Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2000-02-09 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #244 - A Pink Paradise in Milano!

Ciao, darling tutus! 🩰 It’s Wednesday, February 9th, and your favourite pink-clad ballerina is back with another fabulously fashionable, tututilicious blog from the magical metropolis of Milan! It’s so good to be back in the city that gave the world Armani and Prada, and the city where I absolutely cannot stop shopping. 💸

This week in Milan, it's a swirling, twirling frenzy of fashion and ballet. My week has been a delicious ballet-filled buffet, starting with a morning ballet class right on the banks of the River Po, then whisking through the Duomo (a true spectacle, just like the finale of a ballet), and then finally indulging in a decadent evening of fashion and style with a show at La Scala. I've felt like I've been living a fairy tale – a fairytale with tutus, trams, and tiramisu! 🇮🇹

But before I delve into my fashion frenzy, I must confess something… my journey to Milan wasn't entirely a glamorous glide through the city's stylish streets. This week, dear tutus, I discovered the secret joy of trams! 🚃 Not just any trams, but the wonderfully wonky, wonderfully characterful Milan trams that chug and clink and whistle their way through the cobblestone streets, bringing with them the true flavour of the city. You wouldn't believe how much a bumpy, clanging tram ride can heighten the anticipation of a ballerina like me – especially when there's a shopping spree waiting for me at the end!

From Derbyshire to Milano – A Ballet of Train Journeys!

So, you might be thinking: how does a Derbyshire girl end up living her best ballet life in the heart of fashion? Well, tutus, it all starts with a love for ballet so deep, so pure, it literally drives me (or in this case, trams me!) to find every little performance, every beautiful, twirling detail!

To bring my Milanian ballet dreams to life, I perform in smaller ballet productions back in the UK. Think village halls, think intimate community centres – each one a unique opportunity to share my love for ballet and, of course, a pink tutu! The money I earn from those shows, dear friends, helps fund these magical adventures like my trip to Milan. You know, like a proper, well-funded ballerina deserves!

The train journey itself, from Derbyshire to Milan, is an adventure worthy of a whole blog post itself (perhaps I’ll dedicate one to that!), with charming landscapes flashing by like a picturesque stage set. 🏞️ And then, the excitement builds as the train slowly enters the majestic Italian cityscape, filled with the unmistakable scents of freshly baked bread, strong coffee, and, of course, a delicious, inviting aroma of fresh pink tulle! (One can always hope, right?)

A Ballet-Inspired Boutique Frenzy in Milano

My first day in Milan was dedicated to shopping – well, obviously! A visit to this glamorous city wouldn’t be complete without experiencing the glorious Milanese fashion scene. And it's safe to say, the shops here did not disappoint! They were filled with breathtaking outfits – silk scarves in every shade imaginable, dazzling dresses with elaborate details, and even a few pink tulle garments! (Sadly, they weren't tutu-shaped, but I have a feeling the right fabrics might just inspire me to make my own pink tulle dreams a reality… just you wait!).

I went wild on a beautiful floral patterned top – pink, of course! My darling tutus, you all know by now my obsession with all things pink, so a stroll through the designer shops here was pure pink paradise! I think the sales assistants must be used to a pink-clad ballerina showing up in their boutiques – they definitely didn’t bat an eyelid when I announced my desire to find a new tutu to wear for my visit to La Scala. (Turns out, Milan loves tutus as much as I do!) 🩰

And let me tell you, there is nothing more satisfying than discovering a stunning shop brimming with beautiful fabrics, perfect for unleashing your creative genius. This is why I started my “Pink Tutu” project, my dear readers. Because even when you are lost in a city as vibrant and exciting as Milan, sometimes the greatest fashion moments come from finding that perfect piece to create a brand-new tutu with your own hands!

Milan: A Ballet of Art, Fashion, and Foodie Delight

My journey wasn’t solely about pink tulle, my friends. My ballet-loving heart took me on a thrilling journey through the city's rich artistic history, which is simply breath-taking! 🎨 Walking into the magnificent Duomo with its soaring architecture was like watching a majestic ballet performance; each intricate detail, a testament to the dedication of artists throughout the ages. The history of the city unfolded before my eyes like a captivating tale spun from marble, gold, and artistic passion.

Now, a trip to Milan would never be complete without indulging in some of the delicious food and drinks the city has to offer. After all, my body needs to be fuelled for all that dancing, shopping, and, of course, the pink tutu-making!

Ballet, Coffee, and a Slice of Life in Milan

Coffee at one of Milan’s beautiful cafes is almost a ballet routine in itself – it's a rhythmic movement of espressos, cappuccinos, and delicate, swirling pastries. You can almost hear the delicate sounds of the cappuccino foam forming as if the barista is gently performing a little ballet with the milk.

As the aroma of fresh espresso filled the air and the sound of the milk frothing danced around me, I couldn't resist indulging in a delectable slice of Tiramisu. 🍰 The creamy, coffee-soaked sponge was as light and delicate as a ballerina’s pointe shoes. Every bite was a celebration of the artistry of flavour – truly a masterpiece of dessert. (Not that a tutu is just dessert, tutus are definitely the main course of life!)

The Grand Ballet of La Scala!

On my penultimate day in Milan, it was time to experience the grandeur of La Scala, the majestic opera house that embodies the magic and splendour of the city itself.

My dress? You guessed it – pink, with a hint of shimmering tulle. Because you know, dear readers, I may have left my tutu at home, but the spirit of it travelled with me all the way to Italy! And the performance at La Scala was the perfect embodiment of elegance and sophistication, every step, every twirl a reminder that even the most dazzling shows can come to an end.

As the last notes of the orchestra faded, leaving a quiet symphony of whispers throughout the theatre, I felt a little pang of bittersweet melancholy, but it was soon overshadowed by the sheer joy of having experienced something so remarkable.

The Last Tango in Milan

Milan has a way of getting into your heart and then making it skip a beat, just like the pirouettes in a ballet. And as I pack up my suitcase for my return to Derbyshire, I know I'm taking a piece of Milan with me – a feeling of the vibrant colours, the swirling rhythm, and, of course, the exquisite pink tulle that's now become an integral part of my travels.

Until next time, my dear readers!

Keep on twirling, and may your days be filled with pink!

Love always,

Emma 💕🩰

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2000-02-09 ballet blog from Milano Italia