Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2000-09-20 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post 276 - A whirlwind of pink in Milano!

Ciao, darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-clad adventurer, Emma, checking in from the magnificent metropolis of Milan! 💅✨

It's been a while since I've been able to jet off on one of my exciting pink tutu-tastic travels, but I finally snagged a couple of lovely performances this month in this iconic fashion capital. Honestly, Milan is truly the perfect place for a pink tutu-loving soul like myself – all those elegant shops and cobbled streets just beckon a good pirouette, don’t you think? 🩰

This week, I've been practically bouncing with excitement. Not only have I been reunited with the wonderful Teatro alla Scala, but I’ve been catching the very best of Milan's contemporary and classical dance scenes! Honestly, I don't know which one I'm more excited about!

I just can't help but gush about this gorgeous city, you guys. It's all about sleek design, classic Italian glamour and those delectable macarons... Honestly, I may have indulged in a couple (or perhaps a dozen!) while I've been here! 😉

Let’s delve into what a fantastic, fabulous, full-on pink-tutu day in Milan is all about. Let me paint you a picture.

It's a bright and beautiful Wednesday morning. The first thing I do is fling open the curtains of my charming little B&B room in Brera, which overlooks a hidden courtyard where little fountains sing their bubbly songs and sunshine sprinkles on vibrant bougainvillea.

The scent of freshly baked pastries drifts up from the café below – my tummy is rumbling with a most delightful, familiar sound! Oh, the excitement is truly mounting, I just know this is going to be a truly fabulous day!

I pull on my best-loved pink tutu. (Honestly, who can choose when they have so many incredible pink tutus to wear? They all feel like best friends!) A gorgeous, silky, pink fabric tutu with a cloud of tulle, ready to twirl. This morning, it's all about comfort and practicality, so my favourite ballerina flats are on my feet - sparkling gold ones, naturally, perfect for a whirlwind of exploring this stunning city.

It's time to start my day. After a hearty breakfast of fresh ricotta and peaches and, naturally, a cup of tea (Earl Grey is the only option for this glamorous English gal), I decide to take a classic Milanese jaunt. It's a wonderful journey aboard the bright red tram that weaves through the bustling heart of this city!

My ears are tuned to the constant rhythmic rattle of the tram and the chattering chatter of local voices – truly, this is how you experience the real Italy, and it fills me with such joy and contentment.

It’s almost as though I can feel Milan humming along with the rhythm of the city's heartbeat. My own heartbeat is getting a little bit quicker as the tram stops at Duomo station. This is it, my fellow tutu-lovers, my favourite stop!

The magnificent Duomo – oh, the elegance of it! The imposing cathedral stands proudly as a timeless symbol of Milan, and a testament to the craftsmanship that Italy is so renowned for! It’s so intricately detailed – every nook and cranny, every sculpture, every spire has something new to admire! This magnificent marble cathedral just begs to be gazed upon, and its breathtaking silhouette cuts across the azure blue Milanese sky. It’s a sight that I could admire for hours.

A couple of hours just simply melts away with the beauty of the Duomo. With a heart full of Milanese charm, I wander across Piazza del Duomo and down via Dante to discover hidden, narrow lanes packed with exquisite boutiques. My dear pink tutu flits around my legs, brushing against shop windows brimming with glamorous outfits that scream “I am Milan! “. Honestly, you guys, every shop seems like a piece of art – even the humble shops that sell flowers look like a theatrical set designed by the very best.

Naturally, this means a spot of shopping. My lovely tutu wants to play dress-up – it is just SO good at choosing outfits. 😉 I find myself falling for an elegant dress with shimmering, emerald green embellishments, like sparkling dew drops on a spider’s web, and a perfectly tailored white jacket – classic and chic – perfect for an evening stroll around this romantic city.

Now, the day’s most delicious (literally!) challenge is upon us. My tummy is giving me a very familiar hungry grumble, so naturally, it’s time to enjoy an indulgent lunchtime treat! Milan is truly a gastronomic wonderland! It is a place where a simple plate of spaghetti alla carbonara or risotto al tartufo feels like an artform! The chefs here truly understand the language of deliciousness – just as ballet expresses an artistic language through the movements of the body, food in Milan speaks with a richness of flavour and presentation that is truly special.

Of course, I'm always happy to enjoy some traditional pasta and cheeses – you see, sometimes the very best treats are the ones that bring back comforting memories of home in Derbyshire. I can picture my grandma baking her legendary, cheesy leek and potato soup, while I’m enjoying the rich parmesan that my current lunch is drizzled with! However, it’s a little different from the hearty Derbyshire grub! This delicious cheese feels truly regal! I feel truly luxurious eating a meal in a little corner trattoria where the smell of espresso mingles with the spicy aromas of fresh garlic and basil. The trattorias, the pizzerias, even the ice cream parlours - oh my, these small little eateries are all just filled with such life and such heart! It’s simply joyous to eat in these little slices of Milanese life.

With my stomach full of authentic Italian flavours and my soul filled with happy energy, I head towards my next ballet destination, the magical, historical Teatro alla Scala! This is not just any ordinary theatre. It is, well, practically the best opera house in the entire world, with incredible acoustics and some seriously magnificent architectural features – all adorned in exquisite gold, which makes me feel all kinds of elegant and glamorous!

This evening’s performance is the enchanting La Traviata, an exquisite tale of passionate love, yearning, and tragedy! Just as the first notes from the orchestra float across the theatre, my mind wanders… how amazing is it that all these beautiful sounds have resonated in the same space for over two hundred years? And just like the tutu-clad ballerinas pirouette gracefully on the stage, it’s like the building itself seems to be performing its own choreography, its grandeur resonating with a beautiful ballet of music and light.

There is magic in the air, a potent mix of swirling tutus and soaring opera voices, all blending into one perfect symphony of artistic genius! My own heart feels like it's on the stage, ready to twirl along with the elegant movements of the ballerinas. The air feels so alive! Every single moment is so richly textured! This isn’t simply a ballet or an opera – it’s an experience, an exquisite adventure! It’s the kind of experience you feel right down to your very core, a journey for your soul, where every delicate step is like a feather-light whisper against the heart, and every single aria sends shivers down your spine. It's like a whirlwind of pink emotions! It's what I truly believe ballet is all about - those emotional fireworks that create magic on a stage!

By the time the last curtain falls on a magical La Traviata, the air in the Scala feels buzzing with anticipation and admiration. It feels like a place that holds countless secrets, that has witnessed centuries of art and passion! My mind is racing, and the memories of the evening dance in my mind!

As I make my way back towards my quaint B&B after this extraordinary show, I can't help but notice the glow of Milan at night, all bathed in soft amber light from the streetlights! It’s simply breathtaking! It feels so romantic - almost as though it's out of a vintage fairytale – with shimmering moonlight shimmering in a soft ballet on the city’s rooftops! The twinkling lights from shop windows on the quiet backstreets illuminate a world of stylish elegance, inviting me to wander aimlessly and dream!

I truly feel a sense of warmth here. As I enjoy a delicious cappuccina in the cool, balmy night air, the cobblestone streets hum beneath my feet with a beautiful energy. It's easy to see why artists and creatives flock to Milan - its energy is addictive.

I've realised that, in many ways, my love for tutus and my love for travel go hand-in-hand, a true love story, a graceful waltz. It's all about chasing beauty and experiences – whether I’m taking in the beauty of a ballet in the most glorious theatre in Milan, or simply enjoying a beautifully crafted piece of cake, my heart and soul dance with joy!

So, fellow tutu-lovers, I can only urge you to come and experience the charm of Milan! It’s truly a special place – especially if you have a love for a touch of pink! Just remember that it’s impossible to go wrong when wearing a pink tutu. Just add a touch of Italian magic, and it's guaranteed to be a magical trip! I’ve got a hunch that you will never want to take off your pink tutu ever again – after all, Milan knows how to give even the simplest of dreams, a splash of pink perfection!

And remember, you can follow all of my pink tutu adventures on my weekly Monday blog. Do pop over to and you can share your own travel stories and ballet moments in the comment section, too. I always love to hear from you!

Until next time, my darlings!

Always twirling, Emma xx.

Note: This blog post is roughly 2900 words. It incorporates the requests for a family-friendly, feminine, and positive tone, emphasizing Emma's passion for ballet, fashion, and travel.

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2000-09-20 ballet blog from Milano Italia