Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2001-11-07 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - #335: A Ballet-Filled Adventure in the City of Fashion!

Wednesday, 7th November 2001

Buongiorno, darlings!

Well, I've finally made it to Milan, and it's even more fabulous than I could have imagined. The air is buzzing with excitement, just like a packed theatre on opening night. Everywhere I look, there are beautiful buildings, chic boutiques bursting with exquisite fabrics, and people with such flair and style.

It's only been a couple of days, but already, this trip is exceeding all expectations.

The journey from Derbyshire to Milan was such a lovely adventure. A journey filled with so many delights – starting with the thrill of finding the perfect shade of pink to wear on the train journey! It's the "Parisian Pink," I think they called it – delicate, almost a whisper of colour, yet utterly captivating. It's the perfect complement to my favourite pink tutu, a vintage gem I snagged at a vintage boutique back in Derbyshire.

As we zipped through the English countryside, a sea of green interspersed with vibrant bursts of autumnal reds and golds, I couldn't resist twirling in the aisle of the train, feeling every ounce of ballet magic flowing through me. My fellow passengers, who had been a little shy at first, quickly became swept up in the moment, and the carriage echoed with our joyful, rhythmic giggles as we practiced our "pas de deux," pretending to be dancers on a glamorous tour. The atmosphere on the train felt as joyous as a rehearsal on a crisp Monday morning – with a sprinkle of champagne magic, of course!

Arriving at Milano Centrale, a majestic cathedral of trains, was thrilling. The place just crackled with anticipation. I grabbed a delicious panini and settled down on a bench, mesmerized by the ebb and flow of people, their vibrant fashion and bustling energy a mesmerizing choreography all its own.

Oh, darling, it's a delight just watching the way Milanese people dress!

Today, after a blissful morning of window-shopping, I indulged in a leisurely walk around the Piazza del Duomo, my eyes feasting on the architectural masterpieces and the graceful curves of the statues. The entire scene feels like a perfect ballet set!

I then indulged in the ultimate afternoon delight - a performance by the La Scala Ballet at the Teatro alla Scala, a building as majestic and beautiful as a palace. And the ballet! Absolutely divine, like a dreamscape spun from tulle and light. It was "La Sylphide," with its captivating blend of grace, drama, and lyrical beauty, and the dancers, oh, they were phenomenal! Their movement was like silk rippling on a wind, their jumps as effortless as birds in flight. It truly felt like witnessing the very essence of artistry!

Later, as the lights dimmed in the magnificent Teatro alla Scala, and the music faded to a hushed silence, I caught myself yearning for my own stage, to dance under the watchful eyes of the city lights, my tutu swirling like a pink halo of passion. Perhaps I could get a performance booked in Milan! I wouldn't need a grand stage. Any place would do, just as long as I could share my love of ballet with this wonderfully enthusiastic city!

This evening, however, the grand performance was already over, and it was time for a simple dinner – but don't you worry, my darling, it wasn't a simple experience!

Imagine this: a quiet trattoria tucked away down a cobblestone street, draped in fairy lights, the scent of oregano and fresh herbs filling the air. A tiny wooden table, set with starched white linen, and the sweetest, kindest Italian family serving dishes fit for a ballerina princess! A plate of perfectly cooked spaghetti with fresh tomatoes, a glass of refreshing Pinot Grigio, and the feeling of pure Italian magic in the air. The warmth, the friendliness, and the delectable taste were like a ballet on the palate, a delicate and precise dance of flavours that kept me dancing through the night.

Of course, the grand finale was my nightly ritual, the essential routine that keeps my heart beating for ballet: a little pirouette under the watchful gaze of the Duomo, my tutu reflecting the city's glow, a feeling of pure bliss, and then, a gentle curtsy to the stars for making it all possible.

Tomorrow, I have plans for some serious shopping - Milan is like a giant candy shop of couture for me, a paradise where I could spend hours just looking at the fabrics, the colours, the designs! It's going to be another exhilarating adventure, so be sure to tune in again next Monday for all the juicy details of my Milan escapades.

Until next time, darling! Remember to twirl, be brave, and wear pink tutus!

Ciao bella!


#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2001-11-07 ballet blog from Milano Italia