Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2001-08-01 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: #321 - A Day Filled with Rosa & Ritornello!

Ciao from Milano, darlings! It's Emma here, and this week, Milan has been such a whirlwind of rosa, glamour, and of course, tutu-licious delights!

Welcome to Pink Tutu Milan, the blog where every Monday we journey through the colourful and inspiring world of ballet and fashion. And this week, oh darling, it’s a real beauty! Just imagine, sun-drenched piazzas, charming cafés, the vibrant buzz of city life... and me, waltzing through it all in my favourite pink tutu (it's a new one, you'll have to see it!)

It's a long way from Derbyshire, where I used to practice at the local dance studio... but that doesn't mean my journey's over! You see, dear readers, life is an ongoing, gorgeous, pink tutu-filled pirouette. This week in Milan has been proof of that, and today, I'm excited to share all the magical moments with you.

So grab your favourite cup of tea, put on a tune that makes you twirl (mine is Vivaldi, by the way!), and get ready to dive into the vibrant tapestry that is Pink Tutu Milan!

Monday in Milan: Shopping & Swan Lake!

Mondays, let's face it, can sometimes be a little, shall we say... uninspiring. Not this Monday, though. I arrived at my lovely Milan Airbnb at sunrise, a perfectly pink and sparkly dawn to start the week. A cuppa (always a necessity!), then out into the sunshine for a spot of exploring. Milan has such beautiful cobblestone streets! It’s almost as if they were made for swirling a pink tutu in.

After that, it was straight to the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, that beautiful, historic shopping arcade, for some Rosa-tinted window shopping (I couldn’t resist buying a stunning new, bright pink fedora – my head simply needed it!) It's a magnificent place, all grand marble and wrought iron – definitely a tutu-worthy setting!

This was the perfect prelude to the evening's highlight, and the reason for my trip. A gorgeous ballet production of Swan Lake! It’s at the iconic Teatro alla Scala, and darlings, it's the most stunning theatre! I've been yearning to see it for years. The performances were just incredible, with breathtaking dance routines, a sweeping orchestra, and the most incredible sets and costumes. As a budding ballerina, there's no better way to spend a Monday, is there?

Afterwards, there was the most adorable gelato I've ever had, by the Teatro, which truly sealed the deal. Milan was beginning to feel like a second home already!

Tuesday in Milan: Street Dancing & Teatro Nuovo

Oh, the weather on Tuesday in Milan! Perfect for exploring and getting lost in its artistic streets, and who better to do it with than the pink tutu herself?! I absolutely adore Milan's street performers, so I found myself twirling around with the crowds in Piazza del Duomo all afternoon. You just know you're in Italy when you can walk past opera singers and acrobats all day!

For an afternoon treat, I discovered a hidden little tea shop, tucked away in the heart of a charming alleyway. It was filled with beautiful china teacups, cakes galore, and the most delightful pink china. Oh, darling! It was simply blissful, a perfectly British escape from the bustling streets of Milan. I must confess, it felt as if I had transported to the setting of a beautiful regency novel for an afternoon!

The highlight of my Tuesday though was the performance at the Teatro Nuovo. What a magnificent space, designed by one of the city’s most renowned architects – all gilded gold and velvet, simply exquisite. I’m absolutely addicted to live music, and there was a young pianist who gave a phenomenal performance. It's no surprise that Italy has been home to musical giants throughout history. This show was truly inspiring.

Tuesday evening culminated with an aperitivo in a cute little restaurant around the corner from my apartment. As you’ve likely figured, the best part was the music! I always appreciate venues where the owner doesn't shy away from letting patrons hear some tunes after their evening meals. A light evening waltz, I felt my feet thumping to the rhythm!

Wednesday: Tram Ride to Navigli & a Surprise Ballet Class!

It's almost time to pack up and leave Milan, sniffle (yes, sniffle, my darling!), but it's not before one last, truly enchanting Wednesday! I started my day in Milan’s vibrant Navigli district, home to an array of shops, art galleries and so many cafés! This area feels wonderfully vibrant, and my love for the artistic spirit of Italy was really awakened. I spent a blissful hour enjoying a delicious capuccino, watching the boats meander up and down the picturesque canals, the morning sun glinting on the water. Such beauty.

A walk to Museo Poldi Pezzoli is the perfect opportunity to see a classic collection of Italian art and furnishings - truly inspiring and a little piece of history in this gorgeous city!

It’s all too easy to lose yourself in the bustling city, but Wednesday is full of surprises. In a hidden, cobblestone alley, I stumbled upon the most beautiful, bright pink studio. The sign outside proclaimed it to be a dance studio. Oh, darling, you know how my feet went right in there for an impromptu class. It was pure bliss. My dear friend from my Derbyshire dance studio always said to find inspiration in your dance journeys, wherever they might take you, and what a way to do so in the city of fashion! I joined the group, an assortment of local dancers of all ages, and you know what? * The class was *fabulous. We practiced graceful pirouettes, flowing arabesques, and I even got to try some stunning, new pas de bourrées which I had never done before.

That night I enjoyed a beautiful dinner, and by the time I reached my Airbnb I felt exhausted but incredibly satisfied with my three days in the magnificent city of Milan! I was ready for sleep, and ready for the return journey to Derbyshire...

* Pink Tutu Takeaways:*

Well, that was my amazing adventure in Milan. Now I’ve really got a pink-tinged affection for the city, that's for sure.

I just wanted to share a couple of things that really stood out to me on my trip.

First: There's a magic in this city, in its people and its culture, and I absolutely adore how Italy is celebrating its own creative spirit. Milan’s a place where people have such passion for the arts. It was inspiring to see that so many people take their dancing, ballet, music and visual arts so seriously, from the grand Teatro alla Scala to the little dance studios nestled in the most beautiful alleys, and to watch it become a part of their daily lives. It made my soul truly sing!

Second: You never know when the right opportunity might present itself, even on your travels! As a ballet dancer, being able to just waltz into that bright pink studio, and join in with some fellow dancers for a fabulous class… well, what could be more divine? Don’t hesitate to embrace those unplanned detours. They often bring the most joy!

Lastly: Italy’s the place for all my favourite colours – and what I truly believe in is embracing the right* colours. My pink tutu became such a beautiful statement piece, not just on the stage but even against a background of marble, ochre walls and gorgeous golden mosaics, as it stood out against Milan’s historical streets and gorgeous piazzas. I know what I believe: we all deserve to live life in colour, embrace every day as if it were a showstopper of its own! So do yourself a favour, wear some pink, wear that gorgeous tutu, and be bold, * darling*!

Remember, every week we are right here in the digital world, on with new blog posts every Monday, to share our passion for everything pink and ballet! See you next week!

P.S.: A little reminder...

Remember the power of pink. It's more than just a colour. It's an expression of confidence, love, and joyful creativity!

Don't be afraid to wear pink!

Embrace pink and let it become the expression of your inner diva. And be sure to tag me @Emma_pinktutu in your pink photos – I’d love to see you all making the most of pink, and even more, getting those tutus on!

The Colourful Conclusion:

Now that’s what I like to call a Pink Tutu Milan! Remember my dearest blog readers – embrace all things beautiful, pink, and ballet. Live each moment in style, twirl like there's no tomorrow, and let your light shine, oh, darling!

Until next Monday, and I can’t wait to hear what colour your life is filled with!



#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2001-08-01 ballet blog from Milano Italia