Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2000-10-04 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post 278 - Wednesday, October 4th, 2000 - A Day in the City of Dreams (and tutus!)

Ciao Bella!

The Italian sunshine is kissing my face as I sip my cappuccino, watching the hustle and bustle of Milan unfold outside my window. I can't believe it's already Wednesday! The days here in Milan whizz by faster than a pirouette in the middle of a performance. I feel so incredibly lucky to be exploring this magical city - it truly feels like the backdrop to a fairytale, or maybe a chic opera!

This week, my pink tutu has been twirling through some of the most enchanting corners of Milan. And, of course, no visit to Milan would be complete without a touch of pink, so my favourite hue has been popping up everywhere! It’s everywhere you look here in this beautiful city, from the vibrant bougainvillaea blooming in the courtyard of my hotel to the glorious pink sorbet I indulged in after a particularly taxing rehearsal.

Speaking of rehearsals, let me tell you all about it! The Teatro alla Scala has been buzzing with rehearsals this week for a new production of 'Giselle' and it has me all aflutter with anticipation! Imagine, the magnificent grandeur of La Scala, paired with the tragic beauty of 'Giselle', with a backdrop of Milan's stunning cityscape... sigh It's enough to make a girl's heart skip a beat. I managed to get a sneak peek at some of the rehearsals, and let me tell you, these dancers are truly phenomenal. Every arabesque, every jeté, was executed with such passion and grace. I even met a charming young Italian ballerina, Bianca, who I just know will be a star. We're already planning a trip to see a ballet together.

And if you're thinking of heading to Milan yourselves, do take a wander down the Corso Buenos Aires. I spotted the most magnificent shop front displaying the most delightful collection of pink ballerina shoes! It's like my heart skipped a beat for every shade and style they had on display. You can't go to Milan and not see the Milan Cathedral. It is simply stunning. But you know me, I always try to bring a touch of whimsy to even the most serious occasions, and guess what? I decided to take a few snaps of my tutu outside the cathedral – after all, every building deserves a splash of pink!

My exploration of Milan doesn't just stop at the usual tourist hotspots! I'm finding the charm of Milan in the everyday: the scent of freshly brewed coffee wafting from a small cafe, the rhythmic clatter of tram tracks against the cobblestones, the friendly smiles of the locals. It’s the little things that really add up, don't you think?

Even my commute to the Teatro alla Scala is an adventure in itself! This city boasts such a vibrant network of trams and trains that it feels like a glamorous ballet itself. And, you wouldn't believe it, but on one particular trip, I saw a group of students with bright pink tutus! My mission is slowly but surely spreading - to fill the world with pink tutus, one dance at a time! It seems that even in the fashion-forward city of Milan, people are starting to get the pink tutu bug.

But here’s the truth, my dears. Milan isn't all about the glamour and glitz, even though I do love to indulge in both! The true soul of this city is found in its heart - in the warm hospitality of the locals, in the buzzing energy of its streets, and in the captivating beauty that seems to permeate every cobbled corner.

But my Milan diary isn’t complete without some serious shopping! My dear friend Serena, an incredible stylist and fellow ballerina, took me to some of the most fashionable corners of the city. I came home with a magnificent floral printed blouse, an impossibly elegant pink silk scarf, and a pair of sparkling silver shoes that are just screaming to be worn for my next big performance. She knows me so well, wouldn’t you say?

So, here I am in my favourite pink silk nightgown, with the lights of Milan twinkling through my window, thinking back over my day and feeling so grateful to be here. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

Before I go, here’s a sneak peek of what's coming up next in my Milan adventures: A visit to the beautiful Museo Poldi Pezzoli with its amazing collection of fine art and furniture, followed by an exciting afternoon spent watching the artists of the Teatro alla Scala rehearsing for the upcoming production of 'Carmen'. This is going to be a performance I won’t miss!

Until next Monday, keep those pink tutus twirling! Ciao for now!

P.S. Don't forget to check out the website. It's full of inspiring photos, tips on how to rock your pink tutu, and links to some of my favourite stores that are sure to make you twirl with delight!

Emma xo

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2000-10-04 ballet blog from Milano Italia