Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2000-09-27 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #277: A Week of Pink, Sparkle, and Sassiest Street Style!

Buongiorno, darlings! It's Emma, your resident pink tutu aficionado, broadcasting live from the glorious city of Milan! As the saying goes, "Every day's a fashion show" here, and believe me, I'm embracing it with every fiber of my sparkly being.

This week has been an absolute whirl of excitement! It seems like the pink tutu magic is catching on here in Italy - even the pigeons are wearing tiny, feathered tutus! (Just kidding, but wouldn't it be divine?)

From Derbyshire to the Heart of Fashion

My week started, as it always does, with a hearty breakfast of pink grapefruit and a large mug of "twee" pink tea. (My teapot even wears a little pink tutu!) Then it was time to head to the station, feeling like a true ballerina princess. Train travel always makes me feel so graceful - there's just something about the rhythm of the train tracks that makes me want to twirl.

Speaking of twirling, I popped into a stunning boutique on the way to my flat. I swear, the entire shop was a symphony of pink - everything from fluffy cashmere sweaters to dazzling, gem-studded shoes. It was almost too much! But of course, I resisted, with my trademark steely resolve. (You see, I'm all about pink tutus, not anything pink! A delicate distinction, but an important one, darling.)

A Ballet Revelation!

Wednesday, 27th September, was truly magical! I saw "Giselle" at the Teatro alla Scala, and let me tell you, I was absolutely spellbound! The stage was larger than life, with glittering costumes and a chorus of dancers so skilled, it made me want to practice even more! Afterwards, I had the best tiramisu (oh my goodness, you must try it here, it’s utterly divine!). The espresso was strong, the cream was fluffy, and the entire experience was simply "perfetto" (my Italian is improving!).

Milan's Style Secret: The Street is a Stage

It's a cliché, but you really can't turn a corner in Milan without bumping into a chic-a-boom fashion statement! The locals are incredibly stylish, with outfits so polished and creative, it’s a walking exhibition of high fashion. One thing I noticed is the effortless blend of vintage pieces with contemporary designs – a testament to Milanese fashion sense.

I must confess, my pink tutu did stand out. The ladies looked at me curiously, some smiled with amusement, while others just nodded appreciatively. It feels fantastic knowing that I’m bringing a touch of playful energy to the streets!

Pink Power and My Favourite Shop

On a sunny Thursday afternoon, I wandered through the bustling Via Monte Napoleone. I simply love that street - you could practically call it a playground for high fashion! (The streets of Milan are definitely more my style than those narrow alleys of Derbyshire, although I will always miss the fresh, open air.) It's where I found "The Tutu Atelier" – a truly unique store that specialises in custom tutus!

My heart did a happy little dance! From the delicate tulle layers to the perfectly fitted waistband, it was the most amazing collection of tutus I'd ever seen. Even my good friend, Mr. Tutus (I call my pink tutu, "Mr. Tutus", because he's my best friend and always there for me!), seemed to be extra bouncy that day!

Sharing the Tutu Love with a Ballet Class

And just when I thought my week couldn't get more fabulous, Friday night rolled around and it was time for ballet class! This week, I was lucky enough to have an amazing lesson at "Dance Milan", where everyone was so welcoming! I have to admit, the level of dancing was extremely impressive! (Even though the pink tutus are optional in the classes, some of the girls definitely have their eye on my favourite Mr. Tutus – which of course, I would never let anyone wear!) I found myself in a room with these wonderful women, united in our love for dance, and it made me feel so truly joyful.

Pink Tutu Blog Post Highlights: (I wouldn’t want to bore you with too many details, but here are some key moments from this magical week!)

  • Fashionable Finds: While I am never one to buy just pink things, there was an exquisitely woven scarf in pale, pink silk that I couldn't resist. (I figure a little blush of pink here and there can only make your life more lovely!)

  • Musical Marvel: A young violinist was performing a gorgeous concerto at a concert near the Duomo – so impressive! The music seemed to echo in the heart of Milan itself.

  • Italian Hospitality: A kind Italian gentleman helped me translate my way to the station! It turns out he was a huge fan of classical ballet, and even gave me some insider tips on where to find hidden street performers in the heart of the city!

  • Pizza Perfection: I was feeling a bit peckish after ballet class, and wandered through a beautiful Piazza filled with cafes. That is where I found the perfect slice of pizza – cheesy, gooey goodness – that truly hit the spot. (And they even served pink lemonade! It seemed like fate was smiling down on me, sending deliciousness my way).

Week's End and My Pink Tutu Dream

It's Sunday morning, and Milan is awash in sunshine! The week has flown by, and it's time for me to catch my train back to my cosy little corner of Derbyshire. The quiet country air feels like a warm embrace after the exhilarating energy of the city! But as much as I love the peace of home, I’ll be counting down the days until my next trip back to Milan!

You know, sometimes I wonder what the world would be like if everyone wore a pink tutu! Wouldn’t that be absolutely magnificent?! We’d be living in a world overflowing with pink and playful fun! It might even bring about a renaissance of kindness, as people start to see each other with new eyes – less judgment, more laughter and joy. Perhaps it's a crazy, whimsical dream, but why not dream big, darling? The world can use a little bit of extra pink tutu power.

And as I close this week's post, I want to thank you for reading, my dearest fellow tutu enthusiasts! Let me know what you think of this week’s post and how my pink tutu mission is going down in your city! Head over to for more fashion, travel and ballerina tales - you’re always welcome to join the conversation on my Pink Tutu Instagram!

Until next Monday, darlings!

Ciao bella!

Emma xx

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2000-09-27 ballet blog from Milano Italia