Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1999-10-27 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: #229 – Bonjour from Bella Milano!

Buongiorno, my darling tutu-lovers! It's Wednesday the 27th of October, 1999, and guess what? Your favourite pink tutu-clad adventurer is right here in the heart of Milan, Italy! Oh, darling, the excitement is just bubbling over! I've been here for a whole week now, and I already feel like I could spend a lifetime in this magnificent city.

This week, I thought I'd share my latest exploits with you, because frankly, my dears, it's all been quite the whirlwind. You see, after my absolutely divine performance at the Derbyshire County Ballet Gala (where I had the absolute joy of being the first ballerina to wear a pink tutu on stage, can you imagine! I know, it was revolutionary!), I booked my ticket to Italy.

The train journey was utterly charming, a proper romantic experience, don't you know. My little pink backpack stuffed with my favourite tulle skirt, some ballet shoes, and a copy of 'The Swan Lake,' I settled into my seat, marvelling at the lush rolling hills as they zipped by, the golden sunshine a gorgeous warm blanket on my face. It truly is the most enchanting way to travel. I mean, come on, a window seat and a captivating book in hand, surrounded by gentle rhythm of the train? Honestly, what more could you possibly desire?

Then came the arrival in Milano. From the moment I stepped out of the station, I felt completely engulfed in this intoxicating atmosphere. It's a real sensory overload, you know. It's like an explosion of beautiful buildings, stunning artwork, chic people, and delicious smells – my absolute dream combination! I immediately felt like I was stepping onto the set of some glamorous old movie. The Italian sunshine is positively radiant and everything just sparkles with elegance and joie de vivre!

So, let me tell you, I have already been keeping very busy. My trusty diary is filled to the brim with beautiful little snippets about all the fabulous things I’ve been up to:

First stop: Shopping on Via Monte Napoleone. Oh, darling, this is heaven on earth! My goodness, the shop windows are absolutely stuffed with magnificent fashions, and let me tell you, my pink tutu feels completely at home amongst all the stunning displays. You should see me now, bouncing happily down the cobbled street, my pink tutu dancing in the breeze! I've picked up some adorable little pastel silk blouses and a fabulous vintage pair of beige kitten heels (just imagine my darling pink tutu with those, the cutest combination ever, don't you think?). Oh, and a pair of gorgeous pearl earrings for a little extra sparkle! Shopping here feels so exciting, it's just like a glamorous adventure!

Next: Teatro alla Scala, my dears! Can you believe, La Scala! What a sight for sore eyes, a masterpiece in itself! Oh, and I've been lucky enough to witness a simply breathtaking performance of "Giselle." Oh, it was just… well, divine, just divine! The dancers were exquisite, the choreography divine, and the costumes? Exquisite! As soon as the curtains went up, I was whisked away into the enchanting world of the ballet, tears actually forming in my eyes. I mean, just picture this, an Italian evening in the most prestigious opera house, the magical world of the ballet unfolding before me, and…my darling pink tutu perched in my seat beside me! I swear, it just belongs in those grand spaces, all grandeur and elegance.

The Duomo is absolutely breathtaking. This enormous Gothic cathedral with its intricate spires just soars into the heavens! I climbed up to the top for the most stunning panoramic view of the city – simply unbelievable! Oh, and as if it couldn't get any more amazing, I then had the absolute pleasure of sitting down to an incredible pastry feast, so much incredible, delicious Italian pastry that I'm completely spoilt for choice! It's the little things in life, you know, but they're what make travel so enchanting!

I adore all the different styles I see on the street. It's like a fashion show right outside my window, men and women all wearing beautifully cut clothing. It's amazing. And of course, what's a trip to Milan without taking a tour of all the legendary fashion houses? Dior, Gucci, Armani – every shop I see is just bursting with incredible style, just bursting with inspiration. Every store front is practically screaming for you to enter, to buy, buy, buy! But darling, that's what makes Milan so exciting!

You just have to take a stroll around the bustling Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. It's such a beautiful indoor shopping arcade, with its domed ceiling, high windows and breathtaking stained glass artwork. Just exquisite. I just love that little space, you could spend hours there, and the people watching is truly phenomenal, darling. It’s like a symphony of style, fashion and glamour!

As for the food, oh, I haven't been able to stop talking about it. From the moment I arrived, my tastebuds have been on an extraordinary journey! I've sampled fresh, delicious pastries every morning with steaming coffee (my dear pink tutu feels quite comfortable amidst the dainty teacups and silver spoons!). The pizza I tried was simply divine - I still dream of that crisp, gooey, melt-in-your-mouth goodness! And the gelato, oh my goodness, the gelato! All sorts of fruity flavours that taste simply incredible, and of course, the creamy, silky-smooth texture just melts in your mouth, what a delight!

Oh, and darling, I've discovered the joy of trams. My little pink tutu and I have become quite fond of the trams, bouncing along the streets, taking us from one glamorous adventure to another. It feels utterly enchanting. There's just a kind of romance in seeing the city whiz past, taking it all in - the people, the street lights, the magnificent architecture… it’s like being whisked back in time, you know?

And just like the city of Milan itself, the Milan ballet scene is nothing short of inspiring. It’s a world-class haven for dance, filled with so much talent and incredible beauty. The graceful movements, the breathtaking choreography, it really fills me with awe! The very thought of all this elegance makes my little pink tutu just twirl with delight!

But my darling, there's nothing like just finding a beautiful old church or cobblestone courtyard and getting lost in it all, just soaking it up and feeling like a part of it, as if the magic of this city just flows into you. The sunshine pouring through the windows, the echoes of birdsong in the air, the sweet, enchanting smells… you feel so incredibly blessed, like the world just conspires to fill you with joy. I feel truly at home amongst all this history and artistry, like I’m stepping out of a fairy tale.

Well, my lovely, I am off to find an Italian gelato stand that I know is the absolute best. But darling, before I go, let me give you some little pink tutu wisdom: when you travel to Milan, don't forget to embrace every opportunity to fall in love! Embrace the exquisite chaos, lose yourself in the dazzling sights and sounds, and enjoy a bit of indulgence or two along the way! Because when you wear a pink tutu, the whole world is your stage and everything becomes a little more extraordinary, you just know what I mean!

Until next Monday, I’ll be living it up in Milan, so if you have any travel questions, please don't hesitate to drop me a comment on! I can’t wait to share more adventures with you next week!

Until then, my lovelies, may your life be as dazzling and inspiring as a pink tutu in the bright Italian sunshine!

With a little twirl of my pink tutu,


P.S Remember, the more pink tutus in the world, the better! You can buy your very own tutu (in all colours) from the fantastic store I've recently found on my favourite site, Etsy! It's like the ultimate source of creative talent, with absolutely beautiful tutus, handmade with so much love. Trust me, you'll be turning heads with these!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1999-10-27 ballet blog from Milano Italia