Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2001-06-13 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post 314 - Buongiorno, Bella! (And a little something about June 13th, 2001)

Ciao bella!

Welcome back to Pink Tutu Milan, your weekly dose of pink, tutus, and all things beautiful. Today's post takes us on a whirlwind tour of Milan, all decked out in my favourite shade of pink, naturally. And yes, you guessed it – tutu is on, darling! I wouldn't dream of being anywhere without it!

Before I spill the tea on Milan, a little bit of news for all my fellow lovers of the lyrical arts. This week we are celebrating a very special date, the 13th of June, 2001! Why? Because that’s the day my favourite ever performance of The Sleeping Beauty took place. Yes, the one with the most captivating Aurora, the most daring Prince, and those gorgeous tutus – truly breathtaking! It took place at the La Scala opera house here in Milan and oh my, it was simply divine.

How a Derbyshire girl found her way to Milan

It might seem strange – a little Derbyshire girl with dreams of tutus finding herself in the glamorous fashion capital of the world. But you see, my passion for ballet has taken me all over! I learned the art from a young age, in a little village hall back home. Those hours of practice, those endless pliés and pirouettes, it all led me to the incredible opportunity to dance with a company here in Milan. It was a big leap of faith, leaving Derbyshire and all I knew to chase my passion in this gorgeous city, but honestly? It was the best decision I ever made!

And speaking of my passion, you all know I can’t resist sharing my favourite moments – both on stage and off! I even make a little extra to fund my travels with my dancing, which you all know means I have some incredible adventures to share!

A week in Milan

This week has been a blur of tutus and tramlines, with plenty of delicious Italian pasta squeezed in for good measure. It's been a total treat for the senses, and of course, the ultimate pink tutu haven!

Firstly, let’s talk shopping! My favourite part of Milan is undeniably the endless boutiques and designers – we're talking Chanel, Armani, Prada...the list goes on. Now, it’s no secret that a good, old-fashioned shopping spree is a necessity for any well-dressed ballerina, right? I just have to be perfectly on-trend with all the latest styles. Let’s face it, Milan's a shopper’s paradise! And with my Pink Tutu earnings, it’s amazing what a girl can do!

I’m currently obsessed with a blush pink silk dress that I found in a charming little boutique just off Via Montenapoleone. It’s practically begging to be twirled in! It’s going to be perfect for that next show. And speaking of shows… I had to treat myself to a performance by the Teatro alla Scala Opera House, because who doesn't love a good operatic evening! This performance was a stunningly beautiful interpretation of Puccini’s La Bohème, full of passion, elegance and absolutely incredible costumes – not to mention some beautifully dramatic sets.

But it’s not all just fancy dress shops and elegant operas, you know. I love to just wander through Milan, letting myself get lost in the cobbled streets and the vibrant atmosphere of the piazzas, a gelato in hand. My favourite spot is the Duomo. That cathedral? Magnificent! It's one of the most incredible examples of Gothic architecture I've ever seen. And don't even get me started on the pink and white marble detailing – just heavenly!

Then, there’s the Duomo Square… it's an experience! It's always bursting with life and full of locals and tourists alike – everyone snapping photos and taking in the breathtaking sights. There's also this incredible tram system which whizzes around, always busy transporting everyone around town! But what I love is how stylish Milan is… they have the most gorgeous trams too – I even spotted a whole tram with a beautiful pink design, naturally! Oh, and of course, they've all got these sleek pink and white "Milano" posters inside. Very Chic!

Milan through a ballerina's eyes

The city itself feels like it's been designed by an incredibly creative ballet choreographer, don't you think? Even just strolling around the city, there’s an air of grace and elegant beauty about it that I find incredibly inspiring.

I actually discovered an incredible little ballet class on one of my city adventures. The ballet studio is called “L’ Atelier”, and is run by a former professional ballerina. The moment I walked through the doors, I just knew this place was special! She is an incredible teacher and the studio has a very magical energy about it. I really need to pop in for another class soon – who knows, it may inspire me to put on a new ballet piece for a future show!

And what is a ballerina's life without some delicious food and wine? Every little bistro and trattoria you can think of in Milan is so full of vibrant life. I have to say that this city just knows how to do Italian food – the pizzas, pasta, risotto... I can never have too much. I do love to take in the city from a charming little Italian restaurant overlooking a square and soak up all the hustle and bustle! It just makes me appreciate what a wonderful adventure it’s been for me so far! I know this post is already quite long but I simply can't resist sharing just a few of the culinary delights I have been enjoying this week:

  • I discovered the most amazing fresh seafood pasta in this cute little spot off Via Monte Napoleone. It's the perfect spot for watching the world go by whilst tucking into some delicious Italian food, it's truly one of those perfect Milan moments!

  • I couldn’t possibly visit Milan and not try a traditional “risotto alla milanese,” so I ordered it in one of those hidden little trattorias which you can only find if you're truly adventurous with the Milan map!

  • And, let’s be honest, my all-time favourite: gelato. I have this adorable pink and white gelateria a couple of streets down from my apartment. The owner always puts little hearts made of chocolate sauce on the top of my favourite strawberry gelato, too sweet!

Making a splash with the pink tutu

But you know me – it wouldn't be a Pink Tutu blog without a touch of pink tutu-powered excitement, right? So, this week, I challenged myself to incorporate my beloved pink tutu into as many situations as possible in the beautiful city of Milan! I thought I’d bring a touch of Derbyshire to the stylish streets of Milano, and believe me, I definitely got some stares along the way!

Here are my top Pink Tutu moments from this week in Milan:

  • I sported my pink tutu as I strolled through the vibrant shopping districts of the city. I felt like the star of the show on that runway. Everyone loves a touch of magic!

  • I used my tutu as a prop as I did my morning workout session at a lovely local public garden! (Spoiler alert: you need an awful lot of space to be able to kick your leg right up in the air in a tutu, it’s way more impressive if you're practicing your moves in a studio...!)

  • The other dancers from my ballet company loved my “Pink Tutu Wednesday” idea, and we made our very own little ballet performance in one of the most iconic places in the city… you guessed it, the Duomo! Let me tell you, that really made heads turn!

  • And my absolute highlight was a super fun dance party that my ballet classmates threw in my honour, all in the name of “Pink Tutu Milan!”

There is truly nowhere in the world quite as full of style, beauty, grace, and a dash of that sweet Pink Tutu energy like Milan! It’s really the ultimate fusion of elegance and artistic inspiration, so naturally it has to be my home away from home.

Until next time… Ciao bella!

Your girl, Emma XOXO

P.S. Don't forget to visit for all your Pink Tutu Milan fix! We update every Monday with the latest blogs from Milan, alongside other gorgeous pictures from my ballet adventures. I hope to see you all next Monday for a brand new post about my travels in the fantastic fashion capital!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2001-06-13 ballet blog from Milano Italia