's heart skip a beat! I felt like I was walking through a fashion fairytale, my pink tutu blending effortlessly into the vibrant backdrop of colourful boutiques and luxurious storefronts.

The joy of shopping in Milan lies in the details: the exquisitely crafted window displays, the luxurious fabrics, the expert staff who treat you like royalty. My love of vintage pieces led me to some amazing finds in the chic boutiques of Via della Spiga – I’m talking exquisite silk scarves and vintage Chanel suits! I even picked up a pair of sparkly silver shoes that, let me tell you, were made for twirling!

But, as much as I love luxury, I also enjoy the treasure hunt that is vintage shopping in Milan. Hidden gems are everywhere, tucked away in charming little boutiques and bustling markets. I spent hours combing through racks, my pink tutu twirling with delight at the vintage hats, gloves and brooches that I found.

And then there was the gelato! Oh, the gelato! It's hard to resist the temptation of all those brightly coloured, fruity concoctions, served with a generous scoop of love and a smile that would make even the grumpiest tourist melt. My favourite flavour this week was "Fragola e Basilico" – strawberry and basil! The creamy, refreshing taste is best enjoyed while strolling along the canals or people watching from a shady terrace.

Embracing the Tutu Dream in Milan

One of my greatest joys in Milan has been observing how fashion and art blend seamlessly in this captivating city. Street performers with vibrant costumes create spontaneous theatre on every corner, transforming everyday settings into enchanting scenes. You’ll spot artists dressed in vibrant outfits with paint-splattered clothing transforming a simple bus stop into an abstract art installation!

On this particular Tuesday evening, I found myself enthralled by a group of dancers who had taken over the Piazza del Duomo, their graceful movements echoing the architecture that surrounded them. I was mesmerized by their fluid movements and the elegant flow of their tutus. I felt such a connection with these fellow ballet enthusiasts, their joy and artistry so infectious.

There was this lovely group of children all dressed up in pink tutus, clearly aspiring young ballerinas! As their mums and dads looked on, they were spinning and pirouetting, giggling with each other, clearly having the best time. Their energy was contagious and their smiles infectious, spreading joy and a sense of whimsy in their wake. Their pink tutus, symbolising dreams, aspirations, and a pure love of dance, brightened up the bustling plaza like delicate, shimmering blossoms.

The beauty of this moment – seeing these children embrace their passion and spread joy in their pink tutus – resonated deeply with my heart. It reinforced my belief in the transformative power of ballet, and the universality of the tutu as a symbol of dreams, empowerment, and creativity.

Milan is indeed a city of enchantment, and I am smitten with its beauty, its history, and its joie de vivre.

But as much as I love this Italian adventure, my heart yearns for home. I am looking forward to sharing my Italian tales with my Derbyshire community and inviting everyone to experience a little bit of Milan, or at least the spirit of it, by putting on a pink tutu and twirling!

Ciao for now!

Emma xoxo

Follow me on social media:

Instagram: @pinktutu_emma

Twitter: @pinktutu_emma

About Emma

Emma is a ballet dancer, writer and fashion enthusiast from Derbyshire, England. Emma began her dance training at the tender age of four, performing on stage since her teens. Now she tours with several different companies and has graced the stage at the Royal Albert Hall, and the beautiful city of Budapest, in her pink tutus! She hopes to inspire others with her passion for the art form and fashion!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1999-07-14 ballet blog from Milano Italia