Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2001-06-06 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #313 – Milan Calling! 🩰🇮🇹

Wednesday, 6th June 2001

Ciao bella! It's Emma here, fresh off the train from a whirlwind tour of the Dolomites. You wouldn't believe the scenery! Snow-capped peaks, crystal-clear lakes, and wildflowers as far as the eye could see. Just picture it: me, twirling in my pink tutu against the backdrop of such majestic beauty - absolutely divine! It's no surprise the Dolomites inspired the famous ballet "La Sonnambula," now that's a real-life fairy tale.

Anyway, I'm back in Milan now, and as much as I love the mountains, nothing beats the vibrancy of this city. It's like a giant stage, filled with its own unique performance! This week, it's all about Milan Fashion Week, and darling, you just have to see the outfits! We're talking sequins, feathers, head-to-toe pink – oh, the things I dream of owning! I've got my eye on a fabulous new tutu from Atelier Chouchou, you know, that darling little boutique tucked away in a side street just off Via Montenapoleone. It's like a haven for tutus – every colour imaginable!

Speaking of pink, I saw the most amazing pink Lamborghini today! It literally took my breath away! It was parked outside Teatro alla Scala, the famous opera house, where I’m heading this evening to see "La Traviata". Opera and ballet are my weakness, darling! The passion, the costumes, the music… I always leave the theatre feeling inspired.

To prepare for my big night, I’m getting all dolled up at Gucci's flagship store, the ultimate shopping destination for a girly-girl like myself. It’s the perfect blend of Italian style and flamboyant fashion - just like me! The atmosphere is just electric! All these high-end shops are like a stage, and I’m about to steal the show!

Oh, before I go, a little peek into what I've been up to! You see, this blog wouldn't be the same without a good dose of my daily life! My day started with a leisurely walk around the city center, dodging tourists and taking in the sights of this architectural wonder. Milan is all about history, art, and fashion. I love how every corner reveals something new, whether it's a stunning Duomo vista or a hidden alleyway filled with street art.

Of course, no visit to Milan is complete without a tram ride! The trams are just so… romantic. There's a timeless quality about them. Picture me sitting in the corner, tutu twirling slightly, enjoying the bustling city life go by - a real picture! I even bumped into this sweet old lady who offered me a piece of her "Torrone," this delicious nutty candy. She was so proud of it and told me all about how it was her son's special recipe - truly a taste of authentic Italy.

Now, speaking of special recipes, I'm just craving a slice of panna cotta. It’s a light, delicate dessert, perfect for a summer day like this. And where better to get it than Pasticceria Marchesi, one of Milan's oldest and most luxurious patisseries? They say the secret's in the whipped cream – and trust me, it's heavenly!

Of course, a girl can’t be out in the beautiful Milan sun without looking her best, so my trusty Chanel sunglasses are always with me. Oh, the glam! I do love how my life in this magical city reflects in their reflection – all those shiny details and beautiful light! And to top off the whole ensemble, a Hermès scarf with my initials on it - an extra dash of luxury for the queen of pink tutus, don't you agree?

Anyway, I must dash now - tonight's all about the "Traviata"! Don’t forget to check out my blog every Monday, darlings. Stay twirling and spread the pink tutu love!

Bisous, Emma

*P.S. *Don’t forget, this week’s blog post is a little different – I've been on the go! Stay tuned next week for a real pink-tutu extravaganza filled with everything Milan has to offer! And who knows? Maybe I'll even try to learn a little Italian – "Ciao Bella!" might come in handy!

P.P.S As you all know, my ballet career is more than just a passion - it's my way to explore the world. So many beautiful ballet performances all over the world are how I make my dreams of travelling come true. You could say it's all "En Pointe" when it comes to travel funding!

P.P.P.S Don’t forget – to get all the latest updates from me, you can always visit the website!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2001-06-06 ballet blog from Milano Italia